Brighter Eyes Thanks To Celeteque

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Late nights cannot be avoided especially if you are as busy as me. I also find that I am able to think more clearly at night when everybody is fast asleep and my surroundings is so quiet. Since everything has consequences, my unhealthy habit has resulted in my having eye bags and dark circles under my eyes. I noticed that it has become more pronounced throughout the years to the point that it has become unsightly. So I decided to do something about it and used Celeteque DermoScience Brightening Eye Tuck Plus Dark Circles Lightener.

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This amazing product is manufactured by Unilab, the leading pharmaceutical and healthcare company in the country. They have many other beauty and wellness products that consumers patronize. Celeteque DermoScience Brightening Eye Tuck Plus Dark Circles Lightener has an ingredient called Eyeseryl Tetrapeptide Complex which efficiently counters the formation of loose skin around the eyes by improving skin elasticity and fighting water accumulation, thus preventing puffiness around the eyes. It also brightens the skin around the eyes giving them a glowing look in just a short time.

There are many things I like about this product such as its consistency. It is easy to apply and does not have that sticky after feel. I also like that it comes in a squeeze tube with a narrow nozzle which prevents anything from being wasted. I have been using this continuously and have noticed that the dark circles under my eyes has lightened considerably and I no longer have tired looking eyes.

Classy ways to show the world you work hard

“I’ve never had a great reason to show off, but if I did so, I wouldn’t. You realize why? No person likes a showoff. It’s tacky and it can be interpreted as though you believe you can be better than someone else. That’s not a nice thing to remind people, even though chances are that you actually are better. However because exposing can be ill received doesn’t mean that you should hide or be ashamed of your accomplishments or success. You’ve worked difficult to earn your credentials. You’ve studied all night long, you’ve make the time. You’ve paid your dues and you will have every right to be pleased with where you are, and then there are tactful ways to show this to the careful observer. Don’t buy that Bentley if you want to keep a low profile, try something a little more subtle. It’s sexy and it’s classy.

1. The right accessory
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There are few things on God’s green Earth which are as synonymous with success compared to a Rolex. A Rolex is no more a watch than a Harley is a bicycle. A Rolex is a bit of art, it will be the definition of pride and perfection. If you wear a Rolex, you are telling the world you are not a person to settle for anything less. Ever. Rolex watches are renown for hand made precision. These are Rolls Royce of accessories. One of the many truly beautiful reasons for having this gem that sets it in addition to other watches is that the people that design and construct these classy time pieces are simply as happy with their work as you are of yours. If you were to in fact invest in one, you can always contact the certified rolex repair any time you wanted to make sure that yours was working right for you. Equally as their product is second to none, so is their rolex customer service.

2. A tailored suit

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If it’s worth investing in a tailored suit, and they will all say yes, ask literally any classy woman in the world. In addition you look the part, however you feel the part and when you are feeling the part, you act it. You are it. There’s a good reason that once you see a gentleman walk across the road, he turns heads. There’s rich people everywhere, it’s not because we think he’s rich. It’s because he’s put together. Despite whatever problems he’s having with his car that week, or that his boss may have scolded him in front of the investor they have a crush on, we don’t know. Today he placed on that suit and he looks like one million bucks whether or not he feels it,. That’s all we, the gawking public know.

3. That smooth bottle of liquor

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If you have your colleagues to your office late Friday and present them a Jack Daniels, they’ll either expect to hit your local dive bar afterwards, or opt out and go home to their classy husbands and wives. Open your cabinet and pull out that 25 year old single malt. It will turn their heads every time. The proper scotch is as effective since the right suit or the right watch to show the world that your particular life is going just how you planned without shoving it down their throats. Remember, tact is attractive.”

A Lip Balm For Every Man

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Who says women are the only ones who take good care of their skin? We do too, maybe not as religiously as women but still we only want the best products for our skin. Unilab, the biggest pharmaceutical and healthcare company in the Philippines and the leading manufacturer of some of the most sought after beauty and wellness products, have made its mark again with consumers via their Celeteque DermoScience Skin Care Line. Anybody can use Celeteque DermoScience since there is a variant for every skin type and for every skin problem namely Hydration, Brightening, Sun Care, Acne Solutions, Advanced Anti-Aging, and Restorative Skin Care Line.

