We all know that Big Bang are used to wear boots when they’re performing. And I know mostly guys out there are really looking forward to find out which brand of boots that the group always wore as they came out for guesting and stuff activities. Actually as I’ve noticed it, Big bang group loves Christian Louboutin sneakers becuase they do often wears the brand, but on this matter, Big bang chosen this great Balmain Ranger Boots SS2010 on their Comeback poster that you may see on the top photos( the second picture was Taeyang and Daesung, I just cropped the photo’s out)
By the way you can buy this boots for $1342.12, Yeah! quite expensive though, but if you had this bunch of money then and really liked this boots out and looking for the online store where you can buy it, no worries just heads up on this link to purchase the boots. So yeah, that’s it for now and soon I’ll be sharing some fashion and trends here.