Fashionable Shirt basics from

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A lot of things happened to me this recently like I got some invitation aboard ( that possible for me to come by) to watch some showrooms and fashion shows for both high-end and contemporary streetwear brands, neither I got some collaboration offers from other online shops. Yeah! I feel so blessed to be one fashion blogger than having it simply as general blogger. Anyway, this morning, I got an parcel from the one new contemporary streetwear brand in the LA today which called, their shop is manily to streetwear for both girls and guy and I must say, they really got these great pieces that can actually makes us dope and hip for today’s fashion. Look what they’ve sent over, a 2 basic shirts that has a nicely printed accents to it.

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I actually worn their foundation tee ( when I went to a friend’s wedding and yeah! their clothes are comfy to wear for summer and it can be pair off in any pants or shorts you have. I will update this with my styling photos pretty soon as I got time to take photos of myself. Its kinda lazy weather I got here now that’s why I cant be able to get out for an photoshoot. LOL Alright, that’s it for now and please keep on visiting me for more fashion news updates. Thanks!