Great Finds From W2BEAUTY.COM

I am so busy lately doing some of my offline deeds which needed to be attend with promptly. That’s why I haven’t got, in the few days or week, any chance though to at least update this site in any fashion collection, finds or a certain piece maybe that might be look forward for the coming season, fall or winter. But no worries! because things slowly backing in track and by the next week, I hope so, I can simultaneously update this site,, and filled this with some trendy finds which we all might eyeing for to have by the next year’s trends.

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Okay, enough the drama. hahaha This recently, I received an box all the way to Seoul Korea from my newly client named Alice of – Though I often received this typical box from different clients from other countries and yet this box really excites me. Why? because the box is filled of great products that might help me through my skin problems now. I will post up my review pretty soon in here for you to further see on what’s the main problem am facing right Below, you may see some of the products I’ve got from her and please keep on checking this site for you to see on how effective and reasonable the Korean Skin products from W2BEAUTY.COM are.

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She sent me the Moistfull Collegen Homme Collection from Etude House and as of now, I am not fond of giving you any details yet regarding the products because I needed to try it out first for me to tell you further if these products are great in any skin types or not and so.

Alright, that will be all for now and I hope you can keep on checking me here for my product review for these products. Thank you so much and dont forget to have yourself a blast weekend! beside its Halloween, go out and enjoy yourself!

Pore Problems? Try the [ROJUKISS] Pore Tightening Source From + Earn for Being their Affilate Partner

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Growing up is not just easy for me. Beside with my own trials and hardships in life while growing and learning things at the same time. I am so got this hugely problems too which took years ago before I got rid of it. And I was preferring these irritating acne and pimples that I know mostly teens out there are facing right now like on how am stressed out before when I’m at the same age back then. But no worries, folks! because nowadays, there’s a lot of great skin products that are out in the market today which can help you out to improve even to give you a great completion of skin after using it. I also encourage you to take a look at these promising Korean Skin products from – Where all the Korean Makeups and Skin Care products were houses. Because Korean products when it comes in cosmetics are the one leading and proven today in the beauty industry for both men and girls.

I actually fond of myself buying some products from them – I bought my some already. And I may say that their  all products selling at their online shop ,, were indeed effective and gives you a great results in just short period of time, I am telling you!

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This was my current photo where my face has these open pores in it. This the main problem that I needed to be fix with soon and I think by using the [ROJUKISS] Pore Tightening Source From can make my face skin pores free. Let see as I got a change though to review the product pretty soon. So – please keep on checking this site for my review post about the product, [ROJUKISS] Pore Tightening Source, by the next weeks ahead.

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[ROJUKISS] Pore Tightening Source – USD26.99

This how the product, [ROJUKISS] Pore Tightening Source, looks like. So – please bear with those fake ones that are currently selling in the market today or better yet to just buy this product at for your own safely and convenient too. 🙂

“Become a Wishtrend affiliate”

another good news to everyone there. Wish Company had launched their affiliate program where all the bloggers and influencers can apply with and earn some extra money or to either enjoy some of the Wishtrend’s awesome products.

How to become a Wishtrend affiliate?

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No worries! it’s so easy to become their affiliate partner , easy as 1-2-3, just head up to their affliate’s signup page here : and for further details. Just check out all the link provide below for you to learn on how the affiliate’s works.

Must Check links:

And please do follow them at their social media accounts for you to be updated in any sorts of activities, promos and updates they’ll be working out for us all.

MIKIMOTO Jewellery

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When it comes in accessories, there’s a lot of pieces that we could choose from with from watches to fine jewellery like Reeds mikimoto. Because these pieces are the one help out the total outfit you may have to spice up and for you to be looking so chic. That’s why these essentials are must-haves too as you wanted yourself to be dope and in trends for today’s fashion.

How To: Style The Soccer Socks?

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First and foremost, I am really sorry guys for not updating this site,, with my series of post called ” How to” because I’ve been so much engaged with some of the tasks in both online and offline works and sorts that I needed to attend with. I hope you can understand me on that. LOL Anyway, I was again here to post up this new styling which I’ve found recently over the web though this type of styling for men are been trend already years ago and yet am pretty sure that most of you aren’t yet familiar with it or havent it try for yourself yet which on how to style your soccer socks. Actually, there’s an various of styling out in the web these days having the high sock as an main pieces, however, you must have to be considerable in your pieces to pick. I suggest you to check the photo on top where all the guys are rocking themselves on their each soccer socks. What do you think about this dope or nope?

Remember on styling on soccer socks must be pair off with on the dope shorts and you can either mic mic the styling of the guys at the up photo. But it’s not necessarily for the shorts because I’ve seen some styling too having the socks on sort of formal styling like how the guy below rock it.

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Maybe it’s really depend on what type or color of your sock is. And how comfortable your are wearing it. But on my own, I prefer to have it with shorts because I was in to shorts more than pants or jeans when it comes on my styling and fashion statements.

