// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
var noOptions = {};
var nonWS = /[^\s\u00a0]/;
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
function firstNonWS(str) {
var found = str.search(nonWS);
return found == -1 ? 0 : found;
CodeMirror.commands.toggleComment = function(cm) {
CodeMirror.defineExtension("toggleComment", function(options) {
if (!options) options = noOptions;
var cm = this;
var minLine = Infinity, ranges = this.listSelections(), mode = null;
for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var from = ranges[i].from(), to = ranges[i].to();
if (from.line >= minLine) continue;
if (to.line >= minLine) to = Pos(minLine, 0);
minLine = from.line;
if (mode == null) {
if (cm.uncomment(from, to, options)) mode = "un";
else { cm.lineComment(from, to, options); mode = "line"; }
} else if (mode == "un") {
cm.uncomment(from, to, options);
} else {
cm.lineComment(from, to, options);
// Rough heuristic to try and detect lines that are part of multi-line string
function probablyInsideString(cm, pos, line) {
return /\bstring\b/.test(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(pos.line, 0))) && !/^[\'\"\`]/.test(line)
function getMode(cm, pos) {
var mode = cm.getMode()
return mode.useInnerComments === false || !mode.innerMode ? mode : cm.getModeAt(pos)
CodeMirror.defineExtension("lineComment", function(from, to, options) {
if (!options) options = noOptions;
var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from);
var firstLine = self.getLine(from.line);
if (firstLine == null || probablyInsideString(self, from, firstLine)) return;
var commentString = options.lineComment || mode.lineComment;
if (!commentString) {
if (options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart) {
options.fullLines = true;
self.blockComment(from, to, options);
var end = Math.min(to.ch != 0 || to.line == from.line ? to.line + 1 : to.line, self.lastLine() + 1);
var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding;
var blankLines = options.commentBlankLines || from.line == to.line;
self.operation(function() {
if (options.indent) {
var baseString = null;
for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) {
var line = self.getLine(i);
var whitespace = line.slice(0, firstNonWS(line));
if (baseString == null || baseString.length > whitespace.length) {
baseString = whitespace;
for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) {
var line = self.getLine(i), cut = baseString.length;
if (!blankLines && !nonWS.test(line)) continue;
if (line.slice(0, cut) != baseString) cut = firstNonWS(line);
self.replaceRange(baseString + commentString + pad, Pos(i, 0), Pos(i, cut));
} else {
for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) {
if (blankLines || nonWS.test(self.getLine(i)))
self.replaceRange(commentString + pad, Pos(i, 0));
CodeMirror.defineExtension("blockComment", function(from, to, options) {
if (!options) options = noOptions;
var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from);
var startString = options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart;
var endString = options.blockCommentEnd || mode.blockCommentEnd;
if (!startString || !endString) {
if ((options.lineComment || mode.lineComment) && options.fullLines != false)
self.lineComment(from, to, options);
if (/\bcomment\b/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(from.line, 0)))) return
var end = Math.min(to.line, self.lastLine());
if (end != from.line && to.ch == 0 && nonWS.test(self.getLine(end))) --end;
var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding;
if (from.line > end) return;
self.operation(function() {
if (options.fullLines != false) {
var lastLineHasText = nonWS.test(self.getLine(end));
self.replaceRange(pad + endString, Pos(end));
self.replaceRange(startString + pad, Pos(from.line, 0));
var lead = options.blockCommentLead || mode.blockCommentLead;
if (lead != null) for (var i = from.line + 1; i <= end; ++i)
if (i != end || lastLineHasText)
self.replaceRange(lead + pad, Pos(i, 0));
} else {
self.replaceRange(endString, to);
self.replaceRange(startString, from);
CodeMirror.defineExtension("uncomment", function(from, to, options) {
if (!options) options = noOptions;
var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from);
var end = Math.min(to.ch != 0 || to.line == from.line ? to.line : to.line - 1, self.lastLine()), start = Math.min(from.line, end);
// Try finding line comments
var lineString = options.lineComment || mode.lineComment, lines = [];
var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding, didSomething;
lineComment: {
if (!lineString) break lineComment;
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
