If you were to go back a fair few years ago and discuss the word blog or blogging as a hobby, many people would look at your with some confused look on your face. Years ago it just wasn’t popular. Heck even Facebook was only just kicking off and the internet was becoming the powerhouse that it is today. But today, you say the word blog and people know what you’re talking about, these days many people you come into contact with will have their own online blog of some description. It has meant that now you can make your blog, your once hobby and passion, an actually paying job and career option. Which is crazy to think about but it can also be life changing.
You may be wondering how one blog online could change your life. There are many different aspects to that. Which is why I wanted to share some of the ways that blogging could change your life. Be that whether you want it to just remain a hobby and an outlet, or whether you really have the dream of it becoming your job to.

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You can make some extra money from it
One of the first things to consider would be that blogging can actually be a way of earning some extra money. Once you have established your blog, have a decent domain authority and a good following on social media, brands may approach you to share their concept with your audience. Digital agencies may want to use your blog to help boost SEO of other sites, and of course, in exchange, you can receive products or even payment. Of course, if you do start to monetise your blog you may need to declare the second income, so always keep a record of invoices, etc to protect yourself.
It is a viable career option
If you start to make money from your blog then it could end up being a big career option for you. Blogging has become a viable career for many budding digital entrepreneurs as it gives you the flexibility to work from anywhere, at home, and can work around your lifestyle. Families have managed to sustain an income while spending more time with their children, people have gone on to create amazing businesses from the help of blogging paying the bills. Could it be a viable option for you in the future?
You could travel the world doing it
See those people sharing snaps of themselves on Instagram in beautiful parts of the world? The chances are, they might be blogging their way doing it and using their blog for one of the most unforgettable experiences of their lives. Travel bloggers can literally work from country to country, as blogging gives them the flexibility to work from anywhere with a wifi signal. It is definitely worth considering that is for sure.
It can help you to achieve your main dreams
If blogging supplements your income, or even has enabled you to earn more doing it than from your fulltime job, then the chances are it is going to help you finance some of your long term aspirations and goals far quicker. Want to buy a house? The money you make from blogging could go a long way to securing your deposit, and with a quick look online at mortgage refinancing it could certainly help you to achieve that first house, or second or third one far quicker than it would sticking with a fixed income each month. Your other long term goals might include starting a business, having time to spend with friends and family, while still maintaining your current lifestyle. A blog could make that happen for you.

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It encourages you to step out of your comfort zone
It really does encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Perhaps you were camera shy before starting a blog, but working with brands or sharing messages that you are passionate about encourages you to step in front of it for a change. Giving you the boost in confidence you need. It could help you to feel comfortable in your own skin, help others that feel similarly to you, or simply push the boundary in terms of how you think and act.
Working with brands opens you up to new things and possibilities
As your blog grows in popularity, you may find that brands that you admire want to work with you. It could be a clothing brand that you have admired from afar, or a new brand that you haven’t heard of before or simply couldn’t afford in a previous life. A blog could open you up to new possibilities, clothing ranges, products that make life easier, all while you are helping to work with that brand and share their message.
You challenge yourself to try new things
We can all get stuck in a rut. Working the same hours, doing the same thing each day and seeing the same people over and over. Some of the aspects of that routine will be great, but other parts might frustrate you as you just don’t see the challenge in your current lifestyle. Many people thrive off challenges. Be that to lose weight, get fitter, improve skills in some way or achieve goals. Blogging can help you do that as you become accountable for sharing your journey with your audience.
It can be a form of therapy for your mind
Finally, with so many more people being open and honest about the effects of mental health. Blogging can actually be a real factor to help you overcome things like that. Many people choose to use their blogs as an online diary. An outlet for how they are feeling and what they are doing. Sometime shaving a place to offload your thoughts and feelings is a blessing, and a blog can definitely be a form of therapy for that.
I hope that this has given you some ideas and motivation on how blogging could change your life.