B. Store X TOMORROWLAND Capsule Collection For 2012


B. store an London based company has teamed-up or collaborated on the other brand called Tomorrowland, just to have this awesome capsule collection for this year 2012 that you may see on the top photo. Actually, brand names company are used to teamed up into the other company to have this great fashion pieces that they can both to offer on their each consumers. I think, that’s an genius idea,right? Anyway, all in all – I’d liked this collection because look, those tees are dope and each piece has an swag…

As this time, I really dont know the other further information about this collection,however, soon I got to know I will then update you  on this blog… By the way, I suggest you to search instead over Google as you wanted to buy these tees online. Because might other blogs has an full information about this great capsule B.Store x Tomorrowland collection.