What’s your “Go to wear” clothes?

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Might most of you aren’t that fond of wearing those basic clothes for your daily errands. But to others these finds were fine and can actually pull off the total style. Actually, for today’s men fashion basic styling and clothes are the hottest because they’re the usual comfortable and with the proper mix and matches it can definitely turns good as long you’d know the right pieces for you. You can actually check out East Dane Shop for the list of basic items that you might use as you pleased or at least wanting to try this kind of fashion styling.

Actually, when it comes to my own fashion statement, I really prefers basics whether for my casual and formal wears. Though it is great if you could wear off those high-ed clothing for certain occasions or events and yet I think basics were the most safe to wear especially now that people were fascinating to “normcore” fashion where they can turn the basic clothing into finest ones. I think this kind of fashion were gone started in Australia that slowly evades even the asian market, hence we better try it on now because it might gone big soon – to the fashion scene.

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But of course you can still rock the Classic Styling by having the right pieces and accessories at East Dane. But you have make sure that each pieces were can get along to one another, I mean it does compliment each other especially the color’s matching. You can check the idea styling on the top photo for you to have the visual on how you can style yourself dandy and pretty neat this summer season

If you had learnt the idea already and knew on how you can turn basic clothes to normcore. I think to finish it off, you should have a great pair of shoes that can spice up the total outfit you’d trying to pull off. No worries, East dane got all the trendy shoes available today in the market from the high-end brands down to the local brands they have.

Tips to Maintain a Perfectly Groomed Facial Hair

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To keep stubble or not to keep stubble is the question that confuses a lot of men. Long back, a clean-shaven look was accepted to be the signature of a well groomed man whereas a beard look was frowned upon as a sign of carelessness and caprice. Time has changed and so has the idea of stubble. From notch celebrities, corporates, authors to college students-everyone is upright about adopting a rugged, macho and intense appearance with facial hair.

  1. Regular maintenance

Once you decide to rock the beard look, you have to get your hands laid on a trimmer every week unless you want to look like a haggard couch potato who is too lazy to shave. Shaping your beard is an essential part of grooming. You can read amazing articles about the art of shaving at Groom and Style for a comprehensive research on the topic of beard growth and styling. Achieving a clean, edgy and dashing look with facial hair needs a wee hard work. Girls with a fondness for intellect over anything simply go weak on their knees for men with stubble. Isn’t that worth your time and patience?

  1. Shape it, trim it

Shaving off the excess facial hair from the areas outside the natural growth of beard is the hack. Begin with the lower part of the neck and top area of the cheekbones. This will help you to get a clean look and will enhance your facial features. Having said that, do not go overboard with shaping otherwise the stubble will lose its natural charm and rugged appeal.it is best to use a shaving cream that doesn’t lather too much. For a smooth razor glide, scrub the dead skin cells of your skin with a gentle face wash before you start shaving. Then apply a shaving gel or shaving oil on particular reas.Leave it still for half a minute to allow the facial hair to soften. Now pick a razor or trimmer and glide it carefully in the direction you wish to. Don’t remove too much or you will spoil the entire look.

  1. Choose a right style

Choosing a beard style that suits your face cutting, hairstyle and personality is extremely important. Going wrong with this part can end up making you look like a bandit or ship wreck no matter how adeptly you shave. Decide your style according your face’s shape. The safest method is to try multiple styles one by one in order to come up with a perfect one. Grow a full beard and then start trimming in different directions in every two weeks. While shaving the cheek and neck lines will give you a more defined look, you can go playful with a goatee or absolute classy with a moustache and sideburns. If you have a long thin face, a full beard look will suit you the most.

  1. Having the right length

the length of your beard drastically impacts the way your stubble face looks. Too long facial hair makes you look puffed while too short simply fails add any spark to your overall look. The best part about beard is that even if you don’t like a particular length, it will grow back to its original form in just a few days. So, there is no bar in trying different lengths time to time. Groom and Style recommends you to get experimental with your beard and get a haircut according to it.

