I know everyone of us want to shop right? because in some way shopping can relief us in the intense feelings that we were encountering like stress,depress and such kind but i had this question on you, where do you use to shop? to the mall that nears you? well i think mostly is in there but you know i knew a great place where you can shop your things out, which online, yeah there was a lot of online shopping out there who can offer us a great deal than we were going to the mall who has their full price than on the online who can give such discounted code, yeah that is one good factor on the online shopping, what else? hmm actually i refer online shopping with you because i know as you buy online do you have the assurances that your money is really safe, how? by using paypal account the online banking, yeah blogger like me use to have the paypal account to cash-out and to use it buying things online, because in paypal they have this feature wherein you can report someone fools you or scam you on what did you pay and paypal it self will actually fix it and turns your money back without any fees on that if thats happened, sounds great right? the protection is a must by buying online and i think only paypal has it so far thats why i really like the online banking, who doesn’t by the way?