var line = self.getLine(i);
var found = line.indexOf(lineString);
if (found > -1 && !/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(i, found + 1)))) found = -1;
if (found == -1 && nonWS.test(line)) break lineComment;
if (found > -1 && nonWS.test(line.slice(0, found))) break lineComment;
self.operation(function() {
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
var line = lines[i - start];
var pos = line.indexOf(lineString), endPos = pos + lineString.length;
if (pos < 0) continue;
if (line.slice(endPos, endPos + pad.length) == pad) endPos += pad.length;
didSomething = true;
self.replaceRange("", Pos(i, pos), Pos(i, endPos));
if (didSomething) return true;
// Try block comments
var startString = options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart;
var endString = options.blockCommentEnd || mode.blockCommentEnd;
if (!startString || !endString) return false;
var lead = options.blockCommentLead || mode.blockCommentLead;
var startLine = self.getLine(start), open = startLine.indexOf(startString)
if (open == -1) return false
var endLine = end == start ? startLine : self.getLine(end)
var close = endLine.indexOf(endString, end == start ? open + startString.length : 0);
var insideStart = Pos(start, open + 1), insideEnd = Pos(end, close + 1)
if (close == -1 ||
!/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(insideStart)) ||
!/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(insideEnd)) ||
self.getRange(insideStart, insideEnd, "\n").indexOf(endString) > -1)
return false;
// Avoid killing block comments completely outside the selection.
// Positions of the last startString before the start of the selection, and the first endString after it.
var lastStart = startLine.lastIndexOf(startString, from.ch);
var firstEnd = lastStart == -1 ? -1 : startLine.slice(0, from.ch).indexOf(endString, lastStart + startString.length);
if (lastStart != -1 && firstEnd != -1 && firstEnd + endString.length != from.ch) return false;
// Positions of the first endString after the end of the selection, and the last startString before it.
firstEnd = endLine.indexOf(endString, to.ch);
var almostLastStart = endLine.slice(to.ch).lastIndexOf(startString, firstEnd - to.ch);
lastStart = (firstEnd == -1 || almostLastStart == -1) ? -1 : to.ch + almostLastStart;
if (firstEnd != -1 && lastStart != -1 && lastStart != to.ch) return false;
self.operation(function() {
self.replaceRange("", Pos(end, close - (pad && endLine.slice(close - pad.length, close) == pad ? pad.length : 0)),
Pos(end, close + endString.length));
var openEnd = open + startString.length;
if (pad && startLine.slice(openEnd, openEnd + pad.length) == pad) openEnd += pad.length;
self.replaceRange("", Pos(start, open), Pos(start, openEnd));
if (lead) for (var i = start + 1; i <= end; ++i) {
var line = self.getLine(i), found = line.indexOf(lead);
if (found == -1 || nonWS.test(line.slice(0, found))) continue;
var foundEnd = found + lead.length;
if (pad && line.slice(foundEnd, foundEnd + pad.length) == pad) foundEnd += pad.length;
self.replaceRange("", Pos(i, found), Pos(i, foundEnd));
return true;
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
var noOptions = {};
var nonWS = /[^\s\u00a0]/;
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
function firstNonWS(str) {
var found = str.search(nonWS);
return found == -1 ? 0 : found;
CodeMirror.commands.toggleComment = function(cm) {
CodeMirror.defineExtension("toggleComment", function(options) {
if (!options) options = noOptions;
var cm = this;
var minLine = Infinity, ranges = this.listSelections(), mode = null;
for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var from = ranges[i].from(), to = ranges[i].to();
if (from.line >= minLine) continue;
if (to.line >= minLine) to = Pos(minLine, 0);
minLine = from.line;
if (mode == null) {
if (cm.uncomment(from, to, options)) mode = "un";
else { cm.lineComment(from, to, options); mode = "line"; }
} else if (mode == "un") {
cm.uncomment(from, to, options);
} else {
cm.lineComment(from, to, options);
// Rough heuristic to try and detect lines that are part of multi-line string
function probablyInsideString(cm, pos, line) {
return /\bstring\b/.test(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(pos.line, 0))) && !/^[\'\"\`]/.test(line)
function getMode(cm, pos) {
var mode = cm.getMode()
return mode.useInnerComments === false || !mode.innerMode ? mode : cm.getModeAt(pos)
CodeMirror.defineExtension("lineComment", function(from, to, options) {
if (!options) options = noOptions;
var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from);
var firstLine = self.getLine(from.line);
