Hyunseung’s wearin’ Lanvin T-shirt (Green)


On today’s men’s fashion. Printed shirt basics are the one in hip. Because most celebrities are often wearing it and at the same time leading brand companies are keep on releasing too some kind of tees, meaning, printed shirt basics are now trending on today’s men’s fashion that’s why dudes are keep on searching over the web where they could buy some great printed shirts like what Hyunseung wearing on the top photo.

Hyunseung, Korean singer, B2ST member, is wearing an green kinda leopard print tee from the brand Lavin. I dunno where’s the brand located – locally, maybe in Korea?, but I am not sure about this just my hint though. Anyway, the tee looks great on him and I must say, the tee suits in any bottom you have whether its an shorts or an pants…

As Ive said, I dunno the brand, Lavin, yet. That’s why I cant give out some information about the brand either to the tee itself. So – please bear with me again in here, however, soon enough as I got time to search it over, sure thing! will update you again in here. Thanks!

Louis Vuitton 2012 Fall/Winter Feather Brooch Pins



On today’s fashion, Men’s fashion are getting huge and it invades already the industry. Because in these past few years ago fashion industry are more focused in to these girls finds and fashion that’s why men had this lame tastes on their fashion. But now, fashion evolved too fast and men are even more fashionable today than before..

This recently, the brand Louis Vuitton had released their new pieces for men’s that are includes from their Fall/Winter collection which are these Feather Brooch Pins. Look the photos on top, those are the pins that we could expect from the brand, Louis Vuitton, these following days ahead. And me personally, I really cant wait to have at least one of it that I may wear in any events that I should about to attend for these approaching months..

As for this moment, I haven’t know yet when these pins will come out in the market, however, soon enough, Louis Vuitton will releases some updates regarding on these awesome pins. Let’s all wait and see for their latest updates. Thank you so much and please keep on checking me here because I might get update you as well as I seen further information on web soon..

Junhyung’s wearin’ Louis Vuitton Keep It Bracelet (Rouge Fauviste) $225USD



Louis Vuitton Keep It Bracelet (Rouge Fauviste) $225USD

Actually, when it comes to fashion I dont really a fan of these expensive pieces. Because I can even be more fashionable in to those inexpensive finds that is still look find on me. Yeah! I think, fashion is not a matter of branded clothes, expensive pieces and trendy things but its more likely how confident you are and shown who’s really you by showing your own fashion statements. Alright, this was only my opinion though, however, if you do have this budget to spend just go ahead and buy these branded pieces that can make you happy.

On the photo on top, the Korean singer Junhyung, one of the b2st member, is wearin’ this awesome simple bracelet from the brand Louis Vuitton and guess what? the bracelet will cost you $225 USD for a single of it..hehehe pretty expensive uh! but anyway celebrities really had an license to wear these expensive pieces out there. Okay, that’s it for now and will try to update you more by my next posts. Thanks!

Doojoon rockin’ on his Adidas Kimono print track top


As you’ve noticed here, I really used to blogged up some Korean fashion most especially this B2ST member fashion. Because they’re the one most search these days I think so. So – I needed to feed this blog, Istarblog.com, of them for me to be more searchable on the web..hehe Anyway, look what I found a minute ago where the leader Doojoon is wearing an nicely snake prints jacket from the brand Adidas. I must say, the jacket suits him well and he even rock to it. I know most of you guys even gals out there are quite pleased to have the same piece of jacket of doojoon here that’s why I suggesting you to heads up now on the nearest Adidas store where you resides or better yet to check online if this jacket,Adidas Kimono print track top, are still available to avail..:)

By the way, the Jacket has this price of 4200฿. Sorry, I dunno the currency ฿ that’s why I cant convert it out in to dollar. Bear with me please..hehehe Okay, that’s for now and have a great weekdays to everyone. Thanks!

Macy’s: My Kind of Store


Shopping can be a real challenge for men. It’s not something that men enjoy doing. I may be a metrosexual but there are still times when I don’t feel like going to the mall or shopping online. But compared to the traditional way of shopping, I prefer online shopping more because it’s easier and hassle-free. Now that Christmas is fast approaching, I will be checking some online shops. First on my list will be Macy’s. This is one store that a lot of people are raving about. It sells a variety of items like clothing, accessories, watches, bags, jewelries, and my favorite – shoes. It’s a marketplace for many brands like Michael Kors, Cole Haan, Calvin Klein, Jessica Simpson, Ideology, Juicy Couture, and so many more.

It’s very easy to shop at Macy’s. Categories include For the Home, Bed & Bath, Women, Men, Juniors, Kids, Shoes, Handbags & Accessories, and Jewelry and Watches. I’m going to buy a lot of gifts for my family and friends and their many promos and sales will definitely give me more savings. I have to say I’ve never been more excited to shop than now. Others may ask if they can shop at Macy’s even if they’re not from the USA. The resounding answer is yes! They ship to over 100 countries all over the world.