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Also, girls can rock on this styling too as their fond of wearing it like on the photo on the top. Nope! kidding aside. Girls are can be good in this too, because I’ve also seen some girls even today( fall is approaching ) are wearing this socks with their shorts on. Sorry! I cant  find any photo of girls rocking on the soccer socks as their fashion statements.

So – yeah! Sport finds can be also use at some casual either in formal styling. All you have to do is to try to mix and match things for you to have a great styling that might most people looking forward to.

Okay, that will be all for now and I hope you can find this post quite informative and helpful on your end as you seek sorts of information about what’s hot and not today in the fashion industry.

Finding the Right Engagement Ring for Your Loved One

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You are ready to “pop the question.” You have the place, the time, and you even came up with a brilliant idea of how to do it. Now, all you need is the right engagement ring. There are a few considerations to keep in mind in order to get the best fit for your sweetheart. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can even create your own diamond wedding ring if you can’t find the right match in stores.

What will best fit your loved one’s personality?

It can be difficult knowing what ring will fit your sweetheart’s personality best. Is this person more outgoing or more introverted? Do they have an active lifestyle? For any kind of personality, the gemstone is a good place to start. When you think you have the right gemstone, the next step is the type of metal you should choose. Keep in mind that it is important to coordinate the band with the gemstone and your sweetheart’s personality. When you’ve chosen the engagement ring, choosing the wedding band will be a breeze. It is helpful to make sure the wedding band fits comfortably with the engagement ring, matches the design, and, of course, matches the personality as well.

If you’re going for something more distinct, engravings are a good way to add sentimentality and create a one of a kind ring. Custom designing the ring is another possibility for a completely unique look. In any case, it is best to try to match the characteristics of the ring with the character of your beloved.

What type of gemstone, shape, and cut should you choose?

Think about whether your fiancé prefers a traditional diamond or a colorful gem or both. Rubies, sapphires, and emeralds are popular colorful options. Next, consider what shape and cut would be best. The shape adds to the personality. Does a square shape seem suited to this person, or would something more tall and thin go better? The cut can affect how much the gem sparkles. Think about what sort of cut would resemble your beloved and still correlate with the rest of the design. As far as side gems are concerned, they can help emphasize the central gem and add sparkle to the ring. Something else to take into account is how well the gemstone balances with the band.

What is the best choice of metal band for your loved one?

It is helpful to pick out the type of metal that will go best with the lifestyle of your sweetheart whether active or not. There can be several types of metal to choose from. Some of the more popular metals are gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and tungsten.

  • Gold can be less expensive than platinum, is resistant to tarnishing, and can come in different colors such as yellow, white, and rose.
  • Silver can be less expensive than gold and is an excellent option if you prefer a white colored band.
  • Platinum can be durable, is resistant to wear and tarnishing, and is hypoallergenic.
  • Palladium can be less expensive than platinum, is strong, and resistant to wear and tarnishing.
  • Tungsten is durable, resistant to scratching and wear, hypoallergenic, and can be less expensive than platinum.

Finding the right ring can be tricky sometimes, and there are often many options out there. However, with these guidelines you can have a good starting point and be more able to narrow down the possibilities. Remember, it is helpful to match the characteristics of the ring with your loved one’s character.

Things to Remember When Shopping For Shoes

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Shopping for quality shoes is not easy. It’s sometimes better to just buy something that’s branded and expensive because at least you know that it’s durable and of high quality. But what if you don’t have the money to buy pricey shoes? There are some things to remember to guide you through the process. Always try on the shoes you like first before you decide to buy them. Keep them on your feet and walk around for a few minutes to see how they feel. Be sure that they fit perfectly and you feel comfortable wearing them. Check if the shoes can be returned before buying them.

Purchase from a familiar brand that you’ve worn before when shopping online. This way you already know your accurate size. If you have to choose between leather and synthetic leathers, it’s a no brainer that you have to go with leather. They’re biodegradable and more durable. Always choose quality over quantity. A quality shoe with quality maintenance should last a long time. You shouldn’t worry too much about the cost since quality shoes look better, lasts longer, and are more repairable. Thus, they’re a better long term investment.

As for good dress shoes which men should have at least a pair of, the soles should be stitched not just glued to the bottom of the shoes, at least a quarter of an inch thick, and is made of leather. Also, the lining is made of high quality calfskin or natural leather not synthetic materials. If you want to have stylish and top quality leather shoes, shop at Reef. They have some really beautiful and interesting models to choose from like the Reef Eland. It has premium full grain leather upper with distressed and vintage finishes, leather outsole with rubber enforce strike area, and premium pig skin leather lining. Plus, it’s handcrafted in Brazil.

Another model that’s worth checking out is the Reef Bantu shoe, what with its premium leather full grain upper with distressed and vintage finishes, molded wax texture cushion insole, molded rubber swellular traction out sole, slammed cup sole construction, and EVA compounds for odor management on the insole, among its features. I’m sure I’ll also look good if I wear the Reef Spiniker Mid NB. It has Reef molded rubber swellular traction outsole, removable and washable insole for function and travel, odor management EVA insole, molded wax texture cushion insole, and die cut leather labels inlay on the outsole.