if (firstLine == null || probablyInsideString(self, from, firstLine)) return;
var commentString = options.lineComment || mode.lineComment;
if (!commentString) {
if (options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart) {
options.fullLines = true;
self.blockComment(from, to, options);
var end = Math.min(to.ch != 0 || to.line == from.line ? to.line + 1 : to.line, self.lastLine() + 1);
var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding;
var blankLines = options.commentBlankLines || from.line == to.line;
self.operation(function() {
if (options.indent) {
var baseString = null;
for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) {
var line = self.getLine(i);
var whitespace = line.slice(0, firstNonWS(line));
if (baseString == null || baseString.length > whitespace.length) {
baseString = whitespace;
for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) {
var line = self.getLine(i), cut = baseString.length;
if (!blankLines && !nonWS.test(line)) continue;
if (line.slice(0, cut) != baseString) cut = firstNonWS(line);
self.replaceRange(baseString + commentString + pad, Pos(i, 0), Pos(i, cut));
} else {
for (var i = from.line; i < end; ++i) {
if (blankLines || nonWS.test(self.getLine(i)))
self.replaceRange(commentString + pad, Pos(i, 0));
CodeMirror.defineExtension("blockComment", function(from, to, options) {
if (!options) options = noOptions;
var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from);
var startString = options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart;
var endString = options.blockCommentEnd || mode.blockCommentEnd;
if (!startString || !endString) {
if ((options.lineComment || mode.lineComment) && options.fullLines != false)
self.lineComment(from, to, options);
if (/\bcomment\b/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(from.line, 0)))) return
var end = Math.min(to.line, self.lastLine());
if (end != from.line && to.ch == 0 && nonWS.test(self.getLine(end))) --end;
var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding;
if (from.line > end) return;
self.operation(function() {
if (options.fullLines != false) {
var lastLineHasText = nonWS.test(self.getLine(end));
self.replaceRange(pad + endString, Pos(end));
self.replaceRange(startString + pad, Pos(from.line, 0));
var lead = options.blockCommentLead || mode.blockCommentLead;
if (lead != null) for (var i = from.line + 1; i <= end; ++i)
if (i != end || lastLineHasText)
self.replaceRange(lead + pad, Pos(i, 0));
} else {
self.replaceRange(endString, to);
self.replaceRange(startString, from);
CodeMirror.defineExtension("uncomment", function(from, to, options) {
if (!options) options = noOptions;
var self = this, mode = getMode(self, from);
var end = Math.min(to.ch != 0 || to.line == from.line ? to.line : to.line - 1, self.lastLine()), start = Math.min(from.line, end);
// Try finding line comments
var lineString = options.lineComment || mode.lineComment, lines = [];
var pad = options.padding == null ? " " : options.padding, didSomething;
lineComment: {
if (!lineString) break lineComment;
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
var line = self.getLine(i);
var found = line.indexOf(lineString);
if (found > -1 && !/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(i, found + 1)))) found = -1;
if (found == -1 && nonWS.test(line)) break lineComment;
if (found > -1 && nonWS.test(line.slice(0, found))) break lineComment;
self.operation(function() {
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
var line = lines[i - start];
var pos = line.indexOf(lineString), endPos = pos + lineString.length;
if (pos < 0) continue;
if (line.slice(endPos, endPos + pad.length) == pad) endPos += pad.length;
didSomething = true;
self.replaceRange("", Pos(i, pos), Pos(i, endPos));
if (didSomething) return true;
// Try block comments
var startString = options.blockCommentStart || mode.blockCommentStart;
var endString = options.blockCommentEnd || mode.blockCommentEnd;
if (!startString || !endString) return false;
var lead = options.blockCommentLead || mode.blockCommentLead;
var startLine = self.getLine(start), open = startLine.indexOf(startString)
if (open == -1) return false
var endLine = end == start ? startLine : self.getLine(end)
var close = endLine.indexOf(endString, end == start ? open + startString.length : 0);
var insideStart = Pos(start, open + 1), insideEnd = Pos(end, close + 1)
if (close == -1 ||
!/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(insideStart)) ||
!/comment/.test(self.getTokenTypeAt(insideEnd)) ||
self.getRange(insideStart, insideEnd, "\n").indexOf(endString) > -1)
return false;
// Avoid killing block comments completely outside the selection.
