Learn to shop on the frugal way

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Everyone loves to shop whether online or in the nearby mortar stores. Because shopping can makes you feel relax and this was already the best way to distressed yourself on your daily dose of workloads and anxiousness. Actually, I used to shop online because there’s a tons of great deals available that these merchants are offering and one of it was this discounted items and coupon codes. I know, most of you are quite familiar too on how this coupon code works as well the discounted items but I’ll be more to pleased to tackle about the coupon codes because these were the best way or the frugal way to shop online.

Practically saying, using coupon codes are ones we must to practice often than considering these items on its regular prices as we do shopping. Because really! merchants has a lot to offers especially if they’re online stores. You may check out ebays for some great deals as well you may use coupon codes for amazon for your convenient, as yourself are fond of shopping there. But if you prefer to shop on those branded ones. I’ll then refer you on this site called zoutons.com where mostly brands and merchants stores listed their coupon codes and deals. Actually, I’ve been lurking the site quite awhile now and I either uses some of their offering codes already. And I must say! there given codes are working fine and it does really lessen the prices of the items am about to avail on the certain brands I liked.

Zoutons.com does cater a lot of brands, from top brands to local brands. They either has some Indian fashion brands which I think you must have to consider as you like some mantra made of clothes. But if you prefer these top international brands, no worries then.. because they either got them. Just check their site today and have your unique coupon codes to use for your convenience.

Oak Stair Treads

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When it comes to home decorating. There’s really a bunch of materials and pieces that we could choose from with like some glittery center pieces that can give a great seeing to the home and these some raw materials that we could placed in inside the home for the accentual matter like an pot of trees and some fountains accessories that can make the whole house looking specious and comfortable to hang to. Actually, as we talk about home decor, there’s an various or wide range of designing we can pick up depending on your taste and personality. Others like their home to be techno and modern while other prefers it to be more looking raw and old-fashion, whatever could it be one thing is main goal which making the house looking neat and proper.

Though there’s a varied selection of oak stair treads available in the market today. But I think the wood material is never be outdated in trend because wood is classy and it has its own value already as we dig up the history of home designing and decorating. So – why not using wood than those metals that can be easily rusted. Plus, wood can be lasted for decades either millennium as chosen the best type of wood to use like narra, mahogany & etc..

Classy Looking Newel Posts

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Nowadays, home decors are always into modern concept because that’s what the hot thing and most probably the demand these days when it comes to home decorating and designing. That is why people are quite fascinating to them most especially to these metallic kind of piece work and concepts. However, nothing cant still beats to the classy woody newel posts because it can give accentual appeal to the whole staircase as you uses all types of newel posts together, and I know most of the home designers out there will be on my side now as am telling you here that wood staircase and its posts are still the best to use. Though, it kinda sound like old-fashioned but I think this probably make your home quirky looking as you’d still consider to use the wood stair instead of the metallic and modern ones.

Adding an old piece to you home is actually the best thing to do. Because it can balance up the culture and ambiance inside the home and turn it up into nicely peaceful type of home. Just look into those Japanese inspired type of home where woods are often uses, as a main material of the home. You can see on how raw and beautiful the house is.. because the concept of the nature are perfectly implemeted and used in the proper part of the home, so – it turned out well and amusing to the eye.

The Brief History of the Manbag

Presented by Ghurka

Ah yes, the Man Bag. It’s funny how something so utilitarian and masculin can be misconstrued as something, how should we say, not so macho. 


The truth is men have worn bags for centuries for, both style and utility, proving that hand-bags aren’t just for women. 


During the renaissance (before pockets) men wore girdle pouches. Girdle pouches were very handy for transporting things like spices, flowers, and herbs. 


The satchel, arguably the manliest of the man bags was used primarily by school children to transport books (think modern day backpack). 


The briefcase came into existence during the Industrial Revolution and was used by powerful men to transport important documents, papers, books, and small valuables. 


During the World Wars military men fastened bread bags to their belts and used them as an all purpose carrying bag. 


The messenger bag has made a strong resurggence. Historically they were used by bike messengers and postal carriers before they evolved into a fashionable item. 


So next time friends give you a hard time over that so called “Man Bag” of yours, tell them it’s just the opposite of femininity; it’s historically masculine.

