So, you’ve finally moved out into your own place. It feels good, right?
Now all the fun can begin!
Well, not quite yet it can’t… there are actually a few things that you need to get sorted out. And then all the fun can really begin!
But don’t worry, some of these initial things you need to get sorted when you move into your own place can be fun as well. After all, they all help you get settled in quicker so that you can finally turn your new house or apartment into a proper home for yourself!
But we should start with all the boring things first and then we can move onto the fun, creative ways you can make your house a home.
Here’s everything you need to do once you move into a new place!

Don’t Waste Time Unpacking
It might be the most thing that you need to do, but you really shouldn’t put off unpacking for too long. After all, the quicker you get on with it, the sooner it will be over and done with. The sooner everything is out of all the cardboard boxes, you will be able to check everything and make sure that there is nothing broken or missing. If there is, you can then get in touch with the moving firm to try and figure out what went wrong during transit. Plus, once you are all done with unpacking, that’s it – you can finally sit back, relax, and forget all about it!
Change The Locks
The previous tenant of your new house or apartment will have given you all of the copies of keys that they have. Even so, it’s still a good idea to change the looks. Remember, though, this is only an option if you have actually bought your new house or flat – if you are renting, you will have to check with the landlord to see if it is ok to do so. You never know who the previous tenant or homeowner gave copies of the keys to, and those copies might still be out there. There’s no way of knowing who, if anyone, has some keys to your home! So, change the locks just to be on the safe side!

Inspect The House
This is a crucial step if you are renting your new home and have paid a security deposit. Before you get too settled into your new surroundings, it’s super important that you have a quick check to make sure everything is how it should be. Do you notice any damage that was there before you moved in? If so, take a picture and let your landlord know. That way, they will be aware that you didn’t cause the damage. If they think that you did, then they might end up deducting some of your deposit when it is time to move out.
Get Your Electrical System Serviced
Has the electrical system in your new property been in situ for a few years? If so, then it’s a good idea to get it serviced as soon as you move in. Not too sure how old it is? Well, it’s a good idea to get it serviced anyway so that you can be sure there is nothing wrong with it that might cause a risk to you. You can hire a regular electrician to do the service for you. They will check the system to make sure that there are no problems with it. They will also be able to replace any or the entire system if necessary.

Get Your New Utility Bills Sorted
One of the first parts of paperwork that you need to sort out for your new home is all the bills. You will need to set up an account with your local water company, an electricity supplier, telephone and internet company, and your local council. If there are some meters in your home, such as an electricity meter, gas meter, or water meter, you should take readings as soon as you move in. These readings will be needed when you set up your account so that the companies can figure out how much energy and water you use after you move in. Make sure that you don’t delay in setting up these accounts and don’t take the wrong meter readings as these could lead to you paying too much for your first utility bills.

Get Some Insurance
As well as setting up your utility bills, you will also need to get some insurance. There are different types of insurance that are available for homeowners, some of which you might be able to do without. At the very least, though, you should get contents insurance so that all of your belongings are protected against theft and accidental damage. It’s also necessary to get building insurance as well as this protects the structure of the property against any damage. If you now live in an area or neighborhood that is at risk of flooding, you might want to take out additional insurance that protects against water damage and flooding.

Clean Your New Home
You should always clean your entire home once you have moved in, even if it looks completely spick and span! This is especially the case for any houses or apartments that have been empty for a while before you move in. There might be quite a bit of dust and grime on the worktops and surfaces, for instance, if no one has been looking after the property for a few months. Don’t forget to get into those often forgotten places, like a basement or under the stairs cupboard, as these could be particularly dirty.
Set Up A Mail-Forwarding Service
Don’t want to keep on having to go back to your old address to pick up your mail? If not, then you should set up a mail-forwarding service. When you register for this service, you give the company your old address and your new address. Whenever any letters or packages addressed to you get sent to your old address, they will be automatically redirected and forwarded to your new address. So, you don’t have to go round to your old address and pick up any mail ever again! You can set up this service for as long as you need it.

Sort Out The Garden
If your new place comes with its very own garden, you should get out into it and sort it out as soon as you have time. If you leave it for too long, the garden will only end up getting overgrown and it will look like you’ve bought a house with a jungle attached to it! Don’t worry if you aren’t really a keen gardener. You don’t need to spend hours in your garden; just try and make sure that it’s smartened up a bit. So, that involves mowing the lawn, trimming any overgrown bushes and trees, and just generally giving the place a bit of a spruce up. You might even like the idea of adding a patio and patio roofing to create a pleasant seating area. If you don’t want to end up working in your garden every week, it’s worth changing it so that it is easier to manage and maintain. For instance, you might want to replace the lawn and any grassy areas with some paving slabs.
Start Decorating
Now you can start to get on with all the fun, creative things! And one of the things that is the most fun to do is decorating! It gives you the chance to put your very own stamp on your new place and fill it with your personal style and flair. Again, this is something that you shouldn’t waste too much time with getting on with. Otherwise, it will just become a big chore! Once you move in, start to think about how you can go about decorating your place. For example, you might want to try and achieve a vintage decor by purchasing lots of second-hand and antique furniture from your nearest flea market. If you want a more contemporary feel to your new place, it’s probably best to visit your local furniture store to see what all the latest trends and styles in interior design are like right now.

Say Hello To The Neighbors
As a nice gesture, it’s always a great idea to pop around to your neighbors and say hello. It’s a good idea to get well acquainted with whoever you live next to so that you always feel comfortable if you ever need to ask them about anything or for any advice. Plus, getting to know you will probably put their mind at ease as well. You never know, you might even become firm friends and start to hang out together!
So, as you can see, getting your new place sorted doesn’t have to be completely boring and hard work. There are actually a few fun and creative things that you will need to do as well!