How to enlarge your hips and thighs naturally

Statistically, two out of every five women gets the urge or desire to acquire large hips and thighs. Most make a mistake of doing it the easy way by using enlargement creams, plastic surgeries and drugs of the kind which might end up posing dangerous threats to their health e.g. skin cancer. However, women are encouraged by health professionals to get engaged in numerous healthy exercises which can also achieve the above. So, Following Women’s Health and Beauty Reviews will be very useful to make you more fit and healthy.

Donkey Kick

The above exercise will help you in getting larger hips and it will also increase and round your buttocks. It is a step by step exercise whereby you first get on all fours with your knees close together then put your legs in the same position by lifting it back. Ensure your thighs come parallel to the ground with your buttocks squeeze. Repeat it on the other leg then redo the exercise over and over for ten to fifteen minutes.
The above isolates the muscles at the buttocks.

Standing leg raise

Stand with one leg raised and put on your ankle weights. Stand in a doorway and hold onto either side of the top of the doorway to create balance. Put your feet together and stand upright. Your right leg should lifted to the side and remember to keep both legs straight. Your left legs should then be lifted as far as you can then easily and slowly lower it down to the beginning position. Repeat the whole exercise thrice with a minimum of twenty lifts on each leg

Lying down side leg raise

While lying down, do a side leg raise. Keep the ankle weights on and lie down on a comfortable ground on your side. Keep your body straight so that your legs are directly on top of each other. In this position raise one leg to the air as high as possible then slowly lower it down to the starting position. Repeat the exercise a minimum of twenty times for both legs.

Kneeling side leg raise

Get to a kneeling position still keeping you ankle weights on. Bend the right leg and raise the other off the ground as high as possible. Afterwards, extend your leg out to the side as far as you can go and hold it for five seconds. Then return it slowly to the starting position. Repeat the exercise while switching the legs for a minimum of five to eight times.

Side lunges for hips

Remove your ankle weights and stand upright with your arms on either sides of your body. With your back straight bend your knee at a ninety degree angle and remember the other knee is supposed to be straight while doing this. Take a few breaths and use your hips to stand up fast with your feet apart from each other maintaining a distance of three ft. switch to the other foot and repeat the exercise fifteen times.

All the above exercises can help you achieved the desired goals in three to four weeks if done strictly as instructed.

Shop your spring/summer finds at Eastdane.com

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Looking for some pieces to rock this spring and summer season? if so, why not checking this leading online shop today called EastDane wherein mostly the high-end brands were listed and selling over on there reasonable prices. Yes! Eastdane is carrying a bunch of brands that you surely love such as: Calvin Klein, Herschel for bags,RCVA, Converse and many more. They also carrying some Marc Jacobs by the way. Check their shop today for you to see all the brands they’d be selling over.

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Actually, this shop is the number one store for men’s fashion today, hence you can see all the trendy pieces from casual down to formal wears just scroll down their site’s categories for you to easily see where the item/s you’d wanted to get in. Other good thing was, Eastdane is holding an sale event today ( yes! as in today – hence you better buy off your things now) which they’ve called The Friends & Family event where they’ll be giving out an 25% off in your total spend. Just heads to this link: http://www.eastdane.com/ci/lp/discount-promo-coupon-code.html for the list of codes to apply as you checkout for you to partake on this awesome spring sale event.

This spring sale event had started on April 7th 7AM EST (New York Time) and it ends on April 12th 4AM EST. I hope you can take advantage on this because as current, the shop, Eastdane, has too many new brands to offer and I’d listed them out below for your consideration..

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Journal: http://www.eastdane.com/brands-journal/br/v=1/36021.htm

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Garbstore: http://www.eastdane.com/brands-garbstore/br/v=1/36068.htm

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Sangue: http://www.eastdane.com/brands-sangue/br/v=1/36602.htm

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Adidas X Juun.J: http://www.eastdane.com/adidas-juunj/br/v=1/36141.htm

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NOCS: http://www.eastdane.com/nocs/br/v=1/36106.htm

And they’ve got some awesome gadgets to offer to. Just go to accessories tab and click the tech button for you to browse all of their gadgets finds..

