We’re entering that time of year when everyone seems to be getting ill. School classes are only half full as everyone’s at home in bed and workers are struggling to cope as most businesses are short on staff. Most of us work or live in close-proximity to others. We stand squashed up next to strangers on our morning commute, and we interact with countless people every day. Especially if you live in a busy city. While this does have countless advantages, one drawback is that we tend to pass sickness around very easily.
At this time of year coughs and colds are rife. But worse than those, is the norovirus, otherwise known as the winter sickness bug. While it usually only lasts for a day or two, it can be dreadful. You’ll find yourself unable to keep anything down, struggling to sleep, exhausted and suffering from dehydration and all its related symptoms. If you’ve got young children, you could even find that your household passes the virus back and forward for weeks.
Here’s a look at some of the best ways both prevent the bug from striking you down and fighting back when it does.
One of these reasons we all get ill in the winter is that we are busy. As the holidays approach, we’re running around like crazy. A lack of sleep or rest can lower your immunity and make you more likely to contract bugs. So, make sure you take a little time out when you can.
If you do contract norovirus, the best thing that you can do is rest. Stay at home, snuggle up and relax until the symptoms have passed. This will allow your body to devote all of its resources to fighting the bug.
Keep Warm
The other reason we get ill in the winter is that we are colder. Viruses find it easier to grow in colder conditions. So, keep your home warm and wrap up when you go out.
Practice Good Hygiene
Norovirus is exceptionally contagious. So, make sure you and your family practice good personal hygiene. Wash your hands regularly, change clothes and bedding and make sure the surfaces in your home are cleaning thoroughly.
Get a Flu Jab
While the flu vaccination won’t stop norovirus, it can help. Norovirus finds it easier to attack when your immune system is struggling. One of the main reasons it struggles is that it’s busy fighting something else. Stopping yourself getting the flu means your immune system can focus on fighting off other bugs.
Get Plenty of Vitamin C
Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables. It helps to protect your cells, so it can both protect you from illness and help you to feel better when you do. If you are worried that you’re not getting enough, take a supplement.
Norovirus will make it very difficult to eat and drink. But, it’s important that you try to drink as much as you can to avoid dehydration and strengthen your body. Take small sips of water frequently for the best chance of keeping it down. If you are struggling to keep even this down
use Dr App Online to get advice.
Norovirus can be awful. But, it usually only lasts for a few days and isn’t dangerous. Wrap up warm, rest and look after yourself.