misspelled words can correct by wordpress?

yeah i too convenience on what wordpress software can make to my because i admit that i was not a good in spelling but still there’s a wordpress who can correct me so, who does wordpress correct me? ok as we type word and as we construct out sentence wordpress can highlighted those words who is truly missplled ans by simply click the right button on your mouse you might see those words who is correct spelling that you may want to write or mean on your post to be, try it and you’ll find out what im trying to say

I love kpop

yes i would say that i use to like the kpop music nowadays because they really have a great nice music though specially those artists who came with the agency yg entertainment, yeah all the artists on that agency is the one that im looking forward to see personally and greet them an annyeong aseo..lol do i write the word right? i doubt it anyway, hahha ok let see if thats freaking dreams will happen soon

Google forgot to update!

yeah i think Google pretty much mean now to us because a several months had been past out but still now we wouldst see any changes on your toolbar green juices, so whats happening? now December is already around the corner and now i hope Google will update then so that i can maximize my earnings through all of my blogs and if thats happen i will all treat you a dinner out, sounds good? yeah it is thats why let us all pray that Google will update page rank this following months, so hoping soon

who’s your idol?

there’s a huge definition of idol it could someone person famous, it could your love ones, family,friends,relative and so on but but me just one person i do idolize which GOD, and sorry if i called god a person because i dunno on how to identify him, because he made everything on this world perfectly..simply it is

Seungri Gave SE7EN a Tip on how to come up with Variety Shows

We all know that Big bang Member Seungri has this funny go lucky attitude nor he has a great sense of humor thats why when he gets into an variety shows people who watched live and MC’s of a particular show arent cant stop laughing when suengri throw his punch line and stuff..LOL

After 3 years and 8 months Se7en had come back with the song digital bounce that been launched last few weeks ago or a month? im not sure about the date..LOL anyways because of the comeback se7en have to guest in variety shows to promote his album and talk about stuff that he came up through out the years..

August 31 2010 when Se7en guested on Strong heart that seungri and taeyang been through for taeyang promotional Se7en said that before he came to the show  he asked seungri on what do to and included the word “Help Me” because se7en isnt adept in variety shows because he was on united state quite awhile and of course maknae seungri replied se7en on this just relax and be your self..LOL

WIll I am of black eye peace will be collaborating on 2NE1 Next year April

We heard a folks before that Will i am of black eye peace want to work with the girl group 2ne1 in Korea and it seem that this was a open door to the girls to be launch globally through back eye peace leader Allan pineda by the way Will I am real name is Allan pineda when he was here in the Philippines way back time..and i know this collaboration will be a big hit and im pretty sure that Dara can surely communicate on Will I am through Tagalog language that they been both using quite awhile..can wait this happen..