Okay, that will be all for now and I hope you can able to buy your finds on the shop, Eastdane, I’ve recommended because I truly pleased to their service and to price wise, they’re the most cheapest shop to buy off your branded finds and yet the quality of their items haven’t compromise at all..

Feel More Masculine by Getting Beard Transplants

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We can’t help noticing that beard transplants are becoming popular nowadays. In the last decade or so, the number of men seeking a fuller beard has been rising. This is observed from the rise in individual testimonials, upsurge in reviews, and also increasing online inquiries. People, who previously had no beard, soon become proud owners of a denser and fuller beard. This new trends is embraced by celebrities, sportsmen, film stars, the ordinary Joe’ and many other people. Gone are the days when a man had to worry about having no beard at all. Also, individuals no longer have to worry about sparse patches on their beard. Nowadays, not having a beard is no longer an option.

Why Do Men Value The Beard? 

So, why is it that men value their beards so much? Many soon start worrying if they notice their chin is visible through the hairs. Also, many will start looking for options when they see the sparse patches on their beard. It is true that men place great value on their beard. And this is why many spend time grooming it. To a man, a beard is not just a patch of hair growing beneath the chin and neck. It is also a social symbol. A man who has a dense or fuller beard is viewed as being more manly compared to one who has no beards or just a few strands of hair. This has always been the case since beginning of time.

What Role Do Beard Transplants Play?

The beard is one feature that defines a man. But, not all men are lucky to have the denser and fuller beard. In fact, the number of individuals who have the so-called perfect beard is quite small. The lack of a fuller beard is blamed on several issues. These include genetics, nutrition, medical condition and more. The desire to have the perfect beard has influenced people to try different approaches. Over the years, several methods and products have been discovered with each method coming with its unique advantages as well as disadvantages. Beard transplant is among the popular method in the market. It helps people grow a beard in regions where none existed and also makes the existing beard denser.

How Does It Work?

Just as the name suggests, a beard transplant simply means moving hair from a region on the body to the chin. It may sound like a simple process but it is a complex procedure. The first step to undertaking the transplant is locating an area that has similar hair to that found on the beard. These areas are normally referred to as the donor and include any area that has good hair distribution. The most common regions are the torso and back of the head. The color as well as texture of the new hair and existing hair should be an exact match. The hair follicles are transplanted to the beard using a technique referred to as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

What Makes Beard Transplants Popular?

The FUE technique is the same procedure used in hair transplants and has been around for over two decades. But, it has gained popularity in beard transplants in the last decade. There are a number of reasons that make it an effective method. One, it has proven to be quite successful in hair transplants for over 20 years. Two, it has a high success rate when it comes to facial transplant which include beard, eyebrows and moustache. Three, the process takes a relatively short time. The procedure which is done under local anesthetic can be carried out in one session. Four, the recovery period is relatively short and hair will start growing naturally.

If the current trends and statistics are anything to go with the popularity of beard transplants is not about to wane. In fact, with new and better techniques being discovered it still remains one of the most effective methods of attaining a fuller beard. The main side effect of the FUE technique is slight sensitivity and irritation that is experienced from the donor area. However, the effects wear off after a few days. People who suffer from alopecia need to consult a doctor before going for the beard transplants. In this condition, white blood cells attack the hair follicles believing they are foreign bodies.

To Gift or Not to Gift: Lingerie for Your Lady

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The eternal question on every guy’s mind: should I buy lingerie for my girlfriend? Most men feel like this should be a good idea, but when they get in the panty store, they freak. Suddenly, they’re anxious, nervous, and shy. Even the most manly of men can be turned into timid creatures in the lace section of Victoria’s Secret. Here’s what you need to know about buying sexy clothing for your honey.

Go Shopping With Her, Eliminate The Guesswork

It’s amazing how many men take the sneaky approach when the direct approach guarantees results. Sure, you want to surprise her, but you also want to make sure she likes what she’s getting. Lingerie isn’t cheap after all.

So, for example, if you’re shopping Spencer Gifts, don’t be afraid to walk into the store with her and ask her about her interests, what she likes, and so on. She’ll tell you. And, she’ll probably appreciate your directness.

