Use of Twitter!

Twitter is the second top social media nowadays because people getting crazed on how other people tweets them self out and such, that is why maybe people uses twitter as a place to promote their things as well, yeah you heard it right because some companies are using twitter as they medium to let other people know about their services and even on whats on their site and all that!

So yeah, what is twitter on you? i mean what is the uses of twitter on you? well for me im using twitter to promote my website and even share whats on my mind and quite sometimes through key-wording i can  evenly gets some advertisers along twitter because other cool companies uses the media on how im using right? so you use twitter so often now and who knows you might get your unexpected advertisers as you posted on whats on your mind there, trust me this was proven with other as well that is why twitter is keep on getting a huge traffic each day through this kind of activities! ok thats what i have for today i hope you may learn quite bit on this topic, thanks!

How to have a reputable blog?

A lot of Newbies on the blogspehere are often asking us quite old ones on this stuff on how we can remain our online rather blog reputation because some bloggers has this not so well  educated blogs wherein they thrown words without knowing and considering other people feels and sometimes they might destroy other people out because of what they been posted on their pages, yeah through blogging and any form of social media you can might make other people miserable because here the news is rapidly spread out because mostly people have already an access to internet and even those kids nowadays so yeah as you have one blog its your responsible to watch your word out in every post that you’ll be doing because a lot of people will read it after and in regards on people’s comments just take it whether the comment(s) is good or bad on your end because by approving them, meaning you are open to change and expect what people thinks about your ideas and stuff that you been putted on your blog, yeah its really help you a lot to have this well reputable blog on the me on this.. and please avoid hitting or blogging other people on your blog and throwing some curses on your end because advertisers will look into that soon as you built your blog already! ok thats it for now and i hope this personal ideas will serve as your guide to have a better blog that you are trying to working out now..thanks!

Loosing my hope already!

Yeah im loosing my hope that this blog will be now included to the site broker that i was aiming to get through since i bought this blog out to my friend and the broker site that im telling you right now is this payu2blog, yeah i heard a lot of good terms reviews for their end that is why i was insistently wanted to try them out because i was extremely working hard each day that i think the company will needed most for such blogger? im just hinting like that..LOL anyways yeah i asked them again via email if they could review my 2 blogs again by the 2 time around because if you could remember this blog and my was failed making through their dashboard by my first attempt because my blog wasn’t like this one right now who is well ranked and well searched on the Google(I Believed) that is why im trying my luck for the last time because if this recent application that ive been submitted via email will not push through, i think ill sell out my and if the person who will buy the domain for instant ill push this domain out as well to sell because if i could make it to go on payu2blog i think there’s nothing reason to make this all efforts because as ive said the reason im working these 2 blogs so hard is to get on the payu2blog yeah enough, i need to rest now because its been tired on the house nowadays due with some renovation! i hate being tired offline because i wasn’t be able to update my blogs in that day happened!

Google free call are still working!

I blogged before that Google are having their beta for their new feature via gmail it self which you may call anywhere in the world with a corresponded price rate and stuff but due with the try run way back time (last year) i think its around august or October if i am not mistaken Google stated that we can have a free calls for both US and CANADA with no limit time and the good thing was everywhere in the world are allowed to try it as long your receiver are  in US or Canada, sounded awesome right? actually we been tried it so many time already because we use to contact our relatives to the other part of the world(US) and yeah is pretty well working on me as long my signal are fully speed then and my headset is quite well then, anyways Google posted out that the free calls was ended up this recently(december 31) and after the given date all calls are in bill though but luckily today im hinting that Google wont lift up the script already who can automatically make the free call one and yeah i wasn’t failed on it i made another free calls as for today(January 10,2011) try it now and its still work for using..:)

Late Holiday’s gift

Its already January 8, 2011 now but yet still someone gave me a awesome gift though its quite late then but still i really appreciate it because the person who gave me the gift was indeed sweet by remembering me and loved me a lot..LOL anyways ill upload my gift photo(s) maybe tomorrow because i was death so often now and i think my gift photo will save my day by tomorrow because as we all know i am aiming to blog at least one post a day to develop my archive as long as my blog stat as well and even my backlinks of course, i hope this may serve later as Google update and have my own page rank rather increase my page rank into a pr4 because right now im just had this pr of 2 that is quite good though but i am not yet satisfied on it at all that is why i extremely working out to this matter now..

