Celeb outfit : Se7en’s Galliano’s Light Printed Sweater in black( £204.00)

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On this blog, Istarblog.com, I really into Korean fashion. Because I’d find Korean fashion dope and quirky that’s why I often includes them out here. Today, I’ll blog again this Korean celebrity singer named Se7en, the artist is great well known on the country,Korea, because he did shared his talents already that can made him on the most demand singer’s on today Korea’s music industry.

Se7en is wearing an quite expensive sweater from Galliano, one of the lead brand in fashion capital of the world – Europe, The sweater has an item name of “Light Printed Sweater in black” that has an price of  £204.00, for all you know. 🙂

The Sweater looks fine on me and I really do like the prints that can signifies this sweater is more on streetwear. However, it is depend on you on how you may wear it. Like what Se7en did on it. Stunning!

Alright, that’s it for now and will update you more celebrity outfits too soon.

Phot0 credit: ygcloset.wordpress.com

How to choose wedding bands

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Choosing and buying wedding bands disputes at this expense, in connection with this decision should be clear thought out. Many young couples is the dilemma of how to choose Wedding Bands, and then follow. Certainly not worth a rush. If a pattern we liked kupujmy not right away, let’s go back to the shop the next day and see that it was not a momentary infatuation. The final decision should be made together with a partner. In this way, using all the rules, we can help others in the future, how to choose a wedding and be happy. Until now towered anklets made of gold, still today, just as often found with white gold Wedding Rings silver, platinum, titanium, and multi-colored, made of several metals (usually white and yellow).

Avant-garde trends in modern wedding bands are inlaid, or with the addition of precious stones. Regardless of the type of metal used to carry wedding bands, you can embellish them with precious stones. As a rule, the ring is decorated with the bride. The most interesting stones include diamonds or rhinestones here, but you can also do wedding bands with rubies, sapphires, emeralds or. When choosing Wedding Rings with white gold is also worth to know about the possible ways of implementation. Only a portion is covered with white gold and some made in full. For complete information, please contact the seller. Important is also the price we pay for selected models. Changing trends in the industry do not avoid wedding expenditure. It should be up to date with the prevailing trends by reading trade portals. In this way we can see the current news, as well as extend their own ideas, inspiration and dream wedding.

Jeremy Scott’s Fall Collection featured in 2NE1’s “Go Away” Japanese Single

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This recently, the Korean girl group 2ne1 had been released their Japanese single from their previous Korean go away album. This means, the girl band will be debuted in japan soon, but I think they’re starting at this moment.

Of course, their fans can wait to hear their Japanese version of  “Go Away” that been a big hit recently in Korea. And the another thing that most people looking forward to see was these outfits that the girls wearings.

On their poster on top. You may noticed their dope kicks from Jeremy Scott’s Fall Collection. Becuase the kicks looks unique and very colourful which is the trend pattern for shoes this fall. At this moment, I still don’t know how much is this kicks is, let us wait for the collection will be available on market for the further pricing information.

* I will update this post soon.

Christian Louboutin Louis Strass Crystal and Rantus Glitter Sneakers

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These are the new set of christian Louboutin Men’s sneakers for this season. However, there were some comments on facebook and even to other fashion blogs regarding on the shinning shoes one, which the Rantus Glitter Sneakers. Because they might thought that men wont wears this shoes often like the usual Christian’s designs,though on the recent designs of the brand. They were some shoes that had spikes on it but yet still this shoes is huge difference on the spunky spikes that guy loved definitely. But of course let see on how men can deal with this shoes. Will make you an update soon.

So far, I dunno how much these shoes cost you, but like what did I said I will update you sooner on the further information, so please get back to this blog often. Alright, that’s it folks-Thanks!

Givenchy Urban Sneakers

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I really loves kicks because kicks are the one that guys most love to have, simply as that. About this shoes, this shoes is from the Givenchy brand, actually I love all things in the brand to the hat going to kicks because they did have this strong and quality materials that will lasted long time not like on the other brand that has these poor quality of materials that fades out easily and broke at the same time.

