Stüssy Takes on the Schott Motorcycle Jacket

When fall and winter season comes, I know most of you folks are pretty much pleased to wear some jackets particular those black ones. Because black pieces are one can makes you feel warm in the cold breeze air that we are having to these seasons. But merely men, especially those into street wear, are fondly to wear the motor jacket than to those luxurious looking overcoat. Because these kind of jackets are very warm as you wears and it can gives statement to you total outfit you’d tryig to pull off that is why a lot of men are prefers this than to overcoat but of course if you’re more comfortable into overcoat this winter you can still do that as long as you’re more confident in pulling it off and everything will go well, for sure.

My all time fave street wear brand stussy had teamed up with schott to have this motorcycle jacket that is made of fully leather and has some accentual added that can signifies to both brands trademarks. I must say that this jacket is pretty dope and I know most of you dudes are pretty much excited to have it this winter.

For the availability? well, as for now, I haven’t heard any yet but am sure that these coming months either stussy or schott will then release further details about this but to make sure you can check the brand’s main website for updates..

Upgrading Your Bathroom in a Flash

When we leaf through the pages of Good Housekeeping we often see images of beautiful bedrooms and living rooms and would read about tips in decorating our favorite room in the house. The bathroom is usually left out which shouldn’t be the case. It should equally be given attention and should always look nice and cozy. If you have a messy and cluttered bathroom, don’t despair because there’re a couple of simple things that you can do to upgrade it and make an otherwise ordinary bathroom look extraordinary. For one, you can turn an unused nightstand into storage for small towels, toiletries, makeup, and hair tools and also make a vintage inspired towel rack where you can hang towels.

Another simple upgrade is to install a pedestal sink that’s not only sophisticated but also space saving. You can likewise change an old faucet with Phylrich faucets or Phylrich fixture that’re luxurious, elegant, functional, and high quality. If you have a bathtub that lacks wide ledges, hang a multilevel fruit basket for additional space. A stylish vintage dresser vanity complete with modern plumbing will also be a welcome addition to your bathroom. Painting the walls with a calming color can make you feel relaxed and comfortable as well as having scented candles everywhere. A bathroom retile is another easy upgrade that’s also easy on the budget if you do it yourself. A freshly tiled floor can brighten your bathroom and your mood.

bathroom design photo: Modern bathroom luxuriousmodernwhitebathroomwithdar.jpg

Buy all your bathroom fixtures, kitchen, and other consumer-friendly products at PlumbTile. This family owned business is the leader in the decorative plumbing marketplace, offering innovative customer-friendly products and excellent service at affordable prices. Check out their website and you’ll see the very latest in plumbing fixtures, accessories, door and cabinet hardware, ceramic tile, stones etc. PlumbTile actually has 750,000+ brand name products. They have the largest collection of premium brand names like Abstract Designs, American Universal, Danze, Classic Brass, Grohe, Jeffrey Court, Hot Knobs, Huntington Brass, Five Elements, Modern Objects, Paul Decorative, Vola, Sonia, Terra Designs and a lot more.

Best Custom Jewelleries For 2016

The 2016 version of the Summer Olympic Games is now underway in Rio. Forget about the many controversies that come along with this event every four years. Focus, if you will, on the true spirit of the games and the true beauty of the effort that a majority of the athletes put into their competition.  In many instances one individual is facing incalculable odds while striving to become an Olympic champion.

What the public sees is the ten seconds of the hundred metre final or a swim that takes well under a minute to capture a new world record.  What the public does not see is the lifetime of sacrifice, training, joy, and sorrow that brings these highly skilled, focused and determined competitors to the place that they are.

These are unique individuals with a character and vision all their own.  They strive to be the very best they can be accepting nothing less than perfection in what they do. Nothing, but nothing except ultimate victory is within their understanding

Perhaps it may seem odd to compare the design of custom jewellery to the making of a world class athlete but think about it for a moment.  The raw talent of muscle and sinew is molded and shaped through effort and determination, in the case of the athlete, into a unique competitor.  The custom jeweller creates from a wide variety of raw materials a unique piece through the same dedication, effort and determination.  There can be no mistaking the beauty of the finished product in the case of an athlete.  How could one question the beauty of the result as a custom ring, bracelet, or pendant is born at the hands of a master jeweller.

Just as athletes strive for years to arrive at the pinnacle of their discipline, so do jewellers who take on the challenge of creating custom pieces.  An Olympic medal may not be within your grasp but reaping the reward of a custom designed piece of jewellery certainly is!

How to Prepare Kids for Blood Tests

When kids reach a certain age, they’ll need to visit a lab to take blood tests. Doctors examine blood in order to gather important medical information while children are sick or in the process of getting treatments. Since nurses use needles to extract the blood, most kids have problems remaining calming throughout their visit. If your child is scared or nervous, you can make the experience more pleasant by following a few easy steps.

