Today, I’ll blog something else that are not really related on the niche of this blog. So please bear with it though, I’m quite bit disappointed, yeah I am! on my self though, becuase as I checked my Alexa ranking onto this blog I found out that this blog was on the critical spot by the world ranking spot(Alexa) which that I really worrying about, though the Alexa was still on good though but yet still I wanted this blog to be lead on its niche, Yeah, that’s how I meticulous I am in regards on my blog stat. Because this was my job then and I wanted to give such great impression not only on my readers but also to my clients that needs this blog more than I do becuase they use to promote their things out here. I am trying to write something different that mostly search over Google and I think all things going good becuase I seen some hits over my posts that I recently made, I hope this will work and get my Alexa back as soon as possible.
And I just want to thank some people who truly spamming over this site, though I cant approve their comment’s out but yet still they gave me a great hits through their activities, that’s why if I were you, just allow those spamming person who often visit your site but put your comment setting in to moderation so that you can have still the control over your readers comments.