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I have tried several of their products and I must say that they are totally effective. These days I always use the Celeteque DermoScience Sun Care Soothing Lip Balm w/ SPF15 (8 g.) whether I am just at home or I am out doing errands and other stuff. Since the weather is cold nowadays my lips are always dry which results in cracked or chapped lips. Eversince I started using this lip balm, I have seen this marked improvement on my lips. It no longer gets dry. Celeteque DermoScience Sun Care Soothing Lip Balm with SPF15 has a double sunscreen protection against UVA/UVB rays which can damage and rapidly age the lips. It also has Mulberry Extract that lightens darkened lips and moisturizing oils that reduce dryness. It can be applied as often as needed and can be used as an everyday lip moisturizer to protect the lips from the harmful rays of the sun.

Ceelin Plus Syrup For Healthier Kids

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Kids nowadays may look healthy because they are chubby and tall but sometimes looks can be deceiving. We can never be too sure how healthy a child is unless we monitor their eating habits everyday. Furthermore, since the weather is somewhat unpredictable, children tend to get colds and flu easily and more frequently. Young children’s immune system is not yet fully developed so this makes then susceptible to all types of illnesses. This is when supplementation with Vitamin C and Zinc is helpful. The combination of Vitamin C and Zinc will boost the body’s immune system and help the body’s natural defense against damaging free radicals.

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Kids will get these nutrients from Ceelin Plus Syrup. It is the only Vitamin C plus Zinc in liquid format containing stabilized Vitamin C. Good thing UNILAB PH sent me samples a couple of days ago for my nephew to try out. He likes the taste so we do not have to force him to take his vitamins. He is the one who reminds us about it. He often has colds because he is an active boy and perspires a lot so I am hoping that he does not get sick anymore now that he is regularly taking Ceelin.

Learn more about UNILAB PH and their products from their Facebook and Twitter pages. You can likewise check out some of their videos and subscribe to their YouTube channel. For those who have Instagram, do not forget to follow them.

Having Healthy Hair Through nuNAAT

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The thing I hate most about myself is my hair. It is dry, damaged, hard to manage, and has a lot of split ends. Although I very much want to go to the salon and have it treated, I just do not have the luxury of time to do it. I am also on a tight budget so I would rather spend my money paying my bills and buying more important necessities like groceries rather than paying for all those chemical treatments on my hair. But that does not mean that I do not care about how I look because I do. That is why I am always searching the internet for hair products that are very effective and yet affordable.

Frequent trips to the salon for hair straightening procedures will leave your hair damaged to the point that it becomes unhealthy. I have heard of horrible stories of women going bald because of too much chemical treatments. That is why I would rather find great products that would make my hair looking beautiful. In my constant search, I have come across This hair care brand carries a wide selection of products such as shampoos, conditioners, moisturizing treatments and masks, styling products, and relaxers.

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nuNAAT caters to all hair types – normal, dry, chemically processed, brittle with split ends, wavy, frizzy, very wavy, and coarse. All their products are made from the finest ingredients that nature can offer like different types of nuts and plants, berries, and fruits. All I want is shiny, healthy, and dandruff-free hair that is why I tried the NAAT Brazilian Keratin System Professional. It has Green Keratin that permeates deep into the hair and sticking fast to cuticles, in the process treating them. My hair is naturally wavy but when I started using this it became straighter. Furthermore, I noticed that after only a few washes my hair has become softer, shinier, and smoother.

Another thing I noticed is that I no longer have split ends and falling hair. I really love my beautiful, healthy hair. I experienced this only with NAAT Brazilian Keratin System Professional. I am also very particular with regards to the ingredients in the products I use so realizing that this does not have Formaldehyde and sodium chloride made me even happier and more satisfied.

Like nuNAAT’s Facebook page to stay updated on their products. They are also on Twitter. For shopping convenience, visit and shop for their products online at nuNAAT Online. Retailers such as Walgreens, Walmart, Sally Beauty Supplies, Duane Reade (New York Metropolitan Area) and Navarro Discount Pharmacy also carry the nuNAAT product lines. Remember to always select the right hair care products for your needs, follow a hair care regimen, and apply hair masks and mineral oils when needed.

