want to lose weight again

yeah now i felt that i was the heaviest man alive because all of my clothes doesn’t suits me now and even i can run long time, oh lord what should i do? i think i forgot my diet program quite awhile and i hope as i noticed this big problem of mine i can ease eating some foods who can made be back to big frame again..lol ok let me drink my dieting pills now and ill make an update with some picture on it on hows the outcome then..im really looking forward to get in track again..LOL

istarblog is now live!

yeah quite hour ago this blog istarblog was freaking down and i think server is the big sin for these and i hope my server administrator will fix this matter as they want me to get last on their side because their pretty much affected my blogging stuff  here and i dont even do anything just to wait and wait until the server goes up again..my goodness im too tired by waiting and i hope they might consider me rather all of us who will be under their server, ok thats it for now and let see if they do anything for this to be resolve then.

Happy all saint’s day!

wow its already november 1,2010 and i know a lot of people are getting afraid on this day because they do believe on this day, those roaming spirit will be shown up and celebrating,partying their day,lol and yeah let me just greet you a happy all saints day everyone and how your Halloween party then? me i just on my room and waiting the celebration finish, yeah so boring and nothing to share now, im empty shell again..lo

Happy Birthday Mom

i just want to greet my mom a very happy birthday to her and i hope that she had a blast then as we celebrator her birthday later night and i also hope that we can accompany her on this world till we all gets old..i hope it can be real because i dont wanna lose someone special on me included all of my relatives of course, so yeah i need to end this because were about to leave now for the late dinner..lol thanks a lot

Page Rank Update this october? Google are you there?

yeah i know everyone has been too frustrated now on the big boss Google because still now after the last update last April, 02 2010 we wasn’t heard about the next update hopefully this October ends, do Google sleep anyway? and can you please explain how this Google page rank works? because the update is not consistent because Google is indeed unpredictable on how this most awaited page rank update works, my goodness gracious i got so many sleepless night already but still Google will visit my blog to give some presence with..lol ok christmas is already around the corner maybe Google is planning a great gift or all of us? i hope this might great than a free coupon codes..

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ok please let me know if you seen your toolbar green juices move ok and no worries ill do the same thing as i seen mine moving and kicking..lol ok thanks a lot thats it for now

Threat has been detected

Oh, i just noticed that Ive been made a lot of categories to this blog and i laugh out loud on that, anyway let me tell you a short story that is happened awhile ago which on how i detected a threat on my computer. yeah indeed my little computer detected a threat when i checked out the person profile that i really pissed of on the social networking site facebook, lol i dont know if my computer really reads on whats on my mind and hitting me that kind of txt when i was browsing the person profile, how funny inst it?

but the really was my computer got an virus that i dont know where the virus came from? do in facebook? what do you think? not sure though but at least i had a great antivirus software you can automatically deleted the threat and yeah my computer was indeed ok now and still kicking and clean..ok thats it dear for now..lol thanks

istarblog is co-created by my sister jane

yeah we are both administration on this blog, the main administration was me who owned the blog ronelmarin.net and iamronel.com while the other one was my sister who own the finkalixius.info that is going great on her own blog now because the blog got a great pagerank than to this blog,lol anyways just want you all this information and if you have any questions to us you may visit our blog then click the contact page on it or lets make your life easier, uoi can use our contact page here @ iastablog

Too slow babe

my goodness as i opened this blog a while ago that will took me almost an hour one thing that ive been noticed with, what? my connection is pretty much slow than to the slowest turtle living to this world and i dont know if there some thing going on, on my server or just my connection is the main problem on this? ok ok let me check my hosting first, hmm done checking it, well as i see it the bandwidth is pretty wide and i think connection is messing here, oh lord please keep the signal in  because i was intend to write a lot of blog post today and i dont wanna be get affected on this freakin signal, ok ok im in the hurry now let us talk later, bye for now

done verifying my paypal

yes finally my paypal account removed by the limited status and verified status has been putted, thanks to my bdo bank account because nowadays any bank can be use to verify a certain paypal account and can be cash out your money after you done linking your bank then made it verified after all, now im trying to cash out my gathered money to those brokers that i use to work too and let see if the money will move out on the bank account it self, ill make you an update if i received my money then..thanks a lot and keep on rockin guys

My Travel Category

Yes dear, ill be posting some of my travel experiences to this blog as i achieve it so because i had this plan in mind that i will give my self a treat every time i accomplished some of my frustration and yeah i think i made some sort of them now and yeah thats why this category has been made..lol actually i am not a adventure like what you’ve been thinking on me at the first place because i was only a nature lover who  can appreciated those beautiful scenery around the country..

by the way ill put a travel corner on my sidebar so that you can easily navigate my travel post and i thought that flag is much better icon for that..what do you think? ok for now ill put my country flag and you’ll know as well where do i reside with..lol ok thats it for now and let see whats gonna happen next after this post..lol ok thanks a lot and have a great day ahead to everyone