// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE (function(mod) { if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); else // Plain browser env mod(CodeMirror); })(function(CodeMirror) { "use strict"; var noOptions = {}; var nonWS = /[^\s\u00a0]/; var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos; function firstNonWS(str) { var found = str.search(nonWS); return found == -1 ? 0 : found; } CodeMirror.commands.toggleComment = function(cm) { cm.toggleComment(); }; CodeMirror.defineExtension("toggleComment", function(options) { if (!options) options = noOptions; var cm = this; var minLine = Infinity, ranges = this.listSelections(), mode = null; for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var from = ranges[i].from(), to = ranges[i].to(); if (from.line >= minLine) continue; if (to.line >= minLine) to = Pos(minLine, 0); minLine = from.line; if (mode == null) { if (cm.uncomment(from, to, options)) mode = "un"; else { cm.lineComment(from, to, options); mode = "line"; } } else if (mode == "un") { cm.uncomment(from, to, options); } else { cm.lineComment(from, to, options); } } }); // Rough heuristic to try and detect lines that are part of multi-line string function probablyInsideString(cm, pos, line) { return /\bstring\b/.test(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(pos.line, 0))) && !/^[\'\"\`]/.test(line) } function getMode(cm, pos) { var mode = cm.getMode() return mode.useInnerComments === false || !mode.innerMode ? mode : cm.getModeAt(pos) } CodeMirror.defineExtension("lineComment", function(from, to, options) { if (!options) options = noOptions; var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from); var firstLine = self.getLine(from.line); if (firstLine == null || probablyInsideString(self, from, firstLine)) return; var commentString = options.lineComment || mode.lineComment; if (!commentString) { if (options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart) { options.fullLines = true; self.blockComment(from, to, options); } return; } var end = Math.min(to.ch != 0 || to.line == from.line ? to.line + 1 : to.line, self.lastLine() + 1); var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding; var blankLines = options.commentBlankLines || from.line == to.line; self.operation(function() { if (options.indent) { var baseString = null; for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) { var line = self.getLine(i); var whitespace = line.slice(0, firstNonWS(line)); if (baseString == null || baseString.length > whitespace.length) { baseString = whitespace; } } for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) { var line = self.getLine(i), cut = baseString.length; if (!blankLines && !nonWS.test(line)) continue; if (line.slice(0, cut) != baseString) cut = firstNonWS(line); self.replaceRange(baseString + commentString + pad, Pos(i, 0), Pos(i, cut)); } } else { for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) { if (blankLines || nonWS.test(self.getLine(i))) self.replaceRange(commentString + pad, Pos(i, 0)); } } }); }); CodeMirror.defineExtension("blockComment", function(from, to, options) { if (!options) options = noOptions; var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from); var startString = options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart; var endString = options.blockCommentEnd || mode.blockCommentEnd; if (!startString || !endString) { if ((options.lineComment || mode.lineComment) && options.fullLines != false) self.lineComment(from, to, options); return; } if (/\bcomment\b/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(from.line, 0)))) return var end = Math.min(to.line, self.lastLine()); if (end != from.line && to.ch == 0 && nonWS.test(self.getLine(end))) --end; var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding; if (from.line > end) return; self.operation(function() { if (options.fullLines != false) { var lastLineHasText = nonWS.test(self.getLine(end)); self.replaceRange(pad + endString, Pos(end)); self.replaceRange(startString + pad, Pos(from.line, 0)); var lead = options.blockCommentLead || mode.blockCommentLead; if (lead != null) for (var i = from.line + 1; i <= end; ++i) if (i != end || lastLineHasText) self.replaceRange(lead + pad, Pos(i, 0)); } else { self.replaceRange(endString, to); self.replaceRange(startString, from); } }); }); CodeMirror.defineExtension("uncomment", function(from, to, options) { if (!options) options = noOptions; var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from); var end = Math.min(to.ch != 0 || to.line == from.line ? to.line : to.line - 1, self.lastLine()), start = Math.min(from.line, end); // Try finding line comments var lineString = options.lineComment || mode.lineComment, lines = []; var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding, didSomething; lineComment: { if (!lineString) break lineComment; for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) { var line = self.getLine(i); var found = line.indexOf(lineString); if (found > -1 && !/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(i, found + 1)))) found = -1; if (found == -1 && nonWS.test(line)) break lineComment; if (found > -1 && nonWS.test(line.slice(0, found))) break lineComment; lines.push(line); } self.operation(function() { for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) { var line = lines[i - start]; var pos = line.indexOf(lineString), endPos = pos + lineString.length; if (pos < 0) continue; if (line.slice(endPos, endPos + pad.length) == pad) endPos += pad.length; didSomething = true; self.replaceRange("", Pos(i, pos), Pos(i, endPos)); } }); if (didSomething) return true; } // Try block comments var startString = options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart; var endString = options.blockCommentEnd || mode.blockCommentEnd; if (!startString || !endString) return false; var lead = options.blockCommentLead || mode.blockCommentLead; var startLine = self.getLine(start), open = startLine.indexOf(startString) if (open == -1) return false var endLine = end == start ? startLine : self.getLine(end) var close = endLine.indexOf(endString, end == start ? open + startString.length : 0); var insideStart = Pos(start, open + 1), insideEnd = Pos(end, close + 1) if (close == -1 || !