Experts recommend three sets of bedding for each bed in the house, with one set on the bed, one set in the laundry and one set at the ready; if you are responsible for a family the sheer amount of bedding required can be almost overwhelming. One way to make bedding management easier is to take an inventory of what you currently have and decide what needs to be tossed, donated or is still serviceable. From there you can review the colors and types of bedding you have and determine what additional items are needed. It’s a good idea to take a bedding inventory in either the spring or the fall as you are then most likely to be switching out bedding for seasonal reasons.
You’ll also need to consider tastes and décor for each member of the family; teenage bedding is very different than kid’s bedding as most teens want “grown-up” looks; the once loved cartoon characters and juvenile patterns will need to be replaced with more trendy and sometimes even edgy looks. Little girls tend to go through various fashion trends starting with the fairy princess stage and moving through diva to fashionista – it’s tough to keep up; one way to get ahead of your family bedding needs is to shop online.
By shopping online you can save time and hassle – the websites of the major bed and bath stores are open any time of the day or night and the goods are delivered directly to your front door.