// Positions of the last startString before the start of the selection, and the first endString after it.
var lastStart = startLine.lastIndexOf(startString, from.ch);
var firstEnd = lastStart == -1 ? -1 : startLine.slice(0, from.ch).indexOf(endString, lastStart + startString.length);
if (lastStart != -1 && firstEnd != -1 && firstEnd + endString.length != from.ch) return false;
// Positions of the first endString after the end of the selection, and the last startString before it.
firstEnd = endLine.indexOf(endString, to.ch);
var almostLastStart = endLine.slice(to.ch).lastIndexOf(startString, firstEnd - to.ch);
lastStart = (firstEnd == -1 || almostLastStart == -1) ? -1 : to.ch + almostLastStart;
if (firstEnd != -1 && lastStart != -1 && lastStart != to.ch) return false;
self.operation(function() {
self.replaceRange("", Pos(end, close - (pad && endLine.slice(close - pad.length, close) == pad ? pad.length : 0)),
Pos(end, close + endString.length));
var openEnd = open + startString.length;
if (pad && startLine.slice(openEnd, openEnd + pad.length) == pad) openEnd += pad.length;
self.replaceRange("", Pos(start, open), Pos(start, openEnd));
if (lead) for (var i = start + 1; i <= end; ++i) {
var line = self.getLine(i), found = line.indexOf(lead);
if (found == -1 || nonWS.test(line.slice(0, found))) continue;
var foundEnd = found + lead.length;
if (pad && line.slice(foundEnd, foundEnd + pad.length) == pad) foundEnd += pad.length;
self.replaceRange("", Pos(i, found), Pos(i, foundEnd));
return true;
How To: Style The Soccer Socks? - ISTARBLOG: Fashion & Lifestyle Blog
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First and foremost, I am really sorry guys for not updating this site, istarblog.com, with my series of post called ” How to” because I’ve been so much engaged with some of the tasks in both online and offline works and sorts that I needed to attend with. I hope you can understand me on that. LOL Anyway, I was again here to post up this new styling which I’ve found recently over the web though this type of styling for men are been trend already years ago and yet am pretty sure that most of you aren’t yet familiar with it or havent it try for yourself yet which on how to style your soccer socks. Actually, there’s an various of styling out in the web these days having the high sock as an main pieces, however, you must have to be considerable in your pieces to pick. I suggest you to check the photo on top where all the guys are rocking themselves on their each soccer socks. What do you think about this dope or nope?
Remember on styling on soccer socks must be pair off with on the dope shorts and you can either mic mic the styling of the guys at the up photo. But it’s not necessarily for the shorts because I’ve seen some styling too having the socks on sort of formal styling like how the guy below rock it.
Maybe it’s really depend on what type or color of your sock is. And how comfortable your are wearing it. But on my own, I prefer to have it with shorts because I was in to shorts more than pants or jeans when it comes on my styling and fashion statements.
Also, girls can rock on this styling too as their fond of wearing it like on the photo on the top. Nope! kidding aside. Girls are can be good in this too, because I’ve also seen some girls even today( fall is approaching ) are wearing this socks with their shorts on. Sorry! I cant find any photo of girls rocking on the soccer socks as their fashion statements.
So – yeah! Sport finds can be also use at some casual either in formal styling. All you have to do is to try to mix and match things for you to have a great styling that might most people looking forward to.
Okay, that will be all for now and I hope you can find this post quite informative and helpful on your end as you seek sorts of information about what’s hot and not today in the fashion industry.
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