Zac Efron wears Persol PO 0649 Sunglasses


PhotobucketPersol PO 0649 Sunglasses

Actually, this was my ever first time to heard about this brand Persol PO for sunglasses. Because I am just into well known brands one like, Rayban, Carerra,Oakley and so many more, however, as Ive heard Zac wearing this brand, Persol PO, out. I’ve been curious to it and decided to researched a bit about them, and I found out that this brand is quite long already in the industry, I think, this brand is included on the high-end brands…

On the photo on top, Zac Efron is wearing an Persol sunglasses that has a item name of PO 0649 that you may buy in any online stores and of course in the brand’s main website itself. By the way, this sunglasses will cost you $248 in all sunglasses stores, for both online and stores near you.. Alright, that’s it for now and I hope Ican constantly updated you some celebrity fashion and wears on this blog.. Please do visit me often here.. Thanks!

Burberry Prorsum Menswear Spring Summer 2013





A lot of brand labels today are used to released their each Spring Summer collection for the year 2013. Because they have to give us an idea on what pieces we could expect from them in the approaching months season trends or collection. This recently, the brand Burberry Prorsum had already released their possible creation for their spring summer collection year 2013 that you may see on the top photos. Actually, they’ve already conducted an fashion shown for it that you may watch on the below video:

I must say, these pieces are indeed awesome and has its own character and the patterns used are quite quirky than to the usual cuts or designs. I cant wait to be able to release these pieces out soon in the market.. And as for today, I haven’t any idea on how much these pieces pricing range are, however, as soon the brand,Burberry Prorsum, released pricing details, sure thing, will update you again in here. Alright, that’s it for now and you’ll be expecting me to blog up all of the brands spring summer collection for the year 2013..

Reasons To Buy and Wear Replica Omega Watches


In modern society time is very important because of the social pressure, and millions of people hope to save time so that they can do things as many as possible. With a Omega watch on your wrist, you can know what time it is, and then you can know what you should do at this time and what you should do some time later, so you do not need to worry about being later for school or work or something else. As long as you can grasp the time, you can do anything on time according to your schedule. Omega watches had placed an very important role in telling what time it is now from a long time ago, as time goes by, they tend to place an more important role in telling individual fashion taste and personality style. As we all know, designer Omega watches feature high quality design, fashionable style and long durability so that millions of people who pursue for fashion taste and special personality style like them very much. When they wear design Omega watches and walk in the street, the other people around them will cannot help glancing at them and admire them very much because the designer Omega watches on their wrists enhance their glamour very much. The problem is there are still millions of other people that are eager to wear designer Omega watches but are restricted by the poor bank accounts cannot afford to buy expensive designer Omega watches. What can they do to enjoy the luxury of designer Omega watches but do not burn a big hole in their pocket? Buying and wearing replica Omega watches will be a good alternative choice for them.

Replica Omega watches are very affordable. Usually one designer Omega watch should cost you $1500 or even more, but one replica Omega watch usually only need you pay less than $300 for it. Thus, with the money you pay for one expensive designer Omega watch, you can buy several cheap replica Omega watches. As we all know, fashion styles are always change, one style of replica Omega watches is very popular nowadays, maybe it will be out of date 2 months later. If this case is true, the designer Omega watch that you spent much money on will no longer enhance your glamour very much and you will have to buy another Omega watch to keep up with the fashion. However, if you buy one cheap replica Omega watch with a special style, even if it is out of date 2 month later, you will not feel a lot disappointed because you can easily buy another fashionable replica Omega watch again in your budget, thus you can save much unnecessary expense. If you prefer, you can even buy serveral Omega watches at a time, then wear different Omega watch every day according to your mood, special occasion or your different outfit. In this way, you can let yourself get other people’s attention as much as possible.