Discuss the Test Process in Advance

Many children will panic if they visit a lab for blood work without notice. If you tell your child what can be expected throughout the procedure, stress and fear won’t be a big issue. However, you shouldn’t discuss the procedure too far in advance because your kid may begin to worry excessively until the day of the appointment. To achieve the best results, try to have the discussion about two days before the testing process.

Understand Your Role

Your role during the test will vary based on the child’s age. Young children have different levels of fear, so they’ll need a lot of attention throughout the procedure. You shouldn’t provide any negative reactions at the lab during stressful situations because the vibes will affect how the child behaves. For example, when the nurse arrives with the needle, try to remain calm so that your kid won’t worry.

Use Distractions

Younger kids and older children react differently during medical treatments, so you must use different distractions tactics. Toddlers who are two years old can be distracted with toys, noisy gadgets, and bubbles. Slightly older kids should hold a toy while the blood is extracted. If your child is almost a teenager, books and breathing exercises can reduce stress levels before the test is conducted.

When children learn how to take blood tests while they’re young, they experience less fear during important procedures in the future. An ifa test, cholesterol test, and other examinations that involve blood extractions are very beneficial and shouldn’t be avoided. This is why you must give your kid your full support during every doctor’s appointment.

Balabushka Remnants Brings Outerwear Staples for 2016 Fall/Winter

As we’re going our way to winter, I know most of you folks are pretty much excited to have wear your well suited outwear that can of course brings that daddy looks to everybody. But before that, you must as well to upgrade your clothese through these new in outwear pieces that your fave brands has to offer for the season. And good thing that we could have a peek now, as early as today, on what the brand Balabushka Remnants has to offer for us this fall and winter season.

The brand, Balabushka Remnants, releases its own fall/winter collection for this year 2016 and I must say that mostly of their pieces especially those coat and jackets are pretty much unique and I also think that they’ve got an idea or gets inspired with Japanese kimono as their designs used in this collection are quote lousy than the usual kind of jacket or coats we have in market.

I actually simply likes them because the brand uses the blue color to their collection unlike the black one which mostly brands are fond to have as for their fall/winter collection. I think, it is better to have wear the unusual ones hence it can make a great statement not only on the totality of your outfit but also to the whole usual kind of wearing for the cold season.

These pieces are soonest be available to market and if you wanted to update yourself in this as you pleased to have any of the pieces included to this collection. I may then suggest you to have look, more often, the brand’s main website as they keep in releasing details these following days as for the availability of each of their pieces. And you can either learn the pricing ranges in each items before you can consider to have them in your shopping basket.

Best online music store

Most of the folks these days are pretty much pleased to have learn any musical instruments today, but mostly people were settled on acoustic guitar as this was the pretty much available in the market but you know what? there’re a lot of musical instruments that you could have to try and yet they’re includes to discount music store that is means you can have them in very reasonable prices than to the guitar. You can have it searched over google for the list or better yet have it visit on the link given for you to learn further.

Support Your Feet While Gaining Height

When stereotypes, media, and everyday representations in commercials, movies, and on TV continually display an excessive amount of focus on our physical bodies and our outward appearances, one of the dangerous side-effects is that we start to believe that our bodies are permanent. In fact, many of our physical features may seem to define us and definitively limit who we are or who can be, but these features, even if they are genetically coded, are only one dimension of us. This doesn’t mean they ought to be ignored, because, as we all know, taking care of the body means taking care of one’s health. What it does mean, however, is that there is much to be explored and investigated in the relationship between one’s inner being and outer being.

If you’re short, curvy, or have other physical traits that society tends to label as unattractive and unchangeable, don’t be disheartened! All that really matters are your confidence, self-esteem and ability to love yourself, and there are lots of practical options available for you to start believing that those traits are possible. here are practical options available that allow you to explore this area. For example, if you get a height increasing insole and feel taller, bolder, and more confident at work, you’ll begin to understand success as a feeling that comes from the inside, because most people won’t even notice that you’re an inch or two taller.

Get the boost in confidence and self-esteem that you deserve! Imagine the boost in confidence that you will experience from living a taller life. Heels lift you up, sure but they also really damage your feet. Elevator shoes provide a similar experience, but they limit your style choices since they come built into a pair of shoes. When you get a single pair of quality insoles, though, you can move them between pairs of shoes as often as you like without anybody noticing. Companies such as Add Height go the extra mile to ensure that products are built to last and remain comfortable the whole day. Plus, you get excellent support for your ankles, back, joints, and knees because the material maintains support for your arch.

