Be Healthy and fashionable

I am blogging this for my female fashionista readers though this blog is more focus on guys fashion but yet still I do have some girls readers here that can relay on this post. Alright, recently I read some health magazine here at house that my sister bought on the bookstore because the magazine is really tackling about girls heath and even some men health as well, I found it cute because of the cover that’s why Ive been decided to read some article of the magazine and I found out new things about girls that we guys doesn’t know and I do believe some girls wont know this either. That this medical compression hose rather panty hose for girls are can be use not only to hide some unwanted stuff on the legs on but also can me use on health matter. Sounds interested right? yeah it is because this kind of hose for girls are now suggested by the doctor to avoid those varicose veins that most girls have. Yeah, good to know that we guys can often have this varicose veins. The hose can push up all of your veins and firm your legs to avoid to have any of this varicose, so if I were you, you must have this now before its to late.

I was trying to be help for those girls out there using this blog so please bear with me. And I hope I can help you my dear readers regarding this topic that you may consider too soon, believe me. thanks a lot

Fight for your Fashion Freedom

God gave each one of us a mind to think what decisions that we’re think is good to us and the path that can we go through it . Like on fashion each one of us has this eagerness to become a unique and fab by our own little things that can shown up to those clothes and styles that we were wearing of. but sometimes if you were an alien into one place mostly you can hear some discrimination on how you wear your things out becuase trends stuff are not huge that can occupied all places, though nowadays people are open minded in all kind of fashion trends but we can avoidable rather best term was please other people to like your stuff on that brings into discrimination on your end as they found your style bored on their way. Actually if that’s happen to you and all things get worsen I suggest you to report this person to Misdemeanor Domestic Violence not only to gain respect but also on your own sake and safeness as you immigrant in one place. Trust me lawyer is our best friend any where we are.

I hope this post will be way to get other mean people to open their hearts on other people wants and like becuase its on fashion or anywhere.

TOP & Daesung Wearing Raf by Raf Simons Wool Perfecto Jacket

One of the fashion piece of TOP was a Jacket and we’ve seen Daesung wearing some as well, but on this photos that I recently found on the internet , to be specific on Google. As you can see Daesung & TOP was wearing the same jacket that called  Raf Simons Wool Perfecto Jacket by Raf collection it self, Actually I often noticed that big bang member and any other group under Yg entertainment has these great taste when its come on their Jackets and shoes, I think we need to compliment their wardrobe department.

By the way this jacket will cost you $1,050, yeah Yg entertainment has this very expensive wardrobe as always. My goodness I cant wear this even on my dream.hahah

Taeyang Wearing Destroyer Jacket from Nike Sportswear

We’ve seen Taeyang wearing this jacket quite sometimes, I think Koreans are into jackets and sweatshirt due of the weather there. that’s why this guy often consider jacket as his fashion piece, isn’t it?Anyways this jacket is from Nike Sportswear and you may buy this for EUR 362.00 ,Yeah, Indeed expensive, right? but if you have this eagerness to have this same jacket and you don’t have enough money though, I suggest you to buy the replica one instead and mostly china online stores are the best place to look into it. But better yet, original is the best of course. This was only my suggestion so please bear with me. 🙂

Where’s the bird?

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I am a trying hard? Yes, I am. Look I got an bird on my camera this recently and sorry for the late post by the way. Anyways I’m quite bit happy when I captured this beautiful bird becuase it seems the bird is enjoying while I’m trying to capture him, I think birds has a instinct when someone trying to take them a photo becuase they really pose of awhile and allow you to take an photo of them, such intelligent creature. so yeah, this post will belong on my photography category, and if you want to see more taken pictures by me just head up on the sidebar and find the photography under the sidebar name category.

My Photography, I failed

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Recently I bought my Canon 500D, and I really don’t know on how this camera to use, Yeah, I admit it. but anyways I tried my ever best to understand hows this camera functioning and yeah, these are my first taken pictures and I hope you may like it. Though the concept isn’t that good, rather I must say I don’t have any concept for these snap photos.LOL

Alright, I will upload more photos soon as I got some beautiful snap photos here and I really looking  forward to that, I hope I can be. Crosses my fingers now. Okay, that’s it for now and have a great day ahead everyone.( Sorry I’m quite tired, I cant blog too long)

Topamax lawsuit

Topamax lawsuit is the medicine that I was got amazed with, why? because this medicine had been proven not only where I residing but also around the world due of the liability and effectiveness of this medicine. I think I need to buy a lot of this kind for my future illness if that is so, and  not just that. Because this topamax can be heal those child who had their birth deficiency since birth of course and even us normal  can also take this kind of medicine here. Just consult your family doctor first before you can proceed taking this.

Now one of my friend is already taking this and she said that the medicine is indeed working to her and I am happy that now my friend is going better now than before.

Acid Washed Jeans for Men

I’m into Korean fashion nowadays becuase Korean has a hippies pieces of clothes that can look you more stunning and cool. And I think acid washed jeans is the one trending on the said country nowadays and due of the K pop phenomenal, who often wore this kind of jeans. The acid washed jeans is now spreading not only on Asia but also all over the world. Actually, I don’t know where this acid wash came from, I just seen it first into those Kpop groups, so please bear with me then. But I believed Korea is the first one who made this. Anyways at this moment a lot of this jeans can be bought on your favorite stores due of the demand of the buyers I think so.

Me, I don’t see my self wearing this kind of jeans, becuase I admit I am not that skinny like you are that can suits this jeans perfectly(LOL) becuase this kind of jeans was made to those people who had this great thigh, Believe me. but there’s still some made acid jeans that can fits to those not so blessed person to had this great thigh. hahaha Okay, the best thing to do is to work out though, alrighty, that’s it for now and soon I’ll blog something else that you might amaze about.