One of the things shoppers are looking forward to is Macy’s upcoming ‘Black Friday’ holiday sale. The sale is going to start on Thursday, November 22 until Saturday, November 24. Just imagine being able to buy great items at rock bottom prices. Macy’s really made it easy for many shoppers like me. If you don’t like to shop online, you can always shop in stores at Thursday, November 22 until Saturday, November 24. However, store hours will probably be different for every store. Among items at 50% off are coats, sweaters, bags, and boots. If you buy beauty items and fragrances, you’ll get to avail of free gifts.

Another feature that sets Macy’s apart is the Macy’s Holiday Gift Guide. This is especially helpful for men who find it hard to choose presents for their loved ones. I’m sometimes impatient when it comes to shopping so this is definitely going to be helpful. Among the categories found in the Holiday Gift Guide are Christmas Gifts for Women, Gifts for Wife, Gifts for Mom, Gifts for Girlfriend, Gifts for Husband, Gifts for Dad, Gifts for Boyfriend, Gifts for Kids, Gifts for Teens, Gifts for the Home, Christmas Beauty Gifts, and Christmas Apparel and Accessory Gifts. For every category, there’s a list of top 10 gifts. There are also a list of gifts if you are on a budget.

KPOP Beast/B2ST For CECI Magazine








Have you see the CECI Magazine already? if not yet, you’re so lucky to be stumbled here because these are the some photos of the all boy kpop group b2st for the magazine. Actually, I think the magazine is already out in the market today, just check out your local store for it as you wanted to have yourself a copy. On the photos on top. One thing is I’ve noticed, which their fashion styles. Because we all know that b2st had only an simply style when it comes to their fashion, however, since they’ve released their new song called ” Beautiful Night” it noticeable that they started to consider these high-end fashion pieces.. This was only my opinion though… please dont get me wrong dear fans..hahah Because I just often seen them wearing some street wear brands like stussy,obey and more.. than to these high-end fashion brands.

Watch their awesome live performance below singing their beautiful night song

Deasung’s wearin’ Eyeball Bracelet by Kreepsville 666



Eyeball Bracelet by Kreepsville 666

Honestly, the brand name Kreepsville 666 is quite bit creepy..lol Because it has this 666 number which a sign of satanism..My goodness I hope the brand will change their name label into a good one. Anyway, this recently the Kpop idol named Deasung, Big bang member, is spotted wearing on of the brand,Kreepsville 666, bracelet that has an item name of Eyeball Bracelet. You see on the top photo on how does the bracelet look. What do you think? dope or nope? for me this is just fine because I am not really in favor into these pieces or anything things that has a touched of satanism though I respect the brand, Kreepsville 666, concepts. so – please dont get me wrong here, this was only my own views regarding this..hehe

I dont know yet the pricing details for this bracelet and even where you could usually but it. But I suggest as you wanted yourself to have the same piece like Daesung have, search over Google and I believed you’ll find some relevant information where you can buy it..:) Okay, that will be all.. Thanks so much!


Dee & Ricky x Joyrich 2012 “Wearable Plush Attire” Capsule Collection




When it comes to fashion. Collaborative collection or even pieces are the one most look forward to. why do I say so? because these pieces or collection has this great concepts and conceptualized accents by the 2 or 3 fashion brands to create an strong hip apparel designs that might be a huge hip in the fashion’s industry on the certain seasons. Like for example this collaborative collection of Dee & Ricky for Joyrich brand ( those photos on top) I can see the touched of Joyrich in it and at the same time the taste of the 2 brilliant guy Dee & Ricky that I was pretty sure that these pieces from this capsule collection will be a big hit soon as they’re available in the market to buy.

I simply liked how they played on the colors for this collection and even to puts some  graphic designs on it. This so much dope and swagger peeps will be surely rock on to these pieces. Alright, that’s it for now and have a great weekdays to everyone. Thanks!

New In: Swagger 2012




On the fashion news this recently, the brand swagger had released their new set of clothes or tees for this later part of the year 2012. Let me clear this first.These tees aren’t include on the brand, swagger, fall or winter collection because they dont indicate any as they released these last few weeks ago. So – I know have this idea when these tees included, maybe they just regular new in on their market. I’ll let you know once I saw their some fall or winter collection soon.

Also, I dont have any idea regarding on its pricing and availability but more or less these coming days the brand will update their site about the info for these new in tees. Let’s all stay tune on their main website for the updates. Thanks!

Ps. By the way, swagger brand is locally in Japan..:)

What teens usually want?


Teens nowadays are quite picky on the things they want. Like of example in fashion they usually like to have these bright colors for their apparel clothes and some quirky things for their accessories and kicks. And they might also want their hair dyed or get blonde. And because of this habit they might also spend too much for it that can lead them for being a vain..lol I know most of you can relate to this,right? hhhehe that’s why I suggest you to have this free prepaid credit cards for teenagers wherein you dont have to pay anything as you apply and its free wave for the first year using it. which pretty usable for the teens nowadays.