A Simple Guide to Building a Home from the Ground Up

If you have a home designing itch that just can’t be scratched through doing a bit of refurbishing, then why not go one step further? Why not go as far a step as you can go when it comes to home designing, in fact, and build your very own home from the ground up for you and your family to live in? Doing so takes hard work, of course it does, but it is probably not as hard and probably won’t take as long as you would first expect it to. To see just what needs to be done in such a venture in as simple and as straightforward a way as possible, make sure to read on.

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Get yourself the perfect plot of land to build on

The first thing to do in a home building venture is to, of course, find a plot of land to build on. But, this shouldn’t just be any plot of land, and it certainly shouldn’t just be the first plot that you come across. No, you should make sure that during the process of plot choosing that you are always looking out for and indeed holding out for the one that is perfect for you. Now, this plot could be perfect because of its geographical location. It could be perfect because of its price. It could be perfect because of its size. Basically, the plot that you choose should match your building dreams and aspirations perfectly.

When it comes to finding such a plot, that’s where hard work on your part is going to come into it. What this hard work would entail specifically is you searching for plots using various sources of doing so, such as the Internet, and then you actively heading out to these plots to make sure they look just as good in real life as they did on your computer screen. Even if you were looking at and researching residential land for rent in as far away a place as Malaysia, it is still advised that you actually see the plot you invest in for yourself with your own eyes before you actually hand over any money in regards to it. You need to do so because, quite simply, things never do look quite the same as they do on a screen, whether that be for better or for worse!

Get all the legal stuff out of the way

As boring as legal stuff always is (and, believe me, when it comes to home building it’s just about as fun as it is in regards to everything else) it simply has to be covered when you are seeking to build to your own home. Specifically, what you need to do is get to grips with and sort out a mortgage strategy for your new-build that will both keep the building work on the right side of the law and keep everything you do financially in regards to the venture on that side too. What you should be doing when sorting out such a strategy is ensuring that any and all money lenders involved with the venture are kept in the know in regards to everything at all times. By not doing so, and more importantly by not mentioning them in any legally bound paperwork, then all parties — you and them included — will be in trouble.

Start floor planning, and get building

And now for the fun part, the floor planning and the building! But, as fun and as physically rewarding as this stage is, don’t let the euphoria of it all get to your head: one bad move at this stage could spell disaster for your new-build venture. So, make sure you are always doing your utmost best to avoid the making of bad moves!

When it comes to floor planning, a bad move would be not using a floor plan software as this kind of technology makes architecture as easy as it ever has been, whether those that use it are proficient in the subject of architecture or not. In this software you would be able to see your proposed building layout in blueprint form, and seeing this is pivotal when it comes to doing the little, innocuous things that you think don’t mean a great deal but actually do, such as the placement of doors and windows.

Once you’ve laid out the best made floor plans of your new-build, it’s time to start building it. And, no, don’t worry because this does not mean you will have to do all of the work alone. Of course, helping out with the building work is something that you should both want to do and are, to be honest, expected to do — to make sure you’re up to this task, consider taking a course on design and construction prior to the starting of the building venture — but most of the work will be done by professionals in the field of building and construction. And when it comes to choosing who exactly it is that will be doing this work for you, make sure to take your time in studying and vetting the professionals you seek to bring in before you do so; make sure you have your building professionally surveyed once all the work is done, also You need to do this because, unfortunately, in this day and age, cowboy builders are rife and sometimes it’s hard to spot them when the only thing you know about them and their work is what they tell you.

Building your own home is something that you should be doing if you have a home designing scratch that you have, thus far in life, been unable to itch. So, what are you waiting for? Go on, do it, build your own home! And, when you do, make sure to throw the biggest house warming party your friends and new neighbours have ever seen because after all of your hard work in plot finding, mortgage sorting, floor planning and building the home, you’ll definitely deserve it!

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