Replica Omega watches are very fashionable and durable. Because replica Omega watches are usually the exact copies of original designer models, so that they can look very alike to the original designer Omega watches. Once one kind of fashionable designer Omega watches are put into market, the corresponding replica Omega watches will be put into market soon, thus replica Omega watches can also very fashionable. Although replica Omega watches are very cheap, they are made of almost the same high-end raw materials so that they also have very high quality and can be very durable. Because designer Omega watches manufacturers or sellers spend too much money for the advertisement, so the cost of designer Omega watches is very high, thus they have to sell designer Omega watches at very high price. However, replica Omega watches manufacturers or sellers do not need to spend much money for the advertisement, so that the cost of replica Omega watches is very low, thus they can afford to sell replica Omega watches at very cheap price but can gain the same benefit as the designer Omega watches manufacturers or sellers.

In a word, replica Omega watches are not only very cheap, but also very durable and fashionable, so that more and more practical customers would like to buy replica Omega watches, and buying replica Omega watches has become a fashion trend nowadays.

Taeyang x Magnetic Earrings by Givenchy



Magnetic Earrings by Givenchy

Indeed, this so much fierce and this was my first time then to see this guy Taeyang on this style. And I know you too also. What do you think about this? dope or nope? for me, this definitely dope, however, of course, he must to balance his statements up, what I mean was, he must only occasionally do this kind of fierce. Because people recognized him already for his street wear fashion styles. Which a lot of peeps out there are looking forward too.

Alright, on this photo. Taeyang is wearing an Magnetic Earrings from the brand Givenchy. Actually, I dont know yet any further details about the piece like the pricing details, availability, and the main material used to this. But no worries folks, soon I got to know it, sure thing, I will update you again in here.

Okay, that’s it for now and I hope I may blog up some more informative than to this post soon by my next posts..hehehe because I admit, I really dunno what to say about this earring because I didn’t do my research about it yet. I just blogged up it here with my random thoughts about the piece..LOL But soon, I promise, I’ll then update some more detailed posts one. Thanks a lot!

Sponsored Video: Tudor, The Timepiece of All Time


Among the watches I would like to own, if my budget permits it, are Rolex and Tudor. These two watches are timepieces that we can truly be proud of and can be handed down from generation to generation. Even though they are expensive, we can be sure that we are getting our money’s worth when we buy them. It’s also a good investment because its value doesn’t depreciate. Tudor Watch Company was first established in March 1946 by Hans Wilsdorf, the same man who made Rolex a household name. He wanted a watch that would be more affordable but with the same qualities that a Rolex watch has. The name Tudor was taken from the Tudor period of England. The first logo of Tudor watches was a Tudor Rose on the dial, an emblem of England. In the late 1960’s it was changed into the Shield emblem.

The first Tudor Oyster was introduced in the 1940’s while the Tudor Oyster Prince was introduced in 1952. Its marketing campaign centered on the watch’s durability and showed that it can be worn anywhere, even in extreme conditions. Models that can be worn underwater soon followed. The Tudor Prince Submariner during 1964-1966 and Marine Nationale during the early 1970’s-1984 are more technologically and functionally advanced. The Tudor Oysterdate Chronograph was then introduced in 1970. Along with a new slogan, “Designed for Performance. Engineered for Elegance”, the Grantour Collection was presented in 2009. The Tudor Heritage Black Bay comes from Tudor Heritage collection. It’s exquisitely designed and finely crafted and draws inspiration from the 1954 model.

The latest addition to the Tudor Heritage collection is the new Tudor Heritage Advisor. It was introduced in 2011. It’s a modern version of the 1957 alarm watch equipped with a mechanical alarm clock module. A lot of the original design was retained with a few modern twists to the design. Among the other features are 42 mm titanium and steel case with polished and satin finish, steel winding crown with a Tudor Rose, domed sapphire crystal, a choice of an alligator leather strap or steel bracelet. It’s waterproof up to a depth of 330 feet.

When it comes to innovation, Tudor watches stand out. Its fabric straps are hand-crafted, meticulously done, and comfortable to the wrist. They certainly make the watches more stylish and sophisticated. Tudor watches are made with high quality and has durability in mind. They use only the best materials and these are tested up to the smallest detail. With every Tudor watch is a promise of excellence, durability, and style.

