Having many clothes when traveling is not entirely necessary. By picking the right clothes and the ability to mix and match, you will only need a few pieces. Men usually travel light and do not care much about fancy clothes and too many travel accessories while on a trip. Wear dark pants and bright colored shirts or bright pants and dark colored shirts. Because a man cannot always wear T-shirts and polo, a button-down shirt would be a nice alternative. You can wear it anywhere, either with shorts or trousers, and with men’s sneakers or dress shoes. Another piece is a cashmere sweater which is both functional and stylish. Avoid wearing T-shirts with designs because they cannot be paired and used in every occasion.

Bring a pair of jeans that is well-constructed and stylish. It should also fit perfectly and can be worn during casual and/or fancy occasions. If you want to look even more stylish while traveling, accessorize. A pair of sunglasses, like aviators or something that will go well with your face shape can take your outfit from average to suave. Bring a scarf which can be a really fashionable addition to your getup. As for shoes, choose a pair that will suit your shirts, jeans, shorts, and accessories such as sneakers which you can wear anywhere, everyday.
For sure stylish men will shop for their clothes at East Dane, brother site to Shopbop.com and a division of BOP LLC. They sell a wide selection of high quality yet affordable clothes (shirts, outerwear, pants, jeans etc.), footwear (boots, sandals, sneakers etc.), and accessories (sunnies, jewelry, bags, belts etc.).