BIGBANG -“SOMEBODY TO LOVE” Performance Practice

Ive been too busy these past few days because my family had these events that we had to gather. Though I really needed to attend my job here at the online world, but yet still, I need to get involve my self out onto those gatherings that my family planned already. Anyways, I am too stress after those tiring activities that Ive done together them, though I admit its fun,however, I need to get my self alive again so that I may back on my track,right? On this scenario, I’d chosen to watch or to listen some high intense musics performances that I was sure can lift  my spirit up again to do my left tasks this recently. And I found this music performance practice video of the Kpop group called Big bang that way. Just watch the video and I’m think you’ll like it as well.

Alright, that’s it for now and please do check out my other fashion entry soon. Thanks and have a great day ahead everyone.