Sponsored by Tudor.

Tips On Buying Replica Juicy Couture handbags

Nowadays replica Juicy Couture handbags are getting more and more popular. There are many reasons for the increasing popularity of replica Juicy Couture handbags. Firstly, replica Juicy Couture handbags are very affordable. Usually one piece of designer Juicy Couture handbags is priced more than $1000, while one piece of replica Juicy Couture handbags is usually priced less than $300. Thus, designer Juicy Couture handbags are very costly so that regular people with very limited income cannot afford to buy designer Juicy Couture handbags. However, they can afford to buy replica Juicy Couture handbags. Secondly, replica Juicy Couture handbags are very fashionable and durable. Nowadays many replica Juicy Couture handbags manufacturers have owned very advanced technology and equipments of making all kinds of replica Juicy Couture handbags, so that replica Juicy Couture handbags can not only look very alike to the original designer Juicy Couture handbags, but have almost the same high quality as the original designer Juicy Couture handbags. Without special insight, people can hardly tell the difference between replica Juicy Couture handbags and original designer Juicy Couture handbags. You can feel very at ease to wear them because almost people cannot spot out the Juicy Couture handbags are you are wearing are just replica Juicy Couture handbags. Millions of fashion curious people hope to keep up with the fashion by wearing fashionable Juicy Couture handbags. However they feel very disappointed because of the sky-price tagged on fashionable designer Juicy Couture handbags so that they cannot afford to buy them. Once there are very cheap and fashionable replica Juicy Couture handbags which are the exact imitations of fashionable designer Juicy Couture handbags, they will probably buy them. Replica Juicy Couture handbags are a blessing in this case. If you are one of them who are very fashionable but do not want to spend too much money to keep up with the fashion, buying replica Juicy Couture handbags will be a good choice for you. When buying replica Juicy Couture handbags, there are many tips for you to pay attention to.

Firstly, you would better have an overall knowledge of expensive designer Juicy Couture handbags when buying cheap replica Juicy Couture handbags. When buying cheap replica Juicy Couture handbags, you should know the difference between the cheap replica Juicy Couture handbags and the corresponding original designer Juicy Couture handbags. Only in this way, you can know it very clearly that whether the cheap replica Juicy Couture handbags are worth what you pay, otherwise you may get cheated. Some sellers may sell very poor quality replica Juicy Couture handbags, thus even if the price is very cheap, they may probably be worn out after use for a while, which will let them do not worth what you pay, you will lose your money. Some other sellers may sell replica Juicy Couture handbags at a little high price and claim they are selling original designer at very cheap price, if you do not know the overall knowledge of expensive designer Juicy Couture handbags, you may probably think they are original designer Juicy Couture handbags and may want to buy them since they are very cheap, but in fact they are just replica Juicy Couture handbags and you get cheated. To avoid being cheated and let the money you pay for cheap replica Juicy Couture handbags worth every penny, you would better have an overall knowledge of expensive designer Juicy Couture handbags.

Secondly, you should know your purpose of buying replica Juicy Couture handbags. There are always full of poor quality replica Juicy Couture handbags and high quality replica Juicy Couture handbags in the market, if you are just going to buy one piece of replica Juicy Couture handbags for fun, you would better choose poor quality replica Juicy Couture handbags to save money because they are usually sold at very cheaper price than high quality replica Juicy Couture handbags. However, if you want to wear them for a long time, you need to buy high quality replica Juicy Couture handbags rather than poor quality replica Juicy Couture handbags, otherwise you may end up with regret because poor quality replica Juicy Couture handbags won’t work well after use for a while and you have to buy another replica Juicy Couture handbags.

Last but not least, you should buy replica Juicy Couture handbags according to your whole outfit and personality. Do not blindly follow the fashion trend, and you should also pay attention to your personality. If some kinds of replica Juicy Couture handbags are very fashionable, but that kind of replica Juicy Couture handbags do not fit your whole outfit and personality, you won’t feel comfortable while wearing them. As we all know, the best replica Juicy Couture handbags are those that can fit your outfit and personality very well, so you will catch other people’s eyes when the replica Juicy Couture handbag you are wearing can fit your outfit and personality very well.

