Although I am a laidback type of guy who prefers to hang out with my friends in casual clothes and comfortable shoes, I do not limit myself to buying just one type. As a matter of fact, I have a mini collection of shoes that a lot of my friends and relatives are envious of. I also have a few pairs of leather shoes that I give careful attention to because they are quite expensive and I want them to last for a long time. Leather shoes are sensitive to water and chemicals, thus it is prone to damage. There are simple ways however to ensure that your leather shoes are not just well protected but clean as well.
It is advisable to apply a water repellent on your leather shoes before you wear them because water can really do a lot of damage to your shoes. When it comes to polishing, choose a color that is the same with your shoe color or else they will get stained permanently. Also use a cream based polish instead of the liquid one. So as not to affect the quality and texture of the leather, do not go overboard with your polishing. It is a must to use a high quality leather conditioner on your shoes for them to stay shiny.
Another way to protect your leather shoes is to choose the right protectant. Keep in mind that different weatherproofing products serve different purposes. Use a beeswax product instead of a protective spray. Probably the most important tip is to not use your leather shoes during bad weather. With these things in mind, you will definitely be able to use them in a long time.
Shopping for leather shoes is likewise easy when you know where to shop for the best. Established in 1885 in London, Frank Wright Shoes up until this day, sells trendy footwear that combines classic designs with modern styling. They have a wide variety of shoes (leather, suede, Brogues, Razor Sole, and Canvas) and Boots (leather, suede, Work Boot, Chukka/Desert Boots, Razor Sole, Canvas, Chelsea Boots). There is definitely something for everyone.
Among all the shoes available, my favorite is the Frank Wright Fry Black Leather because I can wear it with just about anything. I can pair it with pants/chino pants for that formal look or with shorts for a casual, laidback style. It has a traditional brogue design and fry multi eyelet with lace-up shoe style. This shoe sells at an affordable price and can be worn everyday.