Snoop In her Closet

Snoop in her drawers, if you must. If you absolutely, positively, must make this a secret, you can probably get an idea of her size if you poke around in her unmentionables drawer. Just make sure you replace anything you disturb and don’t make it obvious that you were sneaking around in her panty drawer. That can come off as being a little creepy.

Her closet might also be a great place to look if she already owns some lingerie that fits. Grab the size and go. Actually, grab a few sizes. What you’ll quickly learn is that womens’ sizes can be categorized as “S,” “M,” “L” and so on or by actual size like “32,” “34,” etc.

You don’t want to grab a “S” only to realize the store you’re shopping in uses actual sizes.

Verify Her Size If You Forget

If you forget her size, make sure you either tease it out of her or grab it from her closet once more before you head out the door. This can’t be overstated.

Bra and Panty Advice

There’s an excellent article in GQ that goes over this very topic. Basically, when in doubt, black is the color of choice for panties. And, a multi-way bra is guaranteed to please almost every woman – almost. Everyone is different, and some ladies demand pushups while others are begging for a breast reduction. This is why nailing your sweetie’s tastes is important. Without that insider info, you’re guessing and guessing is a great way to make gift faux pas.

Get Advice From A Retail Specialist

Know that places like Victoria’s Secret were created with the sole purpose of embarrassing and intimidating you. But, the retail specialists in most of these stores are the nicest and most outgoing

Getting ready for Spring/Summer 2015

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You can now actually put down all the outwears, coats and jackets that you’ve been pulling off for the past few months already for the winter season. And you may now start wearing some light and comfortable finds for this spring and summer season. I know of you are pretty much excited for the summer to come because at this time, you can wear some tanks and comfy tees, as for the men, that can show in away on how masculine you are.

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If you’re looking for the best pieces to rock on this spring/summer season, I may suggest you then to take a look on this shop called East Dane where mostly all the trendy pieces were houses. The shop is selling some summer finds such as: handy bags for accessories, slip-on and loafer for footwear which are the best to wear this sunny season thus you really must to check them out for you to see yourself on how awesome their each fashion pieces were.

East Dane is carrying mostly the high-end brands in the fashion industry today and yet they see to it they can only sell them over for a very reasonable prices which made them the number online shop these days when it comes to men’s fashion. Hence, you can buy off your things over their shop because it’s rest assured that all of their items are in quality and they can even deliver it on your way in the shortest time you didn’t expected it ,at all..

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If you dont know on how to style yourself. Don’t you worry, because east dane has its own The Style Guide page where you can get a peek on what’s the new hot today for men’s fashion. They can even puts some styling photos within the page showing on how you may style their items for your consideration.


Important tips for people getting angle tattoos

Supported between favored plans as to females around the globe are generally holy messenger tattoos. They’re amazingly versatile in addition to can be utilized to add to a few exceptional styles in diverse systems. Holy messengers stand for various distinctive implications to diverse individuals, and are seen to be the most staggering wonderful animals. You will find heaps of blessed messenger tattoo outlines inside expert studios or maybe on the web and modify the outline to match your inclination. Angle tattoos are always considered as heavenly tattoo ideas and many people want them on their body, however they need to learn more about themselves.

In the Hebrew book of scriptures heavenly attendants are by and large errand people from god and convey a characteristic of having a high plane of presence. Perceived for their heavenliness all through books furthermore artistic work, heavenly attendants are seen for being truly exact and gently delineated, showing their specific smooth, fascinating nature. This is for the most part deciphered upon blessed messenger tattoo outlines wherever numerous choose to show the genuine character associated with an intense heavenly attendant and along these lines will exhibit this in a top to bottom outline.

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Assorted Kinds of Angel tattoo outlines.

Heavenly attendant tattoos may be tweaked and smoothly appropriately customized to match the specific wearer’s slant. They are perceived to claim huge wings that are overwhelmingly the center of the specific skin symbol having an inside and out outline, by and large symmetrically showed. The wings can likewise be utilized as a part of the outline to demonstrate an introductory or image if the individual so wishes.