By the way Dara of 2ne1 is currently  here in the philippines  and read my post about it here , so yeah thats it for now and i am looking forward for you to get back by tomorrow to see what the gift that ive been received off, ok thanks a lot and i need to end this up now..bye and had a great day ahead everyone


I am quite late though to blog about this because i was too busy on my other blog but yet still i wanted to post it out here because this was the main reason why istarblog  was born then, as you could remember before this blog is tackled often with some Yg entertainment stuff where these guys under management but ive been converted this to a personal blog then which i likey now because i can write what ever i wanted to hit about and the good thing though i can evenly post this kind of topics that was my first niche yeah i hope the new song of GD & TOP was indeed appealing on your end like what before they did to us all..LOL ok thats it for now and lets wait for seungri solo mini album any moment now, ill make an update regarding on seungri comeback soon..thanks

Might get my blogs approve though!

Last months ago, i dont know what is the specific month is that sorry, Ive been emailed the payu2blog to take a look  on my two blogs then the and this blog because my brother told me that the program can gives us rather generate to us a great good amount though each month because the network really have a great amount of tasks to work with as you get approved by them, that is why me and brother was getting crazed on what we’ve been found and yeah we both tried our luck then to ask if our blogs was qualify enough to be on their network but suddenly my two mentioned blogs was declined by them way back time but they do told me that maybe one of these blog might get approve soon or anytime in the moment and i do hold on that words because i really insistently wanted to be their blogger too soon and work to them for good as i wanted to pursue these 2 blogs of mine, well, i admit that i was dead at this moment, though im doing some private advertisements to this blog though but i am pretty sure that working to payu2blog is one of the blogger must aim about because we might get our life easier as we get in to the program as my blogging buddies often told me so(so envies to them), but let see if the network  can given me a changes to be with them so that  i can personally proves then if those good reviews are real or not..^_^

OK, i hope on my next update i can bring you some good news though regarding my application to the network because last 2 days ago i submitted my 2 blogs again for approval via email i hope by this time around they’ll consider at least one blog of mine so that i can experience for being paid on what effort that Ive been putted each certain  blog post that ill be making on the future..ok i made this quite long now, thanks a lot everyone..

Buying Medical Scrubs

I know one of the main problem for those people who been working in the hospital like,doctors,nurses and even just those attendees are this medical scrubs because they use to wear this as they’re on duties and i think for those surgeon must wear a surgical scrub than the medical one because people may not differentiate it in the sense, but the two scrubs was indeed different,anyways i know doctors knew this already though i am not in medical path but yet still i knew this kind of information due of often reads to those medical books and such kind..

By the way if you are looking of scrubs for men just heads up on the Google search engine then start searching for the cheapest one because online shopping is the best venue to find out such great products that you might not see on the market i mean to the store where you do usual buys your things out, try it dear i proven it already, ok thats it for now and i hope i can help you a bit for this matter and please let me know if you find such cheapest one so that i can check on it and consider it as well, ok i need to end this up,thanks

Waiting to my Adervertiser!

Today is a lame day for me because i wasn’t have any tasks who been waiting to serve in any of my blogs then and my private advertiser who is been scheduled to give me some tasks to do on this blog was gone and sleeping at the moment i think, because ill be waiting her till now but yet still there’s no email coming over from her maybe she got some issues i think, i hope she’ll email me a soon as possible because i really need some money now, by the way on this blog i really choosy on  what form advertisement will serve because as much as possible i wanted to have a clean blogging activities and i had this plan to get in to payu2blog the one of the best broker company nowadays that is why im quite carefully to those tasks that ill be considering here, anyways i totally avoid those other broker companies to this site i just refer to those private advertisers one..LOL

Now , Im looking forward to have a lot of private advertisers to this blog as this new year coming over because i do believe that a private advertisers can gives me this extremely earnings than to those brokers one beside of payu2blog of course..LOL ok thats it for now and let see if my advertiser will email me any moment now..thanks and had a great day ahead..

Resume all businesses today

i know you getting crazed and quite overwhelmed on your holidays vacations because its been already 2 weeks for those students and nearly one weeks for all businesses whether in online and offline though, yeah today is 3th of January 2011 and i think all businesses now are resume and get back to work then and maybe by this time they’re rushing some stuff then that they might missed on their holidays vacation. now im going to the bank to get my eon card together with my sibling who get the same card as well because we need it for our online jobs,anyways i hope bank is pretty open today and release the card that we awaited for almost a month due with some holidays hang ups.

ok i hope all thing went good later as we heads up to the bank or else ill feel disgusted because they do promised us that the card was available after 2 weeks then, ok thats it for now and by the way maybe later night ill apply again to payu2blog because i was really aiming to get in there, i hope by this time they will consider this blog and give me such opportunities along my way, ok i can make this long now, thanks a lot and once again happy new year to all..