/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(insideStart)) || !/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(insideEnd)) || self.getRange(insideStart, insideEnd, "\n").indexOf(endString) > -1) return false; // Avoid killing block comments completely outside the selection. // Positions of the last startString before the start of the selection, and the first endString after it. var lastStart = startLine.lastIndexOf(startString, from.ch); var firstEnd = lastStart == -1 ? -1 : startLine.slice(0, from.ch).indexOf(endString, lastStart + startString.length); if (lastStart != -1 && firstEnd != -1 && firstEnd + endString.length != from.ch) return false; // Positions of the first endString after the end of the selection, and the last startString before it. firstEnd = endLine.indexOf(endString, to.ch); var almostLastStart = endLine.slice(to.ch).lastIndexOf(startString, firstEnd - to.ch); lastStart = (firstEnd == -1 || almostLastStart == -1) ? -1 : to.ch + almostLastStart; if (firstEnd != -1 && lastStart != -1 && lastStart != to.ch) return false; self.operation(function() { self.replaceRange("", Pos(end, close - (pad && endLine.slice(close - pad.length, close) == pad ? pad.length : 0)), Pos(end, close + endString.length)); var openEnd = open + startString.length; if (pad && startLine.slice(openEnd, openEnd + pad.length) == pad) openEnd += pad.length; self.replaceRange("", Pos(start, open), Pos(start, openEnd)); if (lead) for (var i = start + 1; i <= end; ++i) { var line = self.getLine(i), found = line.indexOf(lead); if (found == -1 || nonWS.test(line.slice(0, found))) continue; var foundEnd = found + lead.length; if (pad && line.slice(foundEnd, foundEnd + pad.length) == pad) foundEnd += pad.length; self.replaceRange("", Pos(i, found), Pos(i, foundEnd)); } }); return true; }); }); // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE (function(mod) { if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); else // Plain browser env mod(CodeMirror); })(function(CodeMirror) { "use strict"; var noOptions = {}; var nonWS = /[^\s\u00a0]/; var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos; function firstNonWS(str) { var found = str.search(nonWS); return found == -1 ? 0 : found; } CodeMirror.commands.toggleComment = function(cm) { cm.toggleComment(); }; CodeMirror.defineExtension("toggleComment", function(options) { if (!options) options = noOptions; var cm = this; var minLine = Infinity, ranges = this.listSelections(), mode = null; for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var from = ranges[i].from(), to = ranges[i].to(); if (from.line >= minLine) continue; if (to.line >= minLine) to = Pos(minLine, 0); minLine = from.line; if (mode == null) { if (cm.uncomment(from, to, options)) mode = "un"; else { cm.lineComment(from, to, options); mode = "line"; } } else if (mode == "un") { cm.uncomment(from, to, options); } else { cm.lineComment(from, to, options); } } }); // Rough heuristic to try and detect lines that are part of multi-line string function probablyInsideString(cm, pos, line) { return /\bstring\b/.test(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(pos.line, 0))) && !/^[\'\"\`]/.test(line) } function getMode(cm, pos) { var mode = cm.getMode() return mode.useInnerComments === false || !mode.innerMode ? mode : cm.getModeAt(pos) } CodeMirror.defineExtension("lineComment", function(from, to, options) { if (!options) options = noOptions; var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from); var firstLine = self.getLine(from.line); if (firstLine == null || probablyInsideString(self, from, firstLine)) return; var commentString = options.lineComment || mode.lineComment; if (!commentString) { if (options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart) { options.fullLines = true; self.blockComment(from, to, options); } return; } var end = Math.min(to.ch != 0 || to.line == from.line ? to.line + 1 : to.line, self.lastLine() + 1); var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding; var blankLines = options.commentBlankLines || from.line == to.line; self.operation(function() { if (options.indent) { var baseString = null; for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) { var line = self.getLine(i); var whitespace = line.slice(0, firstNonWS(line)); if (baseString == null || baseString.length > whitespace.length) { baseString = whitespace; } } for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) { var line = self.getLine(i), cut = baseString.length; if (!blankLines && !nonWS.test(line)) continue; if (line.slice(0, cut) != baseString) cut = firstNonWS(line); self.replaceRange(baseString + commentString + pad, Pos(i, 0), Pos(i, cut)); } } else { for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) { if (blankLines || nonWS.test(self.getLine(i))) self.replaceRange(commentString + pad, Pos(i, 0)); } } }); }); CodeMirror.defineExtension("blockComment", function(from, to, options) { if (!options) options = noOptions; var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from); var startString = options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart; var endString = options.blockCommentEnd || mode.blockCommentEnd; if (!startString || !endString) { if ((options.lineComment || mode.lineComment) && options.fullLines != false) self.lineComment(from, to, options); return; } if (/\bcomment\b/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(from.line, 0)))) return var end = Math.min(to.line, self.lastLine()); if (end != from.line && to.ch == 0 && nonWS.test(self.getLine(end))) --end; var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding; if (from.line > end) return; self.operation(function() { if (options.fullLines != false) { var lastLineHasText = nonWS.test(self.getLine(end)); self.replaceRange(pad + endString, Pos(end)); self.replaceRange(startString + pad, Pos(from.line, 0)); var lead = options.blockCommentLead || mode.blockCommentLead; if (lead != null) for (var i = from.line + 1; i <= end; ++i) if (i != end || lastLineHasText) self.replaceRange(lead + pad, Pos(i, 0)); } else { self.replaceRange(endString, to); self.replaceRange(startString, from); } }); }); CodeMirror.defineExtension("uncomment", function(from, to, options) { if (!options) options = noOptions; var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from); var end = Math.min(to.ch != 0 || to.line == from.line ? to.line : to.line - 1, self.lastLine()), start = Math.min(from.line, end); // Try finding line comments var lineString = options.lineComment || mode.lineComment, lines = []; var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding, didSomething; lineComment: { if (!lineString) break lineComment; for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) { var line = self.getLine(i); var found = line.indexOf(lineString); if (found > -1 && !/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(i, found + 1)))) found = -1; if (found == -1 && nonWS.test(line)) break lineComment; if (found > -1 && nonWS.test(line.slice(0, found))) break lineComment; lines.push(line); } self.operation(function() { for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) { var line = lines[i - start]; var pos = line.indexOf(lineString), endPos = pos + lineString.length; if (pos < 0) continue; if (line.slice(endPos, endPos + pad.length) == pad) endPos += pad.length; didSomething = true; self.replaceRange("", Pos(i, pos), Pos(i, endPos)); } }); if (didSomething) return true; } // Try block comments var startString = options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart; var endString = options.blockCommentEnd || mode.blockCommentEnd; if (!startString || !endString) return false; var lead = options.blockCommentLead || mode.blockCommentLead; var startLine = self.getLine(start), open = startLine.indexOf(startString) if (open == -1) return false var endLine = end == start ? startLine : self.getLine(end) var close = endLine.indexOf(endString, end == start ? open + startString.length : 0); var insideStart = Pos(start, open + 1), insideEnd = Pos(end, close + 1) if (close == -1 || !/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(insideStart)) || !/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(insideEnd)) || self.getRange(insideStart, insideEnd, "\n").indexOf(endString) > -1) return false; // Avoid killing block comments completely outside the selection. // Positions of the last startString before the start of the selection, and the first endString after it. var lastStart = startLine.lastIndexOf(startString, from.ch); var firstEnd = lastStart == -1 ? -1 : startLine.slice(0, from.ch).indexOf(endString, lastStart + startString.length); if (lastStart != -1 && firstEnd != -1 && firstEnd + endString.length != from.ch) return false; // Positions of the first endString after the end of the selection, and the last startString before it. firstEnd = endLine.indexOf(endString, to.ch); var almostLastStart = endLine.slice(to.ch).lastIndexOf(startString, firstEnd - to.ch); lastStart = (firstEnd == -1 || almostLastStart == -1) ? -1 : to.ch + almostLastStart; if (firstEnd != -1 && lastStart != -1 && lastStart != to.ch) return false; self.operation(function() { self.replaceRange("", Pos(end, close - (pad && endLine.slice(close - pad.length, close) == pad ? pad.length : 0)), Pos(end, close + endString.length)); var openEnd = open + startString.length; if (pad && startLine.slice(openEnd, openEnd + pad.length) == pad) openEnd += pad.length; self.replaceRange("", Pos(start, open), Pos(start, openEnd)); if (lead) for (var i = start + 1; i <= end; ++i) { var line = self.getLine(i), found = line.indexOf(lead); if (found == -1 || nonWS.test(line.slice(0, found))) continue; var foundEnd = found + lead.length; if (pad && line.slice(foundEnd, foundEnd + pad.length) == pad) foundEnd += pad.length; self.replaceRange("", Pos(i, found), Pos(i, foundEnd)); } }); return true; }); }); 1.0ISTARBLOG: Fashion & Lifestyle Bloghttps://istarblog.comadminhttps://istarblog.com/author/admin/How To: Turn T-Shirt into Tank Top (D.I.Y)rich600338<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="iRYyaTTIc5"><a href="https://istarblog.com/accessories/how-to-turn-t-shirt-into-tank-top-diy/">How To: Turn T-Shirt into Tank Top (D.I.Y)</a></blockquote><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="https://istarblog.com/accessories/how-to-turn-t-shirt-into-tank-top-diy/embed/#?secret=iRYyaTTIc5" width="600" height="338" title="“How To: Turn T-Shirt into Tank Top (D.I.Y)” — ISTARBLOG: Fashion & Lifestyle Blog" data-secret="iRYyaTTIc5" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="wp-embedded-content"></iframe><script type="text/javascript"> /*! 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