This sneakers were made by the urban dope boyz. And it has a price of $430, yeah quite expensive but sure thing this shoes will be use decades.Can’t afford it? You can find something else nice online with voucher codes instead.

Good News

Wants to buy somethings? Like gadgets, clothes, cars and anything that matters to you most? no worries because this January Clearance sales will about to happen soon and make sure that you can get your pick available by this time because I know a lot of peeps are either waiting this day for them to get their eager things like yours.

If I were you, I will now window shopping to those malls nears you, so that you can rapidly went to the stores as the clearance sales up too soon. That’s pretty help, I think so.

Clae Fall Collection 2012

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I often roaming to the web to check on what’s hot and what’s not, and this collection from the brand name Clae wins my eye and caught my attention for them to be posted out on this blog. Look at their fall kicks collection for 2012. These kicks are really dope and the designs are really detailed and well visualized base on the needs of their customer but of course the comfortably was in each shoes they made. I can see that on these collection.

As for today, I really dunno on how much the prices of these shoes,however, Clae will be release some further information about this new collection that they about to market soon. So let’s us all wait.

Wholesale Fashionable Sunglasses

As you been noticed that I used to blogged some sunglasses over this blog because I used to love them specially those fashionable sunglasses. Actually, I admit that I don’t really into brand when it comes on my eye wear because they usually had these expensive prices that I cant afford with. Yeah! that’s true, since I was only a blogger and had no stable earnings each month then, I refer more often to buy on the wholesale sunglasses site that I found online more than ever. Thank God, there was such website like this that I can buy my awesome sunglasses in the deffer varieties.

By the way the site that I was telling you guys is the wholesalesunglassusa.com, I just stumbled on this online store recently and I find them reliable to buy the best fashionable sunglasses in town on the very reasonable prices besides like what Ive said it’s  sunglasses wholesale.

These sunglasses caught my eye when I’m checking the site. And not only these can be find on their online stores but also some reading glasses,one piece glasses and even some kids glasses, which pretty much good becuase all the varieties of sunglasses are can be found on this awesome online store. Actually on today’s fashion, eye wear is the best piece to have with, why? becuase of the purpose of it, Yeah! as you’re buying your things out, you must also consider what are the benefits that you can get from it. Like on this sunglasses, yes! they are fashionable but also it can protect our eye on the sun ray that can cause damage to our eyes as you don’t have this sunglasses,right? I must say, sunglasses is the best deal ever.

So if I were you, try to check on the site that I gave to you on top. And then, get your wanting sunglasses there becuase as for today, their sunglasses is indeed demand not only online but also on their store alone. Because a lot of people are commotioning and telling one another regarding this awesome site that can give us all a great products in quality.

Marc Jacob’s new design Sneakers

I loved kicks as you’ve noticed it. Because Ive often blogged about new trends of shoes on the market and to those sneaker stores that I usually considered to buy my shoe’s out. I did knew some online stores that can give a such awesome designs and style that we were couldn’t buy into your local stores that’s why I often liked to buy online than to the local stores.However, If you would like this Marc Jacob kicks here that has an snake prints on it, I suggest you to head over to the nearest stores online becuase this shoes in indeed expensive and buying online isn’t guarantee your feet size but if you are pretty sure on your foot size I may then allow you to buy online.LOL

Anyways, that’s it for now, and soon enough I will have this snake prints shoes(hopefully) I can have it.^_^ will update you,soon I bought it. Thanks a lot

Where to wear your black suit?

Black suits are often wearing for those gathering like, weddings,religious gathering,business meetings and to your job. However, on today’s fashion black suit can be wear off either into those casual gatherings. Yeah it is, like for example going to the mall, just remove the pants and wear a short instead and the turn your black leather shoes into nice looper shoes one. And I am pretty sure that you can end up for looking hip and hot. ^_^ Actually I thought this idea when I tried doing it so when I have this other not so casual event right after my cousin wedding, so yeah I made what I told you and a lot of my friends are noticed the quirky wardrobe that I’d got.

So yeah, that’s it for now and one thing that I can leave you, which be your self and don’t afraid to try and experiment things out.