Wear the shoes you love


Occasionally, I also blogging some girls fashion topics in here to balance up my readers interests and to boost my traffic and such related matter. Anyway, this recently, Ive stumbled on this one site called footpetals.com , actually it is an online store where all the lovely killer heels are resides and selling. Yeah girls! if you needed any stilettos, wedge shoes and even insoles I may suggest you to check this awesome online stores and get your shoes there. Because as this moment, they do have this sale on going and I know most of you shoe addicts will definitely look forward on this site, I know right? because my sister is a shoe addict as well and she’s really pleased to buy some shoes on their site and even to recommend it also on her friends…lol

So what are you waiting for, girls?  wear the shoes you love and be more chic of it. By the way, footpetals.com can ship international too. specifically available on U.K., Australia, and Canada. So girls, this site is all for you and all orders are shipped out within 48 hours once order is placed..

Alright, that will be all for now and will also posting some pictures of my sister wearing her bought shoes on this site.. So – please, keep on checking this blog for the updates. Thanks and have a great day!

Enjoy the First Ray of Sunshine in Spring 2013


With the sun shining and the weather really starting to heat up, it’s time to grab some new sunglasses. You can go for a conservative retro-chic look or something totally wild and colorful. Summer is coming so you will get a little more freedom than usual. Embrace it. Yes, Sunglasses have been a wide application around all groups of people. The main reason is that sunglasses play an important role in UV radiation protection. Indeed, millions of people around the world benefit a lot from the sunglasses.

In comparison, wraparound sunglasses (http://www.firmoo.com/wrap-around-rx-sunglasses.html) are better choice for sunglasses because of their wraparound design. First, they will offer better eye protection by preventing UV rays from more than one angle, the front and the sides. Second, they can shield wind or other fine articles from reaching your eyes and cling firmly to your face. Third, they can make your face look smaller. Fourth, they will protect the skin around your eyes by covering larger parts of your face with their distinct shapes. All and all, these features undoubtedly make wrap round sunglasses an ideal choice for you to enjoy comfort and fashion at the same time.

But for the people who have vision problems, a pair of sunglasses is not enough. In this case, prescription sunglasses (http://www.firmoo.com/prescription-sunglasses.html)can provide an excellent service. Nowadays, prescription sunglasses have attracted more and more people and played an important role in our life. They are specially designed for people with myopia, hyperopia or presbyopia. Stylish prescription sunglasses not only provide you with a clearer vision but more importantly they put you in a position of fashion and vogue. If you have to wear prescription glasses and want to wear sunglasses, stylish prescription sunglasses are the very item you can lay your hands on.

Where will you get sunglasses? Purchasing online may be a better choice. You can buy the high-quality sunglasses at wholesale prices. The latest styles and designs will make you outstanding among the public. Firmoo (www.firmoo.com) should be one of your better choices.

Firmoo.com is the world’s most popular online eyeglasses store. Years of expertise in optical industry enable Firmoo.com to offer varieties of prescription eyewear to the consuming public in high quality yet at extremely affordable prices. The low prices in Firmoo.com never compromise the quality of eyewear while treating the quality and services to consumers as top priority.

Enjoy fashion & comfort at the same time. Now is the brightest time to buy sunglasses!

A Bathing Ape 2013 Spring/Summer ROAD STA


I loved shoes, really! that’s why when I saw this awesome shoes here from the brand A Bathing Ape that is included for their spring summer collection for this year 2013. It’s like I felt in love again ( yeah on the shoes)..lol nope kidding aside, I really like this kicks because the design was really quirky and look at that star it gives more accents on the shoe. That’s why I was so sure that most dude out there are really looking forward to have this shoes as soon as it out on the market.

I must say, this shoes is versatile because you can wear it on shorts and even to pants and denim, like how swagger peeps rockin’ their new balance kicks. Check out some photos I’ve found online which celebrities are wearing their new balance shoes on their shorts and pants.



This is what I also meant on this shoes ROAD STA from the brand A Bathing Ape. Because this shoes had this resemble on the designs of new balance ( this how I only look about the shoe – ROAD STA) so we can also rockin this shoe on some dope shorts and pants..

Also, please check ocean isle beach real estate at SeaCoastRealty.com might you need one soon.. Thanks!

BEAST/B2ST – I Like You More Than Anything

As you’re my followers / readers, on this blog – istarblog.com. You may know that I used to blog up this Kpop group called BEAST/B2ST whether on their fashion statements or new released songs, doesn’t matter. Because i simply liked them here also most of you would love to read about them too,right? that’s why Ive decided to blog them here continuously..ehehe

Awhile ago when I was browsing the sharing video site called Youtube. This video of the group, BEAST/B2ST, is the one pop on the side homepage and I’ll pay to watch it for the future information or references maybe for my next feature site that will be open soon( check out for this one once available , I’ll let you know all here..hehe). The video has entitled BEAST/B2ST – I Like You More Than Anything and as I’m watching it, it seems that they uses some gaffer tape effect to it. That’s why the song is more lively than to the other kpop songs out there, anyway, that’s only my opinion about it I hope you as a music enthusiasts and had this wide knowledge about musics will be respect rather much better dont mind my opinion about the song on the top..hhehe

Alright, that’s it for now and please do check the blog often for more fashion updates and news..Thanks!