Note: post is written by my sister who did the product review for

Best Supplements for body builders

I know most of you folks are wanting to have this great and firmed muscles even girls, though most of the time guys are the one on this matter. But as we got this open minded generation and as the nation as this pair and equal seeing on girls to guy, girls are wanted to have this great bods as well like what guy do.

Anyway,if you really eager to have this kind of bods. I think, you must have this best testosterone supplements because this food supplements can really help you to speed up the firming of muscle and got what you wanted to reach on your bods easily. It’s like the most convenient things you do, this really must.. so, what are you waiting for? buy your own testosterone supplements today….

Dead sea bath salt

I heard a lot of benefits on this controversial dead sea bath salt that I wasn’t believe in at first because I’d never tried it on my own yet. But this recently as my mum bought one pack of this salt from the Israel sea, I must say this indeed effective and awesome! I can proves to you that this salt can really heal some skin asthma diseases liked what did I have before, but right now all of the allergies to my skin was abolished by this salt in short period of time. For that, I have to thank the mother nature for giving us all a dead see which contained of the healing salt. Try this folks and see how this so effective on your own.

Are you drugs addicted?

Sorry, but I think I need to tackle this issue that most teenagers has going through these days. Yeah mostly teens are get involved on this so called drugs due of some influenced of their colleagues and friends when their are on school and in any places. I think this was the biggest issue that we can stop immediately because they were a lot of people who are supporting on this kind of activities even to those politics, I believed! but for instant. Your child got addicted to it, the best this that you may do is to send him or her to drug detox center program because on this place on a lot of program and psychological activities that can may help to the victim to get recover and get back on real him or her. Try it if you are in this situation and I am pretty sure you can get rid to drugs immediately.

T.O.P Obese Picture (big bang member)

Who’d never thought that the big bang member one of the well known k pop group in Korea which is TOP is has been trough for being obese before. I know some of you knew this things about his past but other still not knowledgeable on how this guy look like before, so Yeah, I’d better to share his picture before that I was found on the internet as well. I think TOP was done into intense training just to abolish his unwanted fats and stuff like that and I heard that this man has this strong decision to achieve the look that he wanted to be that’s why now look at him, he can actually capture so many girls hearts out there.

This indeed hard to achieve without any help to those medicines or any machines that was available to you then and I suggest you to search about this Dieta Atkins and dieta mediterranea because I heard that these dieta stuff can be help for you to ease rather get rid of that disgusting body you have as you an obese one. I am telling this to let you know what are the best thing to do as you have this obese body because if you aren’t asking me. Me, before I was an couch potato as well, oops! that’s too much at least chubby I must but through help of this dieta Fricker and thingy all this wet into a good path that i wanted to be. I know this quite frustration as you are in the situation but be in the reality that sometimes we can help to eat a lot that can bring our selves for being unhealthy, but is not to late for us all to moderate eating and be healthy at the same time.

Now  this guy TOP has this nice body and healthy. And as for this moment, TOP is the best man fashionista on his generation specially on his country which in Korea along with his group big bang.

Look at his now, he can carried his self nicely and he can also now wear his things out properly. Not if you were an obese person this kind of pieces or clothes aren’t be match on your body built . but if you are an average body type like what did top has now, all things can you definitely wear of with. Now I was thinking if I will make my self much skinny than him because skinny men are hip nowadays.

Be Healthy and fashionable

I am blogging this for my female fashionista readers though this blog is more focus on guys fashion but yet still I do have some girls readers here that can relay on this post. Alright, recently I read some health magazine here at house that my sister bought on the bookstore because the magazine is really tackling about girls heath and even some men health as well, I found it cute because of the cover that’s why Ive been decided to read some article of the magazine and I found out new things about girls that we guys doesn’t know and I do believe some girls wont know this either. That this medical compression hose rather panty hose for girls are can be use not only to hide some unwanted stuff on the legs on but also can me use on health matter. Sounds interested right? yeah it is because this kind of hose for girls are now suggested by the doctor to avoid those varicose veins that most girls have. Yeah, good to know that we guys can often have this varicose veins. The hose can push up all of your veins and firm your legs to avoid to have any of this varicose, so if I were you, you must have this now before its to late.

I was trying to be help for those girls out there using this blog so please bear with me. And I hope I can help you my dear readers regarding this topic that you may consider too soon, believe me. thanks a lot