Skateboarding is fun and some people are very serious about this sport. Well, to make the most of this activity, one should not hesitate to take steps that will help them master the skills or tricks. You can get the best skateboard, but if your attire and shoes do not match then you can find it challenging to move well on the board. Choosing the right pair of shoes is very important.
You need to search your way through the vulc shoes and labyrinth from high, mid and low top sneakers. For finding a perfect pair of shoes, you should consider the technical developments like Duracap, Flyknit and Hyperfuse. So, here we will discuss about some features and characteristics to buy a perfect pair of skateboard shoes. You need to check different materials, are there different fits and things you need to consider in a pair of shoes. You should also know how to take care of the shoes.
Shoe type:
Should you buy high, mid or low cut shoes. You need to choose the style, focus on comfort, taste and feel. So here are three types of shoes which should be distinguished from each other so you can understand the features, specs, and benefits of each.
High Top shoes:
High tops end above the ankle and these are a higher cut pair of shoes. Therefore, they offer more stability and there is additional padding as well. Thus, the level of comfort and safety is more. It offers good cushioning to your feet and protects the ankle area. Higher cut shoes also keep you warm and it is beneficial to keep the joints warm. The only issue is that they do not breathe well and some high top sneakers are suitable as winter shoes only because they have a high cut.
If it is overwhelming for you to decide between the high and low tops then you certainly need more stability and padding. The mid top shoes can be a preferred choice for you then. Let’s check about it now.
Mid top shoes:
The mid top shoes are a little higher cut shoes than the low cut and the laces fall either under or at the ankle. These shoes are not high like the hi top shoes, but they are higher than the low tops. Therefore, these shoes offer a good amount of stability, support, dampening and support when compared to low – cut sneakers. Additionally, most of the mid tops are perfectly suitable like the transitional shoes in the winter time so it can stay warm and dry.
Low top shoes:
In the world of skating shoes and sneakers, these shoes are the flat standard models. These models are lightweight and there is lose padding in the ankle area. Thanks to the insoles that are developed using high level technology and you don’t have to sacrifice dampening and cushioning.
Soles: The texture and construction of the soles is responsible for achieving the absolute feel and comfort of the shoe. Different types of soles are built to meet distinct requirements in the same shoe. You can find about the different soles below:
Outsole is the most vital thing when it comes to buying a shoe for skating so it can meet the grip, stability and flexibility demands. It should be resistant to abrasion as well.
Midsole is between the outer and inner sole. It is the most important dampening component of the shoe and made of EVA or Ethyl Vinyl Acetate and phylon which is a heat resistant plastic. The major labels have developed their own midsole constructions and the well known brands are Lunar footbed, Zoom Technology, Adidas, Nike, Etc.
Insoles are about the individual needs of the wearer. Therefore, they are interchangeable and removable in high priced shoe models. Once it gets worn out, you can replace its insoles and if they do not seem fresh then let them air out.
For extra cushioning gel pillows are sewn in some type of insoles. The insole curvature will suit the skater’s needs. As per the model and brand, the insoles vary. The foot bed is usually made of EVA and it is elastic as well as soft. There is Ortholite insole as well. It is antibacterial and breathable. It cools and is resilient as well as long lasting. The different degree of firmness throughout the foot bed gives more comfort while moving.
So, there are many types of models that offer different features. To choose a pair of good shoes you must analyze the features of the shoes and also select an ideal electric longboard. You must also take proper care of your shoes. There are many other features which you must check, but these basic ones can guide you to choose the best skateboard shoes for taking your skateboarding skills to another level. And you may also check for Zalora Coupons for good discounts on skateboard shoes.