Looking for Tattoo Supplies


“Everyone has that friend whose body is entirely covered in tattoos. My friend like that actually has a girlfriend who is the same way. Hanging out with them is hilarious, because they always have new art to showcase and I love seeing all the new pieces, the recreations of famous paintings, or the random cartoons or bike chains. That kind of thing. It’s really creative, and even inspiring. So inspiring in fact that I have decided to get my own tattoo. Now, I’m not going to just go to any old shop, in fact, I’m going to do it myself!

I know I need to learn more about tattoo kits if I’m really going to do some home tattooing. I’ll need ink and a tattoo gun and tons of other stuff. I took a look at http://www.thelashop.com to start to figure out what I need. I need a whole mess of stuff.

I figure that not only will I come away from this experience with a cool tattoo – more likely a ton of new tattoos – but it’ll also be a skill I can use to make some cash coming up. Everyone needs a tattoo artist they love and can trust. Also, I very much look forward to the next time I hang out with my buddy and his girlfriend so we can compare our art. I hope he doesn’t think I’m doing it to impress him, I really was inspired by him, and I’m not just trying to copy or emulate him. I’m pretty sure he’ll get it, and even be honored. It’s not like he’s the only person with a ton of tattoos so he can’t really claim ownership of the idea. The only real issue is he’s got no room left so he’ll likely be jealous of my ability to get more tattoos.

Nike 2013 Spring Air Base II VNTG


Who loves chucks? I know most of you guys out there are raising your hands..hehe I know right? because even me I really want some great kicks that can make me dope. Today, the Nike brand releases their new design of kicks that has a product name of  Air Base II VNTG that includes on their spring collection for this year 2013. You may see the exact design shoes on the top photo. I must say, the shoes looks so swag and I really like how they played on the colors that really contrast to one another.

As for now. The brand, Nike, haven’t yet release any pricing details and some details regarding this dope shoes, however, soon enough they’ll release it over the market and by then we can know the price of it and where we could avail it. I will follow  up some info soon I hope you can check me often here for the updates. Thanks so much!

TWOTHIRDS 2013 Spring/Summer Lookbook




Summer season is fast approaching. And I know most of you guys are pretty much excited to rocking on this season. Because summer is the most-loved season that you may wear all things or pieces you wanted to. That’s why most of the brand labels and names these days are trying their best to produce some awesome pieces that may includes on their spring summer collection for this year 2013. Like this brand called TWOTHIRDS, they’ve released their lookbook collection already that you may see on the top photos. Actually, these photos ( photo on top) are just some of their pieces collection for this season summer and you may check Google for the full set of their collection because I cant able to post all the photos out here due of my blog space matter.

TWOTHIRDS 2013 Spring/Summer Lookbook will be available in the market and as it happened soon. Of course, I will update you again here the full details for you to know the expected prices and there they’ll be available. Okay, that will be all for now. Thank you!

New Balance 990 “Made in USA” Navy Re-Issue


When it comes to shoes. I really like this brand called ” New Balance” because their all shoes and kicks are indeed versatile that you may wear everywhere and anytime. Like for example this awesome New Balance 990 “Made in USA” Navy Re-Issue shoes that they recently released in the market that has a pricing range of 180$ – 200$ in any affiliated stores and to the new balance stores itself.

I must say, all the new balance shoes are can be wear into sports activities and even to some casual formal events and I know most of the fashion enthusiasts out there are can related on what am telling here. Soon, I’ll be sharing some of my outfit post that am wearing this new balance shoes and I’ll use it on my casual wear and to my sport wear for you to understand on what I supposed to tell you here..hehhe

Also, the one thing that I’d most like about on this brand and its shoes is, they just like made of stainless steel tube bending that will be surely last and use longer..hehhe alright, that’s it for now and I hope you’ll keep on checking this blog for my outfit posts pretty soon..

Buy your wife a sexy lingerie as your valentines presents


Let me first greet you an happy hearts day to all I hope you and your partner has a great date tonight. Anyway, that’s why I posted up this topic on this blog is for you to know or to have this idea on what presents you should give in on your wife this valentine’s day. Because most of the guy like me really got some hard times to think on what specifically things that your partner would appreciate as she receives it as a gift. And I think sexy lingerie online will be the perfect gift for her because girls now a days are used to wear it as their sleep wears most specially those who has partner or husband already. That’s why I highly recommended this sexy lingerie that you may buy online,guys..

No worries guys, because it is easy now for us to buy some sexy lingerie. Just heads up rather search to Google the most legit online stores where you could order lingerie online and the other good thing was, there’s really a lot of selections that you may choose from with from bras to panties and to the whole sets of it. You may also check out this site called www.suasionsecrets.com for more information  about this. Thanks!

fragment design x Cole Haan LunarGrand Venetian Bit Further Look


Another collaborative shoes here from the 2 giant brands, fragment design & Cole Haan LunarGrand. I must say, this shoes is really suits for this upcoming season which the summer. Because the shoes looks like a loafer shoes, wait, I think this is really a loafer shoes..hahahha this shoes looks so comfy and the designs was really amazing and the details and materials are blended and complements to each other that’s why this shoes is really dope, on my own opinion..

This shoes is now already out in the market and you may have it for only $298 USD in any retail stores online and walk-in stores. And for further details I may suggest you to check it over google because I have a limited information now, however, soon I got to know some additional details, sure thing, will update you again in here regarding this  fragment design x Cole Haan LunarGrand Venetian Bit Further Look.