grab bag on blogsvertise

I saw one grab bag on my blosgvertise account and i dont hesitate to grabbed it of course and you know what? the task price was 15 dollars and i rapidly served it to my blog so that blogvertise it self will see how dedicated i am on their network , so yeah if you’re seen any grab bag on your account just do it and make blogsvertise feels that you are grateful to the task so that they can give you some bunch one as they got an advertisers campaigns, trust me on this

Good to know my server is well fine now

im so happy nowadays because my server contacted me that their having a upgrade which can make our site fast and no downtime anymore and i hope this will last as i use the server of this blog and yeah the admin of my hosting is indeed great customer service because they do listen on their customers feedback and its help on their side that someone customer like me who commented them some criticism on their services can brings their business on the good path and i know as they listen us a lot of customers will do consider them now..

Promise ill be posting almost everyday!

i think promises is the best thing to do to make things happen and now i am promising that this blog is now has it everyday post and i think everyday life is the best to post here, what do you think? well even though you wouldn’t want that you cant stop me though because i was the admin of this blog and i can do whatever i wanted too, lol nope dont take it seriously im just kidding and try you to laugh,aren’t you by the way?ops i think i was indeed failed on this, LOL anyways i hope you could visit me here everyday, so yeah thats it for now and thanks a lot..bye..:)

istarblog is now live!

yeah quite hour ago this blog istarblog was freaking down and i think server is the big sin for these and i hope my server administrator will fix this matter as they want me to get last on their side because their pretty much affected my blogging stuff  here and i dont even do anything just to wait and wait until the server goes up goodness im too tired by waiting and i hope they might consider me rather all of us who will be under their server, ok thats it for now and let see if they do anything for this to be resolve then.

want to buy something new

yes im too frustrated now to buy new things online and it could be between ipad or iphone 4 because i thing a blogger like me really need any gadget who can get access us immediately whenever we are and i think this apple products is the best thing to have with, but the problem is i dont have enough money to buy them so,too bad on me because i was expecting that patu2blog will help me to earn through my blog by doing some task to them but they keep on declining this blog, oh lord jesus i hope they can consider me then after a month and half, ok ill make you an update as i get in to the program..thanks

i made another twitter account for this blog has in twitter now though all of my followers so far are these group of people who use to like kpop music but i still believing that someone will caught an attention on what this blog can offer, i mean on what ill be posting out that is more personal so if you have your twitter account go ahead and add me up, just type in istarblog then you’ll see the page and click follow, ok as you follow me ill follow you back then, ok im looking forward into that , thanks a lot

I love kpop

yes i would say that i use to like the kpop music nowadays because they really have a great nice music though specially those artists who came with the agency yg entertainment, yeah all the artists on that agency is the one that im looking forward to see personally and greet them an annyeong do i write the word right? i doubt it anyway, hahha ok let see if thats freaking dreams will happen soon

Google forgot to update!

yeah i think Google pretty much mean now to us because a several months had been past out but still now we wouldst see any changes on your toolbar green juices, so whats happening? now December is already around the corner and now i hope Google will update then so that i can maximize my earnings through all of my blogs and if thats happen i will all treat you a dinner out, sounds good? yeah it is thats why let us all pray that Google will update page rank this following months, so hoping soon

ill make this my other personal blog!

LOL, ok im done posting some fansite content which im trying to work out last month ago and now id been decided that fansite isn’t work on me and maybe some other ill study and try another niche to run with, and sorry dear if you could see some of your searched content here because i used to delete them all now because all of them are copied content only to the other fansite, yeah fansite are all copied site wherein they just coping one another blog just to make an update to their fav artist and stuff, so yeah welcome to my new blog

i have a pagerank of 2

im not often checked my page rank because i was too busy on my other work to my other blog but when i got a spare time i see to it to check them all, i mean all of my blogs then when i was checking this blog im quite shocked then, why? because yeah i got a pagerank of 2 and i think im doing great to this blog though? what do you think? well thats how i looked into it and please dont mind what im saying here i just want to feel great in a sense, so yeah thats it for now and care to check yours? so might we can see if Google did the major update one..ok thanks