Lee Jong Suk & Ha YeonSoo x SKIN FOOD 2013 CF Model

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Recently on the news, Lee Jong Suk & Ha YeonSoo are now the new faces of the brand name SKIN FOOD for this 2013. Beside this information, I wanted to give weight on the Korean Fashion trends this year 2013 which can be seen at these guys styling here. For Korean girls. They are fond of showing their legs most of the time, but they haven’t usually wearing this sexy top which can shows their back area and chest area or these cleavage type of dress where we can usually seen at these western peeps.

You can check out the video below for you to know further details about this Korean fashion trend 2013.

Video Credit:

For guys, I’d often see them wearing this skinny ankle pants , like what the guy wearing on the top photo, and they usually pair it with the nicely dress shirts and have it tuck-in to be it looking neat and yet the swag in it already. Also remember that you’ll have to have this brogues type kind of shoes in you for the total look.

Team B of WIN performed Baby By Justin Bieber ( Korean Version )

This isn’t my first time actually to heard an Korean version of this song of Beiber entitled Baby. Actually, most Korean artists converted or got them own version of some of these well known English songs like this Baby which I recently heard from this so called Group B of the TV show called “WIN”. I simply found this version great and dopeness happening to it. Look, they’d either added some rap in it which made the song more lively and catchy in away through the arrangement of the song itself. Though I really cant understand the Korean language or Hangul and yet it still like understandable on my end because of their way to sings it, also, as we all know that song or music is our international language already.

Alright, I just wanted to share to you this video though I haven’t got any further details in hand yet regarding it even on their currently running TV show now up there which the “WIN”. However though, as I got time these days ahead and as I fond myself for searching details about the TV show. No worries, Folks! I’ll surely update you all in here as you, yourself look forward to know the show they’d having these days at their country, South Korea.

Thanks so much and I hope you’ll have a great weekend and start the weekdays with an happy hearts. 🙂

Popular Kpop Artists

As you all know that this site,, is mainly tackling about Kpop Fashion and their Musics. However though, since the blog is in at the entertainment in away, right? I think, putting some entertainment related topic in here is also doable and cant go far at my main blog niche. I think so.. That’s why I’ve decided then to put up all the Popular Kpop Artists that I know which most of the avid fans out there are keep on patronizing these days and look forward to.

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Of course, first on my list was this all boy Kpop group called Big Bang. And as I know they were the most in demand in both local and international musics industry today that made them the most leading with all Kpop groups at this times. They made some collaboration songs already with these Hollywood artists like Wil I Am and the rest of the Black eye peas members and more. I will enumerate all the artists they’ve done to collaborated with by my next post because they’re such a bunch to include though.

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And my second pick was this group named as ” B2st or other called them Beast” they are the one behind the theme song of the TV series ” the Princess” if I am not mistaken myself to it.hheehe they also sang some popular kpop songs such as : Beautiful, I’m sorry, Shock and many more. They have also a lot of fan based in both online for international and locals. They’ve been won too some bunch of trophies and recognitions by their born talents and to the craft they’re all pushing through.

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Lastly, I was fond to include this newly group called EXO because they’ve been the most Popular tag over the Google search as well with some well known personas’ Google +1 accounts too where I based in these. They are the one behind the song Growl which is the most played song today in both locals and international radio stations either to MYX. Alright, that will be all for now and I will listed out the other artists on my next post that supposedly be up next week.

Sultry Women on Video

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I am always updated when it comes to fashion because I often read magazines and watch fashion TV shows. I consider myself quite an expert because of this. I especially love streetwear fashion and Korean fashion. Actually, I am a big fan of the KPop revolution. Other people on the other hand get a kick out of watching movies, listening to music, cooking, dining out etc. There are also those who enjoy reading men’s magazines and watching a lot of porn and have wilder tastes. The bottomline is, people are indeed different in many ways and everyone has weird hobbies sometimes.

There is a proliferation of many adult websites nowadays. There is nothing wrong with this as long as you are above 18 years old and mature enough to know that these are things that should not be taken too seriously. is one widely visited porn website full of young and beautiful porn stars. A list of their names are seen in alphabetical order. Men will surely find someone who is exactly their type. Looking through videos is also made easier by searching through Popular tag . A list of them can be seen in

Furthermore, visitors can click the Videos, Categories, Random, and Pornstars tabs to look for the videos they want to watch. Under the Videos tab are Newest, Top Rated, Most Viewed, Longest, and Most Discussed while the Categories tab has Asian, Amateur, BBW, BDSM, Bisexual, Blond, Brunette, Group Sex, Celebrity, Hidden Cams, Hardcore, Latina, Mature, Red Head, Teen, Threesome, Lesbian, and Interracial among others. Men will also like the naughty pictures that can also be found in the website. The site has a Live Sex tab where visitors can chat with the girls. Slutgarden has a Google +1 account where you will get regular updates on new videos.