BEAST Kikwang, Junhyung and BTOB Sungjae Fashion Style X The Kooples’ Store Opening

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Might most of you, might know already who are these guys were. They’re one of those leading and well known Kpop idols today in the Korean music industry. And I know most of you are following these guys whether to their music or kind of styling they were wearing off on the certain appearances that is why I am so pleased then to blog this up where these guys are wearing their neatly styling. I simply liked their styling here because it’s looking neat and at the same time well comfortable to them, I think the type of pieces they wears here are the ones they prefers most because though we usually sees Korean celebrities wearing these high-end brands quite often but I think they were not comfortable wearing it due maybe of the high details of it which needed to be portail for the pieces to be shown as supposed to be.. I hope you can get what am trying to say here.. ehhe

As for today, I havent knowyet what are the brands of these pieces they worn here for the Kooples’ Store Opening. However, as I got to know pretty soon. I’ll be surely update you all for you to know and mimic their style here as you pleased to. Okay, that will be all for now and please keep on checking this blog, istarblog.com, for more Korean celebrity fashion updates.

Publish Brand 2014 Summer Collection

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Basics are so fine. Yes! guys loves to wear pieces which are basics like plain tees and shorts that’ll be well pair of with any sneakers. I think, mostly guys styled themselves of this kind especially now as we got the summer season. Because these are the most comfortable pieces that we could wear off as we got into hot kinda weather also basic pieces can we rock with as well in any high-end brands for sort of season like in winter and fall, all you have to learn was on how to mix and matches clothes that blended well for your styling. I hope you can get what am trying to say here.

Okay, recently, the brand called Publish Brand had released their ” Publish Brand 2014 Summer Collection” and I believed at this moment, these pieces, from their collection, are already out in the market. If you wanted to check them out on your bear eyes. Just heads up in any nearby mortar stores for the preview and you’ll probably know as well further details about each pieced they’d had cooked for us this summer season. Actually, these pieces are like my style. Because I wanted to wear something comfortable and in away give me at ease.. hehe

Alright, that will be all for now and please bear with me for not including some details of this brand’s collection. Because they haven’t sent me yet the PR of it so – am doing this post in advance..ehhe But this may surely be updated as I handed the PR, pretty soon.. Thank you!

Akdong Musician(AKMU) – ‘GIVE LOVE’

I used to blog up some YouTube videos here, istarblog.com, particularly K-pop or sort of. Because K-pop musics are indeed entertaining , plus, the soul of the song are still there which capture the interests of the listeners even it does sang in their mother tongue, Hangul/Korean. Yeah! that’s how the Korean musics invades the whole music industry today.. Also, Korean pop music are composes of variety of materials where you can even hear some jazz sounds to it and at the same time pop sounds are blending well to one another, I dunno on how they arrange their musics but overall the Kpop is amusing to listen and it is really catchy and easy to follow.

Few days back, the sibling duo, Akdong Musician, had released their new song called GIVE LOVE. Actually, I’ve heard this already when the siblings are still on to Kpop star and I think they’re the one who composed this song. But I am not still sure though about it.. ehhe but you can try to listen this give love song at above video, you may also see the duo dancing in their cute moves..

Rockwell by Parra 2014 Spring/Summer Nylon Windbreaker

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I simply liked this playful jacket that Parra had cooked for us for their Rockwell by Parra 2014 Spring/Summer Nylon Windbreaker. Though most of you are not into this type of wears but I think colorful pieces are really fits well on me that is why I am quite pleased then already to put this quirky piece here, istarblog.com..

Actually, this was really my first time to hear the brand nor to see either their playful collection or pieces. And yet, I think, their each pieces are quite promising and might be the most consider pieces in these following seasons. Because colorful pieces are the ones versatile ( I think so) in any seasons that is why this is the practical way to be stylish most of the time by having one piece that maybe cope up in several seasons. I hope you can get what am trying to say here… ehhe

Alright, that will be all and as I got the further details about this collection, Rockwell by Parra 2014 Spring/Summer Nylon Windbreaker , I will surely update you all here. Meantime, let me finish this off because am already running out of thoughts for this lovely piece here.. ehhe bear with me then..

[ ENG SUB] SBS Roommate Ep. 3

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Korean entertainment industry are getting big today. Because we (other nationalities) are fond of watching their shows whether it;s into the Kpop to dramas or even some of their reality shows like this SBS Roommate, are still patronizing. Yes! that’s how the Korean entertainment huge these days. To the fact that most of us doesn’t really understand the whole things they were saying due of the language barrier and yet we’d still watching them because of the whole materials and concepts they were using as they put up one show, besides we can still watch the subbed one for us to understand a bit or just the thoughts of what they’re doing on the entire show..

Recently, the one leading Korean TV station, which the SBS, had released this awesome reality show called Roommate, quite similar to Big bother house but in different concepts. And i must say, this show is really great and can really gain popularity because of the individuals they had put together in the one roof.. You may watch the latest episode of the show below.. No worries! from now on, I’ll be including each latest episode of this reality show in this blog, istarblog.com, for you to be updated as well..

Thanks to ThanhnamKoreanTV team for exerting the effort for putting the english sub for this SBS Roommate Ep. 3.