Changing My wp-content

Recently i moved to the new server due with some often down time that ive been experiencing on my former hosting but now i feel this convenience and fast load of this new hosting under hostgator, anyways as i moved out one thing that ill be worrying about which my pictures on my library because most of my post are composed on images that keeps the post lively i must say but when i transferred already to this new home one thing that ive been noticed with that my images on the particular post was indeed missing thats why i heads up on Google to find out on how to reinstall them out to the new hosting and i found out the the wp-content is the one handling all of the files which can bring this blog totally back, so yeah with the help of my friend i knew on how to back up it and transfer it to this new one, ok ill do it after i posted this so that you may see again as you come back those pretty images are gone back and kicking you out once again and i hope i can do this without having troubles and anything or else this may give me again another stress and tiring tweaking on my goodness i dont want to get experience it again wherein im moving more than 20 blogs in one day such horrible im telling you..

ok ill get back for an update as i made this successfully i hope i can,crosses fingers ok thats it for now and thanks a lot anyway its already late on my time now maybe by tomorrow you will see then my update..thanks

I want my own garden!

We done renovating our garage. Because we seen some damages on the floor due with some reasons that we haven’t know, well thats good though because we indeed pay attentions on it. On the not so often use place on our home, so yeah we put some tiles on and we paint all walls then, in short total make over on that simple garage and after the wok done. We seen the place awesome and looks more lighten now than before but i think there’s something missing on it, which having some plans or any flowers on it? but wait, how we can put some flowers and plans if the garage was made by tiles?hmm let me think first!

One time i seen this blogger that he’s telling about the Artificial flower and Artificial plant that they made for his own place and yeah i find those artificial one cool to have with, that is why now i am seeking for those flowers that is never been died. because i know having a cement house(like we have) is i quite tiring to see because there’s no such green elements on the house who can gives such awesomely feeling to the house owner’s end. Now i am planning to put some of those plants soon and i hope mother will agree with, that i think she is because she use to like flowers nowadays, alright thats it for now,thanks!

Happy New year, Another New trials!

Yeah it must be a happy new year to everyone and who’s made their new year’s resolution there? me i dont believing to that because things may happened without knowing it will be happen to you, and i believed its fated..haha anyways another year’s was indeed ends up and here we go again trying our best to get survive on these days will need come up with..i just hope that all things will be find and great to our all end and sorry if i need to end this up because i was to lack of sleep night due with the party peps last night, i just want to update this blog on the first day of the year 2010 so that i can update this blog more often in the whole year, ok thats it for now and thanks a lot..

I use to scheduled my posts nowadays

Yeah i just dont have choice just to scheduled them because sooner ill be having my online business then thats why i need to insure that all of my blogs are well updated still though i am too busy by fixing things on my online business and i hope the business will click on the market though, crosses fingers to that, anyways ill blog tomorrow new year on what the business all about because right now we are still tweaking the site where the business will be located and ill give it to you all by tomorrow so please kindly visit this blog tomorrow to be able for you to find out which online business that i was getting craze nowadays..LOL ok thats it for now and we need to prepare for the new year’s eve later night and i hope all days these new year will be blessed on me..thanks a lot and once again happy new year..

Want to have a new copper sinks

We renovated our home recently because a lot of stuff aren’t in the right terms  and such that is why we been all decided me and my family to have the house renovated and yeah indeed all stuff are in good terms now and i think one thing that we should have to change now which our Copper Sink because its quite old then and a lot of stink that we haven’t remove off that is why i am seeking now a new Copper Sink without knowing my family that im seriously wanted to change it..LOL and now i am browsing the net to find such good quality though so that as we have it on your home my family will compliment me a bit by having the sink, what do you think? thats a great idea right? oh well, let see if i could find such good quality one and of course in cheapest price as well..let see, ok thats it for now and ill make you updated on this, thanks!

many things to share but my mind isn’t working!

I had a lot of ideas now who are roaming on my head now but yet still i cant blog them all out here because im too lack of sleep who can bring me a bad mindset today though i can listed out all topics in one notepad so that if i got my well sleep then i can get back to them and recall what those ideas that i wanted to share here, i think that is the best thing to do if you had this same such because as i had a sleepless night ill definitely had also a bad thought,skill and stuff who can make me feel frustrated because i cant get to construct my sentences thats what i mean..LOL

Ok i think i need to take my sleep now so that i can maximize my work later and give way on my other blogs to get updated because its been already 5 days ago when i was able to update them out due with some glitches happened on my main server recently..ok thanks a lot and have a great weekend everyone..

I refer my self to use photo hosting site than to upload it on my own

I often change my name server nowadays rather my hosting due with some down time that Ive been encountering on my hosting server but no worries i bought another new server who haven’t any down time at all, yeah i refer my self to use any photo hosting site in order my images to get safe on my blogs because as i downloaded my xml backup files my photos that has been upload to this blog was not included on the back up that ive been downloaded but if i could use any photo hosting i am pretty sure all of my  photos will be get back then as i get my xml back up files, right? thats why after i transfer this blog out on the new server ill definitely use the photo hosting site so that if i got any problem or glitches on my new server then, i can easily transfer my blog into other hosting account that i have without any worrying on my post to get affected yeah thats what im thinking right now and ill make you updated if this blog is already transferred.thanks

Yearning of the heart

A minute ago while im on Youtube a familiar song has been played automatically and i think i clicked somethings else that i wont noticed with, this song yearning of the heart, if you could remember, this was the one of the Tv series Boys over Flower background song way back time and i wasn’t know that this kpop group AST’1 is the one who sung this(now i know..LOL)..ok just want to share this video to you all to reminisce your crazing on the Tv Series before..LOL thanks a lot

Finally Ive been Received my referral reward on theadnetwork!

I’d often tackled here about the network that i was crazing with nowadays because they are indeed legit and awesome in away by paying me such good amount though each month, well finally after 2 months of waiting my referral reward on the network has been arrived and added on my paypal funds already and its 20 British pounds by just referring 2 blogger to them, i think i can now invite more bloggers to their network to work with because i can get 10 pounds each person that they will approved then, not bad at all right?

Im so happy today because i was planning to move on the reliable web hosting by this end of the month but i dont have such enough money then but when this 20 pounds has been arrived, well i think i need to transfer now and have a great no down time blogs after all, beside im pretty sure that i can support my monthly payment on my soon to be expensive hosting because of this awesome program that ive been found (LOL), i big to this program named theadnetwork i hope i can submit and they’ll approve  all of my blogs so that i can generate a ultimate good amount each month..ok thats it for now and thanks a lot

Sorry for the inconvenience!

As you stumbled on this blog 5 days ago i know Ive been noticed that this blog is freaking down at the moment because my hosting provider got their glitches inside the server thats why this blog has been affected on the problem but instead on stressing my self though to think on whats going on inside the hosting, Ive been decided to buy gold bullion online because my sister insistently want to have her own gold bullion on this coming new year thats why i spent my paypal funds just to make her happy and i hope she’ll like the gold that we were bought as a present to her, hopefully the product will be arrived by the 28th of December and ill give it by on 31th new year’s eve, and let see on how she find my present to her, ill make an update on this, so please do check the update sooner as i gave the gold..:)