A goodinsole consists of three parts, the polyvinyl foundation, silicone gel layer, and memory foam top layer. The Add Height foundation gives your body solid support while allowing you to maintain maximum control of motion. This part helps decrease the stress experienced by your back and knees. The silicone gel layer absorbs shock, proving further protecting for your joints and knees. This soft support area also regulates heat in order to keep your feet comfortable. The memory foam lines the top of the insole and works by reducing pressure, providing added shock absorption, and keeping you comfortable, and it’s made up of millions of cells designed to stabilize your feet with high density support.

Take back control of your self-esteem and try experimenting with a new product today!


Essential accessories for every lady

Just like a house would be incomplete without paint and furniture, a lady’s outfit would be incomplete without finishing touches like makeup and accessories like shoes and scarves.

Designers always try to better themselves and create new and innovative designs year after year to lure their target audience. A few essential pieces that every lady should have include coats, scarves, shirt dresses and wedges shoes online.

A few of the popular ones include:

  • Purse/ Clutch: They can be found in various colours, textures and patterns so you are bound to find something to suit your individual taste. They are also perfect for both day and night-time so pair one with your outfit for a fuss free look.
  • Scarves: These are great pieces to have in your wardrobe. They can help to add some colour and texture to your outfit. They come in various prints and fabrics so you can get a silk scarf for a daytime look or a warm one for when the weather cools down.
  • Jackets: Jackets are core essential for any wardrobe. They help to complete an outfit, keep you warm and also give a sense of elegance and style. Get a few different pieces so they can be used for a wide range of events. These outwears can be paired with basics to create some new outfits.
  • Handbags: A women’s outfit is never complete without a handbag. Handbags come in different sizes and styles so you can find something to complement every outfit. Essential pieces include clutches, shoulder bags, evening bags and totes.
  • Footwear: Shoes are a great way to make a style statement. They come in various styles, colours and can help to protect your feet from the elements whilst adding some visual aesthetic to the overall outfit. Try to get a few pieces in different colours and different styles like flats, heels, wedges and sandals.
  • Jewellery: When it comes to jewellery, it doesn’t have to be huge, dangling pieces. You can make a statement even with small stunning pieces in gold or silver. There are lots of stylish statement jewellery available so you can be sure to find something to suit you.

How can accessories be useful?

  • Accessories can be colourful and add some texture to your outfit so it would be great to add a few pieces especially if your outfit is of just one colour.
  • Having a pair of heels or some jewellery handy can be great especially if you have to work and go to a party after that. They can help transform your outfit to party ready in just few minutes.
  • Simple pieces can also be great if you don’t like to be too fancy. Opt for a colourful scarf or some gold earrings and let them shine.
  • Another great way to add some drama is through your footwear. There are heaps of footwear in bold prints and colours so these will be great to add a pop of colour or some visual interest to your outfit.

Now that you know the essential pieces to have in your wardrobe, why not go shopping and grab a few of the latest designs?

All Stunning Gowns At

Actually, on today’s fashion trend. There’re a lot of gowns and dresses that these designers and brands are keep on releasing as the computation are quite tight as for these coming months, which the month of wedding. Yes! as the ber months comes a lot of brands are focusing more into gowns as these were the most demand pieces to have by these lovely ladies who’ll take their vows soon hence no doubt why mostly of you gels are looking for the best and yet in reasonable prices, I know. No worries, as I knew one particular shop online that can give you the most stunning and yet in reasonable prices that wont break your wallet that much and other good thing was, this shop is offering an free shipping as you bought the item with the minimum spend to be eligible to the current free shipping offer they have. You can check this link for the list of gowns you might get interests in.

The shop is pretty reputable and as I’ve heard, even some famous personas are getting their dresses in here as they pretty pleased on what they could offer. They also offer some custom made dresses and some of the sample are listed here: for consideration. Actually, not just wedding gowns and dresses they have, as they made some casual, formal and even homecoming dresses – name it and they have it all. And for your princess who about to walk to the aisle as the cast of the entourage, I’ll then encourage you to have look this link: for the list which I know you’ll pleased about as most of their girl dresses are these princess inspired kind of dress.

Please do check them out and see for yourself on how great their each dresses were and how affordable their each dresses made.

TAG Heuer Releases the Carrera Calibre 17 Panda in Silver & Black

When it comes to men’s accessories, the one in lead was watches because watch is the main, I must say, accessory that we could have thus a lot of dudes especially those professional are quite pleased to either have the most expensive one like this luxurious German made brand here called TAG Heuer. Actually, I’ve been blogging a lot this brand in here as I am too amazed to your kind of timepiece than to the lead brand Rolex because TAG has its uniqueness in every watch they made as well it can make your total outfit dope as you wears any of their watch. Look their newly released designs which they’ve called “TAG Heuer Releases the Carrera Calibre 17 Panda in Silver & Black” they are pretty simple, right? but as you wears them over your wrist it can gives this sense of professionalism which mostly businessmen are trying to achieve by styling it. No doubt then, why mostly dudes are keep on talking about this new watches they have on their store’s shelves.