G-Dragon x Leopard Creeper by Pierre Hardy



Leopard Creeper by Pierre Hardy

We all know among all the members of the Kpop all boy group called Big Bang. G-Dragon, the leader, is the often one into  high-end fashion. Though some members are also in high-end, however, most of the time they’ve been seen wearing some street fashion one. Anyway, on photo on top, you may noticed the guy g-dragon is wearing an awesome dope kicks that is creeper design. At first, I’ve thought, the shoes is belongs to the one famous creeper Prada collection, however, I was wrong then, because this shoes is from the other brand called Pierre Hardy. I must say, this creeper kicks is quite different than to the usual creeper brand of shoes. Becuase it has this leopard prints that can give accent to the kicks that definitely gives swag on you.

Pricing details? I suggest you to take a look the brand Pierre Hardy main website for you to know further information about this shoes. Becuase I wasn’t able to include some info here due of my  workloads that I needed to attend after this post done. Alright, that’s it for now and keep on checking me here for more fashion updates. Thanks!

Roberu Leather Sandal Spring/Summer 2012


We all ready had the summer season today. And I know most of you folks are still searching on what pieces are hip on this season, summer, that can give this comfortable feeling on your end too. That’s why today, I’m going to blog this great piece that I’d found online which definitely help us all to have this comfortable feeling and at the same time it is trends on today’s fashion. And the piece I was telling you was this Roberu Leather Sandal that you may see on the top photo. Yeah! this kind of sandals are the one demand and been trends already on today’s season because it has these only light materials and the designs are way quirky than to those usual designs of sandal out to the market these days.

Roberu brand had already released their spring summer collection for this 2012. And one of their pride pieces was this Roberu Leather Sandal that is indeed to be proud of, because look, the sandal’s design is pretty high-end that I was sure that most of the fashion enthusiasts out there are already wanting themselves to have this Roberu Leather Sandal.

Alright, that’s it for now and regarding on the pricing details? as for this moment, I’d still dunno how much this awesome piece cost, however, soon I got to know it. sure thing! will update you again on this blog. Thanks!

Stussy Bags


Twin Peaks Backpack €75


Link Up Multi Case €28

I admit! I’m so pretty crazed on this brand called Stussy, you may noticed it by simply digging up my blog archives over this blog as long to my other blog, Because this brand rather their pieces are really speaks to styles that is why I am so pleased myself then to blog them over here, Actually, since the day I’d found out about this brand, stussy, and their pieces I really hooked up to them, I dunno, maybe because each of their pieces has its own character that can be surely bring dopeness on each person who wears it.

Nowadays, a lot of peeps, both men and girls, are often wearing some dope bags from the brand, that makes me envy of course, that’s why I made my own list of the bags from the brand, Stussy, that I wanted to have. And these are the bags you’re seeing on the top photos. Why these so? first, the backpack (Twin Peaks Backpack €75), because its usable to my end and I can bring all my stuff in there but yet I may still look fashionable to it. And this Link Up Multi Case (€28) that is perfect on this summer season and it just a light piece one that can easy to bring anywhere.. I hope I can have these 2 pieces pretty soon..ehehhe

Okay, that’s it for now and have yourself a weekend too. Thanks! and keep on checking me here..:)

Stussy Leather Wallet



Accessories are can help a man to be look dope and got this swagness. Yeah! you heard it right, because these accessories can really spice it up your total statements or outfit. Today, I’m going to blog this Stussy leather wallet that I know most of the guy out there are looking forward to have these days, including myself, because look, this wallet is really awesome though the cut is quite similar to the usual wallet out there but yet the design is way better and quirky enough that may surely rocking your way on.

You can buy this wallet to the brand, Stussy, website itself. Just heads up to for more info about this leather wallet as long to their other dope accessories. Alright, that’s it for now and will just update you more fashion news by my next posts. Thanks!