I use iPad for blogging

On my recent published blog post,you may see that some text aren’t that much well written and yeah it was misspelled, please don’t blame me though,why? Because my iPad was the one who made it,and maybe later as I use my laptop then, I can correct it,but please as you reading this out today,please bear with it,lol anyways I am using my recent buy iPad to blog this out because I find I cool because all things was done in proper in away,though it has an spelling check that can make this post quite messy but I think I needed to hit something just t make this well more proper,let see as I check the function later right after I finish this post.

Blogging on iPad it’s really amused me,because everywhere I am, I can really blog my thoughts without worrying where could I place with,because iPad is indeed handy on my way,how about yours? Oh well, I think thats it for now and let see on my next iPad post if I make this perfectly.Thanks!