Yes, i need to thank the blogging directory site called because the their list of awesome blogs who can rarely make my blogging experiences easier than before that i wasn’t know on how to blog hopping stuff, actually i just came across to that one blog who blogged about on how to have a great pagerank then and she suggested her reader to take a look and consider the blog directory for their blog hopping and yeah indeed the site was definitely a big help on my end thats why im trying my self now here to share what i found through out that blog and sorry i forgotten which blog is that, really sorry because i cant able to link her awesome entry here as a credit, ok let see as i stumbled again on her blog ill definitely update this for her link then, ok thats it for now and thanks a lot ,I hope this may help you to built your own blog for the better and please let me know about your thoughts in regards on this “technique” ok thanks again..bye