When you end up looking through an extensive variety of holy messenger tattoo plans, verify you watch the hues joined to extra designs as this will help you at whatever point hunting down correctly what shading to have. Hues may have a stronger message likewise and will mean a few favorable luck to different persons. A great many people are liable to utilize bunches of hues at whatever point getting blessed messenger tattoo plans on the grounds that it is so exact and complex. The genuine effect a holy messengers wings have can be fundamentally hoisted with bunches of shading. Truly a couple of hues may supplement individuals more prominent so give yourself a lot of time in selecting what shading plan you may utilize. It is constantly useful to pick a primary shading expected for your style and configuration and afterward utilizing this shading as a build whereby to settle in light you could call your own optional hues.

Heavenly attendant plans can be perhaps noteworthy inside scale or unassuming and happen to be seen on different ranges of the body so are growing a great deal more loved by females. Little heavenly attendant tattoos can be perceived upon a mixed bag of body parts like the wrist, lower leg alongside stomach whilst greater holy messenger tattoos have likewise been recognized all the more on the upper arm, shoulder bone, and back.

You will discover a large number of tattoo plans accessible all different in there proprietary path, in addition to smoothly movable to make a singular’s picked example.

Rock the Spring on your Preppy Look

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As everyone saying, ” wear light as summer comes”. And the best fashion style or statement you should rock on when the summer season goes, were these styles that are connects to preppy thingy or other called it casual old school kind of thing styles. Actually, If I am not mistaken this style were originated in the northern part and as they’re fond of wearing this kind of style even on their daily basis. Also, this style speaks really to my style that is why I am so pleased to blog it up and let you know too on how great this styling plus where you could buy off the pieces for this preppy style look.

There were a bunch of online shops that actually selling pieces like basic shirts, polos and chinos pants that you can consider for spring and summer. But I think they aren’t that fine when it comes to quality and processng the order. Other’s takes a week or so just to sent over your purchased items your way while other are in out of stock state where they couldn’t figure out when they’ll be going to sent out the product, which is the main and major problem of some online merchants these days. But you know what? I knew one online shop that caters all the quality products even they carrying out some big names brands to their shop such as: RCVA, CK,OBEY,Opening Ceremony and more.. which can help you gather up the pieces for your possibly preppy look. And the awesome shop is this East Dane, an US based online shop that’s built it’s reputation already online. Hence, it is best and convenient to shop here..

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First thing, what kind of pieces you should have for you top? well, everything basic is fine like an nicely short sleeve or plain shirts will do. As long you were comfortable wearing it, everything is goes look well..

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But other make a twist were they’re pairing up their total outfit with colorful blazers or coats that are ironically suits for the weather due of the light colors of these finds.

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And to finish off the look, preppy, you should have an proper foot wear and accessories. And I suggest you to have the sneakers than to loafer, though loafer is cool but since I am on my mid-20’s I prefer more the kicks than to any casual shoes. But it’s up to you then where you’re more comfortable..

LIFUL 2015 Spring/Summer “Break Time” Collection Lookbook

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I think, one of the busiest time of the year for these brands and labels was this spring season. Because at this time, they have to release at least the sneak peek photos of their upcoming collection through lookbook like what the brand LIFUL has recently do. For the reason(s) of:

– First, they giving out a little hint on what we could expect to them and what are the possibly type of pieces they’d be working on..

– Second, I think they should have to show their designs to everyone not just for us consumers but also to their co-designers to avoid the kinda resemblance to one another pieces, though its inevitable to happen but to just assure though you must reveal the part of your total collection – I think this how the fashion industry works today..hence, ts pretty norm to them to do this.

– Lastly, they teaching the peeps on how to proper wear their each pieces through the help of lookbook photos, just check on some photos below on how they can mix and matches  pieces that actually turns good.

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By the way, the brand LIFUL is locally in South Korea, no doubt! because these how usually Koreans style themselves. Hence, if you like on how Koreans rocks, you’d better to check this brand and have the newest pieces out at their main website. Go check it now for you to see for yourself the full details about